August 22

The Guardian had a short article on Metafilter

The Guardian had a short article on Metafilter today, saying "The good news is that memberships are open again, at a price. Pay at least $10 via PayPal or Amazon's Honor system and you can get posting rights." Full marks for effort, zero for accuracy.

August 21

Could we have a [more inside] feature to encourage people to keep their posts short?

An attempt at a solution to this [more inside]

So far on MeFi today: 16 posts, 57 links (external).

So far on MeFi today: 16 posts, 57 links (external).

Just an observation.

Time to remove the bold tag from MeFi front-page posts?

Time to remove the bold tag from MeFi front-page posts? I say yes. The unthinking over-use of bolded text seems to be spreading. Simple italics or using *this* works fine and doesn't light up the page so garishly.

Why are threads deleted?

What causes threads to be removed? Deep-linking problems, threats by lawyer or is it someone's political sensibilities?

Cold Fusion Errors

Is anyone else getting a Cold Fusion error when they hit

August 20

Bugs in Opera

Two things: 1) In Opera the spellcheck appears to be deleting my posts.
2) In the Opera browser the main page, but not metatalk or any of the comments, is blinking and resetting my scroll bars. It does look kinda cool but....

Can't login to MetaTalk

Mozilla 1.0/Windows 98:

Can't login to MetaTalk: get a can't find username/password message.

In MetaFilter: shortcut buttons below comment box (link, etc.) are not there.

Using Mr. Gates' product, things work just fine.

On shiftlist we're in the top ten best websites.

We're number [nospoiler]!!! We're number [nospoiler]!! Sorry, the new shiftlist of the 10 best web sites (evah!) is only in print right now, but watch this space to see for yourself very soon. If you want me to run down the list inside the thread, just ask.

August 19

my ideal of a perfect thread

Someone said that there needed to be positive as well as negative examples of Metafilter Behavior. This comes close to my ideal of a perfect thread.

August 17

NY TimesFilter?

NY TimesFilter? Is it just me or are we getting way too many single link NY Times editorial posts? [and other papers too - the Times is just more obvious to me]

Why did a post get such a small response?

I'm wondering about the meaning of small response to a posting. Is it because there is no provocation and little to add, or because the post is uninteresting to most people?

August 16


Dismissiveness. [more inside]

Your html done broke

Huh? How'd he do that, Willis?

Did anybody else find the wording of this FPP highly offensive?

Did anybody else find the wording of this FPP highly offensive?

August 15

Can't comment

Can't comment on Metafilter prime. Mozilla 1.1b. I get "Comment Preview:" but no comment box. It works in Metatalk however. I eventually had to resort to the evil IE to post a followup comment.

August 14

MeFi Swap - how is it going?

Can I just drop a quick post about MeFi swap? I know Dreama has a wonderful site devoted to the whole shebang, but i fancied the MeFi format to find out how it is going with people. Well?

August 13

Can't log in from the MeTa front page.

Clicking the metatalk link on the front page gave me the metatalk banner and the message below. I was finally able to log in to metatalk via the "category list" button in the banner. No doubt this is Godzilla-related.

It's an ad, but it's an old one!

In light of this discussion, and comments from matt... This thread seems to fit the bill for "not new" product announcement that only links to a marketing page. I know how much mac folks love their machines, but its not like this is the G5 announcement, right?

blogs talking about interesting jobs?

Does anyone know of sites/blog sections that let people talk about interesting jobs? My question springs from the IT Workers Get Back to Basics thread, particularly the guy who turned to music, the guy who wants to move to France and learn to make wine and the archeologist's assistant. I tried a couple of google searches, but didnt come up with anything that really yielded anything interesting.

I grew up in small towns and wasn't terribly outgoing, so I never got to talk to a wide range of adults about what they did and how they got to doing it in the first place. To me, it's one of the most interesting conversations you can have.

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