February 27

Callout for awesomeness

Kudos to Kottke for initiating and hosting one of the best metablogging discussions of recent weeks. (Cf. Andrew Sullivan's blogging manifesto.) It never rains but it pours.

February 26

What's Wrong With MetaFilter

This is the best write-up of what's wrong with metafilter to date. Especially the graphs and illustrations. Fine work, mr. edrants.

MetaFilter Letters

Perhaps I'm seen as a soft touch or something but people keep emailing me with requests for posting links, comments or just general attitudes. Mostly they're honest reactions to discussions here. Or interesting suggestions.

There certainly seems to be a lot of occasional readers who feel strongly about the issues discussed here. Could there be the equivalent of a Letters category on MetaTalk, for readers who aren't members to react to the threads that exercise them? At least until registrations are open again? As a fan of letters sections in newspapers and magazines, my opinion is that it would make MetaFilter even livelier.

Single source post?

Is it kosher when an infrequent participant here posts links exclusively from a single source?

MeFi on O'Reilly

O'Reilly discussion betwen Steven Johnson, David Sims and Rael Dornfest touches upon MeFi.

Sims. A blog tribe.

Johnson. Yeah

Dornfest. Metafilter comes closest to that of the things I've seen. It still has a personality, but it's very much a group dynamic.

Callout: "fat, lazy, no discipline"

"In the end, it is true that fat people are lazy and/or have no self discipline . . . "

Leading to "idiot troll" accusations. Ugliness. And I didn't join in for a change!

February 25

Getting my local time on posts instead of PST

How about, when previewing a comment, showing the current time in much the same way that the actual posted comment is flagged? (more)

Something fishy about this comment

In an old MeTa thread, there is a comment by WIL WHEATON (just below this one) that has an invalid timestamp/comment link, and when I try to get his member info, it sends me here. Is this some sort of masterful cloaking on wil's part, just a bug, or is he part of the cabal of mefi users who cannot be traced by their user profiles?

NYTfilter - is weblog technology here to stay?

NYTimes: Is Weblog Technology Here to Stay or Just Another Fad? You have to wonder how many times they can write the same damn article.

How about subtly altering the color of every other post?

I have trouble sometimes telling posts apart when people use multiple paragraphs. How about subtly altering the color of every other post to improve readability? For example alternating white and light grey.

Amazon donation bug

Clicking on the "Donate" link brings me to the Amazon donation page, then kicks out to the home page. I'm using MSIE 5.5:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461)

Anyone else ever dream about Metafilter?

Ok, I know this is gonna sound really weird, but I guess I got totally involved in this thread, because when I went to bed last night, I dreamed that Matt asked me to take over his admin/moderator duties for the day. It was a bizarre dream, I tells ya. There's no way I'm qualified to do that, I don't even know how to code! Anyone else ever dream about Metafilter?

MeFi Demographics: Let's have a census!

"The best mirror is an old friend." -Peter Nivio Zarlenga.
With all the questions about who make up us, is it time that we organized some sort of demographic survey of Whom Constitute Mefi?

Celebrity guest FPP idea

Random idea re "Celebrity guest" front page posts - perhaps invite Dvorak (or other chosen person) to become a guest for a day (or permanent member), brief him on how its all works, allow him to front page post anything he chooses, and have all the ensuing commetary with his participation. Other choices might be Colin Powell (oops this isnt MTV), Tom Friedman of the NYT (so often linked to), even Andrew Sullivan, etc etc. Just a thought.

Dvorak's back and he's Annnngray!

Dvorak's back in the second of three promised installments, where he boisterously calls out the Cluetrain gang and webloggers...

February 24

Was I out of line?

Curious (especially in light of the previous thread in MeTa) about whether I was out of line in this exchange. Please note olav's posting record and his homepage URL.

Shilling on MeFi

Lame, lame, lame. Something just occured to me, and it is worth mentioning. thebwit is the guy that owns the domain bigblogtool and is a big supporter of his pal ruzz' creation. In the previous thread, he poo-poo'd Blogger Pro to hype BigBlogTool, which I called him on, but it turns out he doesn't run the service. Now, he posts a thread about hacking a competing product, greymatter. Ruzz says it's a good post, and shits on the community while doing it. I know this time around, they're not working together to openly push BBT, but they are dissing greymatter in arguably the biggest weblog community they could. And look, here's the same post, but with a plug for BigBlogTool. thebwit also used the ever-impartial WeblogReview to post about the hack, and conveniently the footer of every message reminds all that the post was made with BBT.

Here's a tip ruzz and thebwit, don't use MetaFilter to shill your product or shit on your competitors, and your current marketing practices are a bit transparent, to say the least.

Is Metafilter a Boyzone?

[Mistakenly posted this on MetaFilter - apologies for category error]

Is Metafilter a Boyzone? Was recommending MeFi to one of my girl-pals, and she came back to me with the following: "interesting...but it's a bit of a men's room, isn't it?" When pressed she cited postings like sex classes, gross-out cartoons, nerdish obsession, flimsy pretexts for nudity, and whiny self-pitying threads about failing manhood. Somewhat surprised, and in mild defense, I cited back postings on the horror of honour killings, drag queens talking about false breasts and male self-parody. Now she's actually v. pro-men, and no knee-jerk feminist, so she's got me wondering: Are we? And if so, does it matter?

February 23

Is there a way to include the TITLE attribute in front-page post links

Is there a way to include the TITLE attribute in front-page post links? Obviously it's trivial to add this to any hand-coded hrefs you include in your description, but not in the main link via the submission form. And what's the word on pimping the site where you found the link? Should we manually give credit in the description, or should a VIA field be officially added?

February 22

"Write a better weblog" article

Surprised this hasn't surfaced here, but Dennis Mahoney has written a "Write A Better Weblog" article. He makes some good points, some of which many (myself included) MeFi'ers could stand a lesson in. And, you've gotta love the great Hemingway quote.

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