September 2

9/11 anniversary special policies?

There is an onslaught coming. In nine days it will be the one year anniversary of 9/11. What is our policy with FPP on that day? Are there guidelines for such "busy" day?

Why was my post deleted?

I've just posted a story to the front page, and for whatever reason, it appears to have been deleted. Now, that in itself is fine - I can handle the rejection! But I would however like to know *why* it was deleted. Is it not possible to have some form of message left to offending user, informing them of why their post has been deleted?

September 1

Questionable use of Ellen Feiss' likeness in this ad

While the fad still exists, does anyone else have an issue with the textad for the Ellen Feiss parody? (scroll to nearly the end of the page) I'm not crazy about promoting profit from the theft of someone's likeness without their permission, but then again, this isn't my site. Should the bylaws of the textads merely weed out offensive material, or should they extend to intellectual property issues as well? While they may be two different things, a recent story on NPR highlighted that cafepress is deleting "Ellen Feiss" related stores as fast as they are created.

August 31

MetaTalk Login Bug

MeTa login problem. I get this, when I try to log into MeTa from the login link at the bottom of a thread. I have no trouble logging in from the main MeTa page though.

eBay auction for MetaFilter song

I believe the oppurtunity has finally come for all MeFites to show their appreciation for Matt's efforts in keeping this community running.

And no, I'm not kidding either.

How about a "send it to a friend" button?

how about a button
press here
within a thread
and up pops
a tiny window
enter friend's email address
s e n d i t t o a f r i e n d !

August 30

Mozilla Disappearing Form

In Mozilla 1.1, when previewing a comment on metafilter, the comment form itself disappears (the text box and buttons). This, of course, means that you can't post a comment with Mozilla 1.1.

Broken URLs on Metafilter

I don't know if its just in IE or what, but several posts, the Gnod and post are the most recent examples, point to (for example). I looked at the source, and this only happens on the posts that don't specify http. Is this an IE only thing, or does that always happen?

Deleted MetaTalk post?

That's the first time I've seen a MetaTalk post deleted. Were we hacked, or was that the shortest MetaFilter membership on record?

Can I post links that I found on Fark first?

I visit several sites and it is interesting to note where a story appears first. More than once I've seen an article on Fark a day or two before it shows up here. I'm not complaining, I know not everyone reads Fark, but is there any sort of policy on this? I mean, I've considered posting articles found on Fark but never have simply because there are 50k Fark members, so anything there will show up on many Blogs, and is thus not likely to be new to a majority of MeFians. Am I wrong? I will only post a on the front page if I can find something that I think will be interesting and new. However that may be an impossible task. Yet it can be done.

Minor quibble with drop-down menu

Here's a minor quibble: when you sort the front page by "recent comments" the drop-down menu goes to "recent comments" accordingly and you can then select "date" and the page will reset.

However, if you choose "most comments" or "my comments" the menu goes automatically to "date" so you can't reset the page to date-ordered posts in one click. You have to, for instance, select "recent comments" and then select "date".

This is probably very taxing on the server. Is there any cleverer way round it?

[IE6/W2K Pro]

Spelling Errors on Front Page Look Bad

The front page represents us to the world. If we're going to take the trouble to post to it, can we doublecheck our spelling?

we rehash the same things over and over and over and...

One annoying feature of Meta: we rehash the same things over and over and over and...well, you get the point. And we say essentially the same things. Here's the idea: a Meta sidebar that includes common topics, with links to where they've been discussed. There aren't that many, and it would prevent this kind of post unless we come to some new situation where it's really needed.

What about requiring a valid e-mail to post?

How about requiring everyone who posts to have a valid e-mail accessable to other members, but only through a form mail, to hide the address for those who don't want it really public, and to protect addresses from farmers?

August 29

Registration is better closed

Okay. I asked it in a thread, and only got one response. My question for the masses (without an agenda) is this....we've obtained about 1500+ new users in the last 4-6 weeks. When do we start talking about turning sign-ups off again?

HTML breaks: bad form?

Are HTML breaks (br) bad form in a post?

This may be picky, but I'm a writerly-type. While I know a post is best as one paragraph, it's very tough for me to resist some type of break where grammar/common sense dictate a paragraph break should be. Still, I thought the above post was sloppy-looking or something when I actually saw it posted.

This is picky, but sometimes so are you : )

MeFi post degenerating into holocaust debate

The development of a fun-mefi posting into a debate about the nature of the holocaust - any productive outcome imaginable?

Would you be interested in a mefi garage sale?

Clav has an interesting idea. Would you be interested in a mefi garage sale?

Request to bring complaints about MeFi posts to Metatalk

God damnit! PEOPLE! Either participate in the posted thread as it is given, or IGNORE it. If you really have a problem with it, take it to MetaTalk and ask Matt to consider deleting it.

[whiny baby voice] "This is so tangentical..." This shouldn't be on a community blog it should be somewhere else.. blah blah blah!

Jesus Christ!

August 28

Login weirdness with Opera 6.04

Login weirdness with Opera 6.04: After I enter username/passwrd and hit 'login' the page stalls: just a white screen. If I open up another window and load mefi I'm logged in correctly, but the original window stays blank and has to be closed. Problem doesn't happen in metatalk login.

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