January 17

MetaTalk archives?

It's a pity there is no MetaTalk archives. Occasionally I take a few days off to actually get work done and I feel like I'm missing something important.


MeFiSea! Another bowling night anyone? I was thinking maybe Sunday, February third, mid-day.... at Sunset Bowl. Or another date/time/location? All I know is we all very badly need to get out of the house.

My Comments is not initially an option in the Sort By pull-down

Minor bug: My Comments is not initially an option in the Sort By pull-down, it only appears once any of the other sort option have been selected. IE 5.0, NT 4.0.

Mefi Not London, then?

Mefi Not London, then? With all the talk in that earlier thread about Mefiers in the area around the capitol, it would be interesting to know where other British Metafilter regulars live... and whether we can plan a get together also...

The Scooby Doo gang rides again

The Scooby Doo gang rides again: David Cassel mentions MetaFilter's crack investigative skills (and quotes headspace) in a piece about Coincidence Design.

January 16

Apology for Actions (Jonmc, JakeExtreme): DreamFilter

Two-Part Post. One, I'd like to pre-emptively apologize for me and JakeExtreme's excessive silliness is yesterday's Al Qaeada thread. Nobody's said anything and I suppose no harm was done, but reading the posts this morning, I feel kinda stupid. Jake is gonna be in SLC on Guard duty for the olympics for a month, so it was kind of a farewell party. But we hijacked a good thread. So, sorry.
Two, last night I was staring at a blurry blue and white computer screen, dying to type, but my hands wouldn't move, I struggled then...I woke up. I actually dreamed I was reading Metafilter! Has this happened to anyone else? And what does it all mean?

It's hard to avoid double posts when you're travelling

Trip Observation #3 : I don't know if others share this problem, but I have now learned the hard way to think twice before posting to Mefi while traveling (now being 2 for 2 on deleted double posts during the past 4 days, even after searching prior to posting.) So much happens on Mefi in short time periods that searching is not enough, I need to also carefully read any posts and comments I have missed, and also search, before posting from the road. So apologies for the inconvenience to Matt , to the private emailer kindly alerting me, to commenters publicly noting it, to readers re-reading old stuff, to anyone else I have forgotten.

Opinions sought on Photoshop Tennis

Photoshop Tennis: Has been much discussed here at MetaFilter. As I'm writing a small article about it for a Chicago Arts magazine, your opinions would be appreciated.

London Meetup

MeFi London then? I have the organisational skills of a Pickled Herring, so hopefully someone else will have all the ideas ... just testing the water to see if anyone else is interested.

January 15

It was a double? That hurts my feelings

Though it may make someone more hesitant to participate in the future, unless we are given a way to delete our own messages (or an easy way to alert someone who can), telling us that we've posted a duplicate link is nothing but a condescending tactic of metafilter bullies.

Time for a non-propietary weblog-ping service?

Time for a non-propietary weblog-ping service? It seems Winer is picking and choosing which blogs get listed on his ping-service depending on his whims. Is it time now for the weblog community to move away from this?

capitalizing usernames.

A minor etiquette question, really, regarding punctuation and capitalization. Join me inside, won't you?

Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs?

Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs? Was it ever? It seems a bit staid and badly classified. The last category, for instance. is a mess. Yet, for rookies like me, it delivers.

So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?

Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses.

Anonymous MeFi troll duels with self. Loses. Seems apparent that moolafoo is trying to piss someone off here, but who? Darkaru? Metafilter? America? Granny? Ah well, doesn't matter anyway: he namedropped Hitler earlier in the thread, so according to Godwin the troll-attempt was dead on arrival.


Multi-post (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Also my own double.

The server was hiccupping.

January 14

yet another question for the ages

Courtesy Blogdex, yet another question for the ages: What Kind Of Internal Organ Are You? Me?

from Blogger or Greymatter to MT

I've seen very little commentary on the web about using Moveable Type, other than people who use it generically saying that they like it. Has anyone here moved from Blogger or Greymatter, and can you comment on what aspects you like,miss, or wish were better fleshed out? I think that there are a lot of us that aren't ready to roll our own PHP that could use some input.

MeFi in The Times

Metafilter mentioned in an article in The Times on weblogs. (free access will expire in 7 days).

Good link and good discussion

Good link vs good discussion: Which is more important? And why is it so difficult to find both in a FPP lately?

No-favorite-bands policy

"I like this band. What band do you like?" Oy... Should there maybe be a specific no-favorite-bands admonishment in the link guidelines?

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