February 22

Is suicidegirls the first porn textad ever on MetaFilter?

Is suicidegirls the first porn textad ever on MetaFilter? It is certainly good to see such a liberal editorial attitude being displayed. Money does not corrupt. I wonder what their click through rate is, with the promise of naked girls and all? BTW I only clicked on it because I'm interested in goths and punks, and wanted to read their blog...obviously.

why was this post deleted?

For the sake of review, and so that we may all learn from the past in hopes of making a better future, why was this post deleted?

MeFi Chat

What do people think about creating some kind of Metafilter chat forum? It's been suggested by at least one other person, and might be just what Metafilter needs right now. Mefi long ago grew into a community with its own in-jokes, celebrities and infamous posters; in lieu of a chat forum in which to have casual discussions, a lot of the 'off-topic' stuff has spilled over into Mefi and MeTa, arguably decreasing the quality of many threads.

The return of a member and what happens next

at the emailed advice of a fellow mefier, i need to say something to all of you. no, this isn't a stunt for attention, or yet another thread to stir it with a stick...he tells me that my entry back into mefi has been rude, and he questioned why i did it the way I did. when I told him, he said i should tell the rest of you . more inside...

February 21

MeFi -> Wired

What's the deal with Wired? And now it looks like they are using MetaFilter as a source for stories. Note the dates in the following examples:
1(MeFi, Wired), 2(MeFi, Wired), and 3(MeFi, Wired). In example 3, they even link
to the same government pdf document. Or maybe they're just following tpoh.org around.

web design tool

I couldn't find a link to this anywhere, and I think it's a great tool, if, like me, you are crap at web design (in the limited sense of making all the pretty colours harmonize) but still like to fiddle around a bit with it. Hope you find it useful.

Neale's MSBlog review is a gag, right?

Neale's MSBlog review is a gag, right?

What's with shit weasel?

What's with shit weasel?

Maybe there should be a limit on MetaTalk posts.

Suggestion: Limit users to one MetaTalk front-page post per week.

Comment bug

Front page: Take a Virtual Hajj Tour (via beliefnet)...
posted by adnanbwp at 8:42 AM PST - 4 comments

Inside: Take a Virtual Hajj Tour (via beliefnet)...
posted by adnanbwp at 8:42 AM PST (3 comments total)

MoneyFilter for MetaFilter

MoFi4MeFi (MoneyFilter for MetaFilter): Last September, Matt asked the following: What if I killed [MeFi] sometime in the future, and brought it back, but you had to pay a small membership fee or some other 'high' barrier to entry? That'd keep the crowd small, manageable, and only those that really cared to discuss things would contribute. Would that make things better? Worse?

The discussion that followed did not necessarily address the question (a few positively responded to a subscriber-based MeFi). Maybe, this idea needs to be reviewed again. [more inside]

Can we just ban people for being stupid?

Can we just ban people for being stupid?

My br0wz0r is 0wnz0r3d

My br0wz0r is 0wnz0r3d. I can access Metafilter & Metatalk but nothing else. No yahoo, no google, etc. etc. etc., none of the links.

February 20

Any update on the Ticket Stub project?

The Ticket Stub Project still looks like an excellent idea. Apart from the personal stories who wouldn't enjoy, for instance, capsule reviews written by fellow MeFis of concerts, plays, sports events, etc? Is there any chance of it taking off soon? Would each "ticket stub" capsule stand on its own or would there be comments and queries allowed? Is anybody else intrigued by this project?

thread closed but I NEED to comment!

Okay, so the comments got closed on the teen log generator. But I just couldn't... [more]

Too many links in post

How many links does a front page post have before they become irritating?

February 19

how many people actively participate in MetaTalk?

All this recent navel gazing has me wondering--is there any way to see how many people actively participate in MetaTalk? An informal count of the front page posts just now puts it at about a 1/3 who may not even know there's all this discourse going on behind the scenes (based purely on if they have posted any comments or links, they may be lurking). No ponies needed, mathowie! Just curious if any of the MeFi Coder Brigade has come up with anything to generate that sort of info. Thanks!

Come with me and take on the Mefi burden.

The Kafster's comment got me thinking. Anyone want to join me in refraining from posting anything "hot button" or anything so far left or right that all it will get is a bunch of flames? Come with me and take on the Mefi burden.

February 18

Jose Saramago joins Metafilter

An appeal: "I've stopped posting to the front page" is increasingly said by our most experienced and respected posters, sometimes with an absurd sense of pride. Various reasons are given - usually to do with some decline in standards or overcrowding.

What would happen, though, if everyone stopped posting links? What would be left? Surely quality can't be promoted by inactivity. It's easy to criticize and go on about how MetaFilter is going downhill. So why don't critics lead by example? Would it kill them to post good links a little more often? This would probably be the best way to quickly raise the standard here and restore the "glory days". As it is, not to be rude or anything, it looks more and more like a "put up or shut up" situation.

February 17

What happened to the reading discussion?

What happened to the reading discussion? I signed up at Yahoo, read the Tax Inspector, and never heard a thing?
Is there s discussion going on somewhere?

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