June 2024 Archives (all archives)

June 17

A Bit of My Landlord’s Ear at last

Speaking of old AskMes, I finally found the answer to mintcake!’s question about an old MTV comedy bit that’s been taunting me for 12 years. A bit of my landlord’s ear!
posted by chrisulonic to MetaFilter-Related at 5:04 PM PST - 1 comment

Closing an AskMeta

What is the situation with a person closing their own AskMeta when they no longer need more responses, especially when there's a pile up going on? [more inside]
posted by Zumbador to Feature Requests at 10:28 AM PST - 23 comments

June 13

blog about interruptions and communication

I remember reading several years ago a blog post or similar about how some groups of people interrupt each other to show enthusiasm, framed as the author being explained this by a friend who he called Gandalf because he was a clever wizard or something like that. i'm pretty sure I read it hear because I remember a comment complaining about the wizard shtick. Does anyone know what I'm thinking of?
posted by bq to MetaFilter-Related at 1:10 PM PST - 6 comments

June 10

confirming - occasional chatty posts on the Blue?

I seem to recall that chatty posts on the Blue were discouraged, but that that's changed (hence the rise of the weekly-ish Free Thread). Can we confirm policy and maybe get it in the FAQ? [more inside]
posted by kristi to Etiquette/Policy at 1:41 PM PST - 20 comments

June 5

Team Threaded Comments

As requested, this is a MeTa post to discuss the derail that happened in this other MeTa post. [more inside]
posted by Diskeater to Etiquette/Policy at 5:14 AM PST - 868 comments [closed]

June 4

How to show and hide US political posts

Hi all, just a quick note about US political posts for those interested in them and those who are not. [more inside]
posted by Brandon Blatcher to Etiquette/Policy at 12:28 PM PST - 1 comment [closed]

June 3

Is "please no name calling" a big ask?

I'm bringing this up in regards to this comment, amongst many others. Is there a reason we can't just call Trump Trump? Is there a reason that we need to come up with some nickname like Lemon Husk for Elon Musk? Even TFG is confusing as some think it means "That Fucking Guy" when originally it was a quote from Biden about "That Former Guy" (which is still relatively demeaning). I think our community is better than silly name calling. I also think our community is getting so much better at accessibility that they would understand how, for some of us, jumbling letters in names just breaks or ability to interact with the content one posts. [more inside]
posted by a non mouse, a cow herd to Etiquette/Policy at 9:31 AM PST - 305 comments