37 posts tagged with social.
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Time to remove Facebook social sharing?
The "social sharing" option on posts (the single little icon off to the right if you haven't turned them off in your preferences) was first added in 2011, with Twitter and Facebook. Twitter was removed in September 2023. I think, given everything, we should also remove the Facebook option. And in general I'd prefer to have zero than one, no matter what the "one" site is. I don't have a strong opinion about what sites, if any, should be there. But perhaps we could come up with a consensus on two or three new options. (I've had some small discussions with the admins about this and they suggested a MeTa post to discuss.)
Masto and other accounts
As we know, a depraved billionaire bought [some of, kind of] Twitter. This thread is for discussion of where else you are for social media, such as Mastodon instances—and if you want, to tell others where to find you.
Icecream AntiSocial
In past years there have been icecream socials. Perhaps this year there can be an icecream anti-social! [more inside]
“I'll be there with Bells on! Ho ho!”
I'm playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game was just released and it's available on the Nintendo Switch. It seems like everyone is playing these days. Let's talk about our islands/towns. What fruit did you end up getting? There are five possibilities (not counting coconuts): apples, cherries, peaches, pears, and oranges. If you're up for it, let's share our Nintendo Switch Friend codes so we can visit each other's islands/towns. This is a super chill game and it makes me happy. If you have the opportunity, consider picking it up. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. Happy crafting, farming, shopping, & exploring friendos.
Following up on last month’s discussions: medium and long-term work
First, check out this other post today for necessary context and the immediate-term actions that the mod team is taking. This additional post is a roadmap for the future changes that we are considering, actions we have planned but haven't finished implementing yet, and some site issues that are not as directly related to the previous threads but tie into this process regardless. [more inside]
Following up on last month’s discussions: immediate actions and planning
Let's talk about how the MetaFilter community can be a more welcoming, comfortable, and equitable place for our non-white members. It's work that's overdue, from the moderation team and the community in general. There's a lot of context here, so read below before commenting. And it's vital that the voices at the center of this discussion are the community members with the most direct stakes in these issues, so if you're a member of the site's white demographic majority, you need to mostly be listening rather than speaking. [more inside]
MeFites on Find a Grave?
Want more site activity? Yes! When do we want it? Hopefully soon!
We've been chatting in the funding thread about a number of things, including the necessity of growing MeFi's userbase and creating a site climate that facilitates that. That discussion has a lot going on, so I thought it might be good to have a dedicated space specifically to talk about user site climate encouraging more discussion, commentary, and joining in on this community. That is: how can we as a community make this space enjoyable and interesting to engage in, both for strangers and each other? [more inside]
I see there's a Metafilter group on there, but it's dormant! If anyone's interested in following or being followed, just search for the group and you'll find me (I don't want to link that username with my metafilter identity). Thank you!
Happy to be back...
A little bug came across me, out of nowhere, and reminded me: MetaFilter! It's been a handful of years since I've posted, and over a decade since I joined - with the Facebook et. al controversies of the world, I am thrilled to be back on the first "social network" community I joined aside from the myriad forums of the late '90's and early naughties.
I am beyond thrilled to see that the same substance that drew me here to begin with is alive and well (HTML tags, yes!). Any other folks return after an extended hiatus? I have some profile work to do here but, feedback wise - is the magic still here? It still seems like it but we are fantastic at tricking ourselves into what we want to believe.
"Also On" Cleanup
We've tidied up a bit in the "also on" sites in your profile. First, the cleanup discussed previously has been done. Thank you to everyone who categorised websites on the wiki and made it easier on me (if no less saddening) to remove deceased sites. Second, Mastodon and Diaspora have been, after requests and discussion, added. [more inside]
Featuring MeFi's own MetaFilter
The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the creation of the library's Web Cultures Web Archive Collection. Archived sites of note run the gamut from Urban Dictionary to ¡Cuánto cabrón! to creepypasta to MeFi's own Metafilter. [h/t]
Adding mltshp and Ravelry support to profile page Social Apps
We're celebrating the launch of mltshp by adding it to the Social Apps options on profile pages (and deprecating mlkshk). While we're at it, we're also adding Ravelry support finally. Details inside! [more inside]
Let's follow each other on Pocket
Surely, there are many MeFites on Pocket. Their Friends function is the closest thing I've found to the social features on the dearly departed Google Reader Let's exchange usernames and become friends. [more inside]
In case you missed the memo
Pony Request: social app support for Patternreview.com
A low priority pony for sure, but I'd love to connect with other MeFites who sew over at Patternreview.com, if anyone else is over there. [more inside]
So... anyone interested in starting a Metafilter D&D campaign?
I hear tell that Roll20 makes it pretty easy to run campaigns online. I have basically no experience with D & D, but I keep running into people and podcasts that make it seem pretty fun, especially if you have a good sense of humor. Any nerds want to come help me figure it out? :D [more inside]
If You Use IFTTT Then Consider Sharing Recipes
As of yesterday there is an Also On option for IFTTT. If you use the service, please consider adding IFTTT to your profile page. If you are also creating MetaFilter-related "recipes" then please consider sharing them on the wiki. Thanks for adding this useful service to the list, pb!
Intersectionality or not?
Lately, the site consensus on social justice threads has seemed to be that if one group is discussing its experiences of mistreatment by another group, it is inappropriate for that second group to make the thread about them by talking about their own experiences of mistreatment, disagreement, etc. This thread seemed to take things back the opposite way. Should we be more consistent about this? [more inside]
Metafilter LinkedIn Group
Now that our leader has successfully added all of us to his friends list while pretending it was an accident (jk), I think it might make sense for there to be an expanded, private Metafilter LinkedIn group (not the public, totally barren one that exists now). Here's why: [more inside]
I put on my wizard's hat and robe
I have seen a fair few folks mentioning how much they'd enjoy playing Pen and Paper RPGs alongside their fellow MeFites in various threads over the past few months. If anyone is interested please drop in here and we can try to organise some play. [more inside]
Matt Haughey wants to connect with you on LinkedIn.
Who else is now connected to Matt? I got one and I told a MF friend of mine, who also got one! Are you networking for new mods, or did you get zinged by Linked In?
Instagram on Profiles
Pony request: add Instagram as a social app on profiles. [more inside]
It's kind of like D&D, except it makes you healthier, and might get a tan.
Are there any other MeFites on Fitocracy? Join the Metafilter group, and come get fit and level-up with us! We can be virtual running buddies. [more inside]
Political survey, now with two dimensions.
MetaFilter "Political Compass" Survey, 2011 Edition [more inside]
Shake It, Baby!
Would it be possible to add Mlkshk to the list of social apps we can add to our profiles? No rush, obvs. Thank you in advance for looking at this shaken, but not stirred pony!
Roma Pony
Is there anyway we can add Rotten Tomatoes to the list of social apps on our profiles?
Should I accept this friend request?
Goodreads group
MeFi'ers on Goodreads unite [more inside]
ya digg?
I've noticed a particularly pronounced uptick in the number of favorites comments are getting.
Has Metafilter become funnier, or more salient?
Or, you know.
Didn't there used to be a webpage that showed you all the Mefites' social-networking-website accounts that we have listed in their profiles? Or something? [more inside]
Can we add muxtape as a social service for the profiles? I bet a lot of mefites muxtapes up.
Social networking in meatspace.
I know the new social networking trends around here are stirring controversy, but I think there's room at metafilter for one more! I'd like to see a place to announce a less-than-meet-up and ask who's-going-to-be-at-local-event? [more inside]
book me
Could Shelfari be added as a social networking selection?
Wii friend code exchange
It Is Now Wii Friend Code Time
MetaFilter as social experiment hoax by mathowie
Does anybody know where that fake page that mathowie put up a few years ago when MeFi was down is hiding? This is the one where he claims that Metafilter was a social experiment in AI and that the vast majority of the writers here were simply software constructs. This was right after he got on the cover of some magazine, and said it was just some actor..... Thanks.
How close are we on Metafilter?
Amidst all the talk about grudges and nemesii; stalking and vendettas; personal beefs and antipathies, the fact remains that, when you've been on MetaFilter for a while, the chances are that you've also made a few friends - or, at least, established some pleasant, lasting empathetic online relationships. Are they - or can they be - considered friendships? Or are they better considered fleeting and virtual, ready to evaporate at the first hastily answered (or unanswered) e-mail, not worth the paper they weren't written on in the first place?