January 21

SXSW 2002 meetup

So, SXSW 2002. Who's going? Maybe it would be a good time for a MetaFilter gathering?

Snark will be the end of MeFi

It's not the petty insults, it's the rank, disrespectful and pretentious sarcasm that's ruining discussions on MeFi. This thread is only the latest example. As discussions go, its useless. The topic, however, merits a reasoned dialogue. I could cite a few examples in which I've crossed the line. I feel comfortable that I've held my worst instincts in check most often; others have not.

It gets worse all the time. It's now customary among the hawkish set to lead off every comment with a sarcastic jibe, instead of an honest reaction. > >

MetaFilter World Trade Center Design Contest

This thread is for the discussion of the suggested MetaFilter World Trade Center Design Contest (I'm not even going to attempt an acronym for that one)

Please comment and criticize away. Particulars that need discussion include: how to enter? how to judge? etc.

Metafilter DNS change?

Metafilter DNS change?

I can no longer reach the site using http://metafilter.com, I have to add the 'www'.

custom stylesheets

Not that don't like the look of MetaFilter, but I think it would be nice if the Customize page had a textarea field for specifying custom stylesheet rules. More inside...

Sharing Userids

*This is Mrs. thatwhichfalls posting, I am responsible for all my own comments*

Regardles of the merits of the FPP, shouldn't a new user go ahead and sign up, post a few comments, get a feel for the place, and earn the right to post to FP?

Flak from Requesting Spoiler Warnings

Make a simple suggestion and not get flak? No way." (more inside)

Gossip filter?

Metaquette: What do you do if you know a piece of wonderfully juicy news (and substantiated with the appropriate sources), but the news is yet to break world-wide (say, two/three days away) and there is no link? Can you make a FPP? Should you be linking news at all? Huh? HUH?

January 19


While the Ben & Jerry's thread ended up fine, it was one of the most extreme examples of a poster playing "talk-show host" I've ever seen. If jonmc didn't want a discussion of a band's merit, then why bash them in his original post?

New mefi t-shirt design

I'm working on some metafilter t-shirt designs, bascially just a slogan of some sort on the front, and the logo on the back. let me know what you think of these...

January 18

Some of the new words included in the Oxford English Dictionary online

Girl power, grrrl, riot girl, f*** me . . . just some of the new words included in the Oxford English Dictionary online.

Are people ever going to mellow out on the double post callouts?

jesus christ. Are people ever going to mellow out on the double post callouts? A couple times in the past week, I've met someone that knows about the site, and their first comment to me is "everyone there loves to bitch about a double post, I never post there because of it"

When did Salon start requiring a WELL account to use Table Talk?

I know I missed the boat but when did Salon start requiring a WELL account to use Table Talk? And why would anyone join the most prominent online community so they could post to Salon? Does that make sense to anyone?

January 17

Online personality tests in NYT

The New York Times' Online Diary (scroll down to "I'm Paul!"): Online personality tests are a long-running Web "meme," or viral idea. No mention of MeFi, or how agonizing tests are, or ways to cure people's obsession with the danged things, but you can't have everything, I guess. [Login: metafi/metafi; pony not included.]

thisislondon crashes IE for me. you?

Clicking on this link: http://www.thisislondon.com/dynamic/news/story.html?in_review_id=489715&in_review_text_id=447099shuts down my browser (IE5)...sad part of it was that it happened about five times before I figured out what was going on. Since folks are commenting, I presume it's not happening to everyone? Just tried it three more times, same thing. You know, I saw a white van with some strange antennas on it driving around here earlier...

Why was the post re Terry Jones' bit about grammar and war deleted?

Why was tpoh's post re Terry Jones' bit about grammar and war deleted? Or is it only sleeping? Off pining for the fjords?

It seems that personal attacks are on the rise

Here is the latest example of something that's been bugging me. It seems that personal attacks are on the rise, at the expense of debate that focuses on the thread topic or rational criticism of poor posts. More inside.

MeFi Bingo

Oh this ageless double post!
[original May 2001 thread here.]

MeFi on Howard Stern

I got an email from someone saying they heard about metafilter "on the stern show." Does anyone know of any online archives of it? I can't seem to find any at howardstern.com, koam.com, or any of his affiliate sites.

Can we please talk civilly about... the Olympics? (2002)

I'm really intrigued here. A perfectly good thread (well maybe not great) about censorship of the Olympics, derailed by general revulsion towards a religion. Some tried to get back to the point, but the damage was done. Are all posts voicing concern over how the 2002 Winter games are run doomed to the same fate?

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