April 2016 Archives (all archives)
April 29
Inspired by Greg Nog's comment in an earlier MeTa, I want to suggest Keep MeFi Weird May. [more inside]
April 28
Comment about a boss always needing to be right
I'm looking for a comment that appeared on the Blue within the last few weeks about someone's boss (or former boss) who was unable ever to admit that they were mistaken about anything. [more inside]
April 27
Is MeFi depressing?
Hiring a new tech person, revisiting expectations
I mentioned yesterday in the post about pb moving on that we are, in turn, hiring a new tech person. We're looking both within and outside the MetaFilter membership, so please put the job listing out there! But this is also a big transition for the site, so I want to talk a bit about my, and your, expectations as we go through this process. [more inside]
The Best of All Possible News!
The world is a better place for all of us today because we now share a world with Duffell and CatastropheWaitress's BABY! [more inside]
April 26
*end theme from Incredible Hulk plays*
After nine years of fixing bugs and granting pony requests, pb is taking his leave as MetaFilter's technical wizard. Come inside and wish him well! [more inside]
This post is based on is sensationalised and scaremongering reporting and should be deleted. And then the ground should be salted so that no other post like it can ever grow again. [more inside]
April 25
Pony Request: MyTalk
Would it be possible to get the ability to filter MetaTalk posts by tags and create "My Talk"? [more inside]
April 24
Dead Pony Request
ObitFilter - Maybe it's time. Awesome people seem to be dying at an unprecedented rate, and the MetaFilter Front Page is filling up with Obit posts. Frankly, it's getting depressing scrolling the main site and seeing obituary post after obituary post. When someone famous dies we can generally assume that someone will post about it. Why not create a new section for Obituaries Only. This will keep the Main Page from being cluttered up with obituaries all the time, while still providing a space for them. When someone prominent passes, we can post about it "on the black," and when people hear about someone passing they can go to ObitFilter to join in the grieving without being distracted by election posts, cat videos, etc.
April 22
Amazon WP plugin?
The awesome Amazon affiliate plugin, which was kindly written and published by a mefite several years ago, seems to have gone defunct. Are there any good alternatives? [more inside]
April 20
Balancing IRL and Askme
Is it impolite or unethical (or even possible because of the rsvp function) to attend an IRL event to meet people and not reveal your online name? [more inside]
April 18
MeFites in Texas, Ecuador, and Japan
Nature is being a real mother right now in Houston, Ecuador, and Japan. Just wanted to put out a quick note hoping that Mefites and their loved ones in these different regions are all doing well and staying safe, and to invite folks to drop lines if they are struggling.
Check in app for people who live alone?
I feel certain that this was discussed on the green and I just am not figuring out the words that were used. Does anyone recall a discussion regarding various apps (I'm really looking for a text and not telephone service) that will text daily (or, alternatively, every other day) and, if no response is received within a specified time frame, will email pre-set contacts? I was hoping to read the input of others on mefi so that I don't have to waste time vetting services others here have already tried. [more inside]
April 13
Ad-blocker-blocker links
These user-hostile links are unreadable unless you are willing to disable your ad-blocker and expose yourself to malware. Should we consider a policy regarding posting them to the front page? [more inside]
April 10
Bad deletion debate
First deletion of topic. Second deletion (mysteriously described as "triple", presumably another person besides me and AlonzoMoselyFBI attempted to post the Globe future front page. One assumes others will as well).
On attempting to load the directed suggested repost location, my browser (Safari iPad) crashed due to excessive thread length. [more inside]
April 9
MetaFilter's increased public profile
In an article published by the Guardian's executive editor for audience today, MetaFilter is mentioned in the same breath as Facebook and Twitter as an example of a website which 'provide[s] spaces for different kinds of communities to gather', despite having only a fraction of the membership and the traffic of those two sites. This is just the most recent example of how MetaFilter seems to me to be enjoying a greater public profile as of late. Is this so (or am I just imagining it)? If so, why? Can the staff or other users shed any light?
April 8
thank you
I said goodbye to my sweet little dog yesterday. I want to thank this community for providing such kindness and guidance, without my even needing to ask. [more inside]
115: Boaty McBoatface, with barchan
Coasting in fashionably late, it's Ep #115 of Best Of The Web, wherein jessamyn and I chat with the geologirrific barchan about dunes, oil rigs, industrial accidents, her dog who also makes a couple cameos, and all kinds of MetaFiltery stuff. This show covers March 3 through April 7 and runs for just under two hours. [more inside]
April 4
Site of the Dead
Could I suggest that if you know some really interesting figure, you find some good info on them and post it now, before they're dead? [more inside]
April 3
You do it HOW?!
Yesterday I was trying to explain the great top sheet/no top sheet schism to a friend and it occurred to me that there should be a page on the metafilter wiki that lists all the threads that have exposed the shocking practices of our fellow Metafilterians. [more inside]
A whale of a thread
I'm trying to follow the 4000+ comment election thread, and it's getting really difficult. Links are not where they look like they are, lines of text are duplicated and overwritten. Now, in addition to the jumping-links behavior, I'm having trouble scrolling. The page will just sit there as I wheel, then jump a couple of screens, so I have to go back, which also doesn't go smoothly. It's becoming unusable. [more inside]
April 1
Paradigm shifting the edit window
We're kicking off a trial partnership with tech startup Spell, Actualy to reduce the moderation load of edit-window-related site activity. Help us test out the new process inside! [more inside]
Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote...
Today is the first day of the United State's National Poetry Month. In celebration, I was hoping my fellow metafites would share their favorite poems/lines of poetry.