August 27

Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?

I'm curious. Why did you deleted the CD swap thread Matt?

Characters turning into question marks.

Can any one see what is behind the box? (?)
I can't. I have tried every browser I have on two platforms, OS X and WinXP. Is this case for most people, and if so, why do people keep posting like that?

Eight front page posts in half an hour?

I've largely refrained from joining the chorus asking for some sort of throttle (one post per week, 2/3 posts per week, waiting period for newcomers, etc.), but Jiminy Christmas: Eight front page posts in half an hour? (number one, number eight.) Are you going to implement any of these post-flow-control ideas, Matt, or are we going to become "MetaFilter: A Firehose For The Thirsty"

Would user-defined style sheets be possible?

Would user-defined style sheets be possible? I'm wishing I could control the presentation of posts more than the customization tool allows (spacing, leading, etc.).

Worldproofing link submissions

Tech point. When previewing and checking a link, could the check be through a 'vanilla' proxy machine with no cookies etc.? That way logon/password and regional barriers would be evident. I'm thinking of links to sites like The London Times which has regional restrictions and subscription sites for which I have a members cookie (even though I may have forgotten this). Just because my machine can link doesn't mean that yours can.

August 26

namecalling in mefi al qaeda/iraq thread

No, dumbass... this isn't a war on weapons of mass destruction... it isn't a war on the fucking "concept" of terrorism, wherever it rears it's ugly metaphorical head... Al Queda is a threat to us. Iraq is a threat to us. Do i have to spell it out for you morons? it's a war on threats to us. motherfucking DUH.

Inexcusable. I could say more, but it would get ugly.

It's really old; is it still a double?

Front Page Posts. Is there a time limit before a topic is reposted? If something was posted a year ago, and you've got something new, or want to explore a different angle, how long should you wait? Or will any repost elicit a thread composed of "repost" and "how about some pancakes?"

Is it time to call a moratorium on posts linking to typical op-ed pieces?

Is it time to call a moratorium on posts linking to typical op-ed pieces? Special ones, outlandish ones, or provacative ones are fine, but one columnist's opinion (often of the "I think he/she/it/foo is bad!" type) doesn't offer much for discussion, they rarely have much in the way of supporting evidence or links, and their appeal is wearing thin.

like, you know

I can't stop laughing, I realize this may be inappropriate, but I happened upon this link, and reading the sidebar is comedy gold.

Did I do something wrong?

I'm sorry, I'm new here. Did I do something wrong? I realize I derailed the thread from the start (for that I apologize), but somehow I became the poster boy for two warring sides in a flame war riddled with insults and heated emotions. I like to think I tried to maintain a civil discourse at the beginning, unfortunately I went to sleep when it got really nasty. Should I have not posted at all? What went wrong here, I would like to know for future reference.

August 25

Some come for the snarky discussion

Danger! An idea is loose! KillkillkillkillKILL!

This guy is obviously an idiot and is best ignored.

Sir I hope your ignorance bites you in the ass.

Farenheit 451, anyone?

I'd like to ask this guy to blow me.

Fuck dumb bastard and your attempts at public debate.

Well! I'm glad to see that the standard of Metafilter discussion is as high as ever! We wouldn't want this place to sink to the level of Fark, Plastic, or Free Republic, heaven forfend.

August 24

How do you find inspiration for posts?

Mediareport hinted recently in his Russel Wright thread that items from the media should be no more than starting-points for building an interesting post. Perhaps it might be useful to share research strategies, tactics, tricks and shortcuts for those who enjoy building out of the blue front page posts. That is, those which aren't extracted or glossed from the news media or simply borrowed from existing weblogs.

How do people here go about googling, finding and selecting links? Does the idea for the post come first or do some people still go surfing in the raw, as it were, waiting for something interesting to turn up? And then build on it? Is there life outside Google? Are there any good online guides for direct research on the Web? Does haphazard, serendipitous, anarchic surfing yield worthwhile off-beat results or is it generally a waste of time?

August 23

What's up with all of these prefixes?

What's up with all of these prefixes? Do they mean something?
More inside...

Newsfilter's Greatest Hits

So in case you missed the posts linking to well-known news stories in well-known media outlets, there's now a post that collects them all for you. Nothing new here, just collected for your browsing pleasure. Call it MetaNewsFilter. Jeepers.

What constitutes a good post?

What constitutes a good post? Although there is no simple answer, perhaps we can get a general idea. Respond with a link to a post or thread that you think is good, and (briefly) explain why you think it is good. This thread can then serve as a database of good posts (and without needing any new code!) for future reference.

August 22

Why is it not ok to post repeats of old posts?

Why is it necessary to point out to an author, that something that they posted and is being discussed, may have been talked about a year ago? I see this at least 4 - 5 times a week. Point in case today. I personally think this very rude, and falls under the "If you don't have anything productive to say, don't say anything at all" rule. Am I then only one who feels this way?

RSS Problems

Does anyone else use the rss feed? I've tried to use it with a news ticker with little success. [more]

Comment problems

Can't post comments on metaFilter.

Is it time to reconsider a one-post-per-week limit?

A lot of days it seems like newer members make an equal number of posts compared to all other users combined. - jonah

His non-troll posts seem quite rare*. - websavvy

* - not to pick on hama7 again, just using his posting frequency as an example.

Frankly, there are too many things being posted now that we have all these new members ... - mathowie

Is it time to reconsider a one-post-per-week limit?

Can anyone explain why metafilter won't display correct apostrophes and open/close quotes?

Can anyone explain why metafilter won't display correct apostrophes and open/close quotes? I'm compulsive about them (I'm a graphic designer), they preview correctly, they work in normal html, but come up as question marks when posted.

some examples:

apostrophe: ’
open quote: “
close quote: ”

A suscpicion: maybe it's the spell check...


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