77 posts tagged with Ask.
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I could still have time to delete this
A formal proposal for allowing users to anonymize or delete their own posts and comments as part of the new site. [more inside]
what's the word for when you know this was on metafilter
What's it called when you sing along with the instrumentals? This was a question on Ask within probably the last 5 years, and I recall it was answered almost immediately. Yes I would like to know the word, but I'm also a little miffed that googling for it didn't immediately bring up the green, and I would also like to see how badly I'm remembering the post.
Asked and Answered
I hate unsolved mysteries.
I feel like the current UI/UX of ask.metafiler.com does not lead to closure. [more inside]
Don't feel like dancin', dancin'
I'm looking for Ask MeFi questions written by people who don't like dancing and/or are bad at it and want advice on how to change that or make peace with it or tell friends about it, etc. Here are some I've already found: one, two, three. Can you help me find any others?
Tiny AskMe
In the spirit of the Bad at Life thread, how about a "tiny fixes" thread? Things that are too embarrassing or not worth burning an Ask question on. [more inside]
comfort reads compilation
hi all, ask usually gets a question about comfort or easy reads every month or so. Has anyone done any compilations?
... and if not, who has an opinion on the best way for me to make one? [more inside]
My Ask Odometer just turned over 12345!
I just noticed that I have exactly 12345 answers on Ask! People post photos of their car odometers when they hit sequential numbers, but I don't own a car, so I'm marking this milestone instead. [more inside]
Best Ask advice on surviving a breakup
I just had a shitty breakup, and I don't survive post break-ups well. But the Hive is full of wise loving people who give good advice, so please share all the good Ask threads and comments you've seen and loved. I know ya'll have good things stashed away in your favorites.
Thank you all for the wedding advice
I'm getting married on Saturday. While it would have happened without help from Metafilter, the help I've gotten in my Ask questions has made my life a lot easier. This is a big thank you to everyone who helped in those questions. [more inside]
Mefi: the reason for Reply All
In this episode of the Longform podcast, Alex Goldman of Reply All credits AskMefi for getting him on the path to radio.
Ask: "vegetables for people who don't like vegetables"?
At some point in the past year (I think?) there was an Ask looking for vegetable recipes and recommendations for people who don't like vegetables. The search term "vegetables for people who don't like vegetables" isn't turning up what I'm looking for. Does anyone remember this?
Trying out two Ask MetaFilter questions per week!
We had a discussion earlier this year about allowing two Ask MetaFilter questions per week, and I think it's worth a shot. Today we're rolling it out, and we'll see how it goes. [more inside]
Multiple AskMe Posts a Week: An Ideas Whose Time Has Come
Comrades, I think it's time to revisit the idea of allowing users to post multiple AskMe questions in a week. In the past I have gone on record as being against this, but upon further reflection I realize it was merely kneejerk, reactionary fear of change. Let us embark together down this unknown road. [more inside]
Witness the power of a fully operational hivemind
Ask Metafilter, the internet's go-to source for sane, competent advice and information, reached its 300,000th question this week. (Previously, 200,000 and 100,000.)
Questions Left Unanswered
"Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question." -- Tennessee Williams
We have so many of these on AskMeFi. We can fix that! [more inside]
Slack Blog discovers Ask v Guess
Slack blog on Ask v Guess Culture in the Office. Link to the original thread in the first paragraph, along with a clarifying interview with Metafilter's own tangerine. The author of the post appears to be someone who has some familiarity with Metafilter community norms.
thank you
I said goodbye to my sweet little dog yesterday. I want to thank this community for providing such kindness and guidance, without my even needing to ask. [more inside]
Ask Mefi calming description of going to a shop or office
I remember an ask metafilter answer that I'm trying to find - it featured the asker having anxiety about visiting a shop or office, and wanted to know what it was going to be like. The answerer wrote a very long, detailed response about what the asker might experience - such as "you will stand in line probably for x minutes, then be called to the front where you need to say 'I'm here fore xyz' and present such and such paperwork." Something along those lines! Very grateful if anyone else remembers this.
Out of the Blue, episode #1: The Snail That Wouldn’t Die
In 1846, a dead snail was glued to a specimen card in the British Museum. In 1850, somebody realized that the snail…wasn’t so dead after all, kicking off a curious story of molluskular stoicism that charmed the mid 19th C. science-and-nature circuit. But what went on in the ensuing 150 years? Site user "nicebookrack" wanted to know, and posted question to Ask MetaFilter asking, well, whatever happened to the snail that wouldn’t die? [more inside]
Are you married to someone Ask MetaFilter told you to dump?
There is a lot of DTMFA in Ask posts. Often, there's a lot of DTMFA in response to questions which involve a romantic relationship, but where the question is of the form "Who's right?" or "Where should we live?" or "Should we buy or rent?" but not "Should I D this MF?" I was just wondering: are there a lot of members who are now in marriages or other more-or-less permanent relationships with partners who've been the subject of dump-urging pileons in Ask? Or did all of you actually D the MFs as instructed?
How do "recommended" questions work on My Ask?
I always visit AskMeFi via My Ask. I have three categories turned off that don't interest me: Human Relations, Pets & Animals, and Work & Money. However, several of the 14 questions listed as "recommended" for me in the right-hand sidebar at the present moment fall into categories I don't want to see (three are in HR, one in W&M).
I realize this list is, of course, machine-generated, but it would seem to make sense that if I've excluded a category in My Ask, a question in one of those categories should not get recommended for me. Mods, how exactly is the recommended list created, and any thoughts on tweaking how it works?
New mobile ads for logged-out readers on Ask
Just a heads up: we're testing out a new ad provider for logged-out, mobile site readers in Ask Metafilter threads. [more inside]
Small request for verbose Ask users
I tend to type too much stuff above the fold for questions in Ask. I understand the reason for the word limit, and I think it's a good idea. However the warning that you're over the limit is low on information. It would be helpful, if the site is already checking for word limit, to let you know how far over you are so that you have a better idea of where to cut. This wouldn't even have to be dynamic, like Twitter's character length checker, just something that's included in the warning. Is this something other people would like, and would it be easy to implement on the technical end?
Tourette Syndrome Update
One of the first Ask questions I ever asked was about my Tourette Syndrome. A few different commented or contacted me to say that they'd never seen TS described so accurately before. I recently rewrote and expanded that comment into an article for xojane, and as a result, have been asked to present a keynote speech at the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada's yearly conference in October 2015. [more inside]
Metafilter gets a Mention
How do you search AskMe?
How do you search through old askmes? I find tags pretty useless because I doubt they catch everything I'd want to find on a given subject. Google search limited by "site:ask.metafilter.com" is my main go-to, but on a broad topic, it is pretty useless as well, also it doesn't seem to always find everything. When I have a question, I'd rather see if it's been covered before rather than ask it again, but trying to find those old threads and sort through them is often overwhelming. [more inside]
What if the answer is wrong?
I don't know for sure, but I think an answer to a question on AskMe is wrong. Do I ask about it there or here? [more inside]
Rules on ask metafilter
I have had questions deleted before for being "too chatty" but I see questions all the time that seem very chatty. Can someone tell me if you can post chatty questions?
Sometimes kids have borrowed something from the family wardrobe...
I'll be damned if this thread doesn't prove that AskMeFites are the nicest people in the world. [more inside]
A Pony with a Green Check Cutie Mark
So if you look at an Ask thread on its own, best answers are marked with a distinct background.
However, in Recent Activity, best answers are marked with a green check. That's because "my answers" are marked with a distinct background.
I find this unnecessarily confusing and would appreciate some consistency.
Ideas from the floor on the best solution are welcome!
What are your Metafilter white whales?
You know that one comment you read once, maybe about the kindergarten teacher who speciously reassures you, "I always put on a condom before I teach?" Maybe the all-time perfect Ask Me flowchart for reconciling your career decisions with your sexual kinks? [more inside]
oh hey guys here's a document that describes everything in detail, nbd
I really like it when an AskMe that could be pretty speculative is answered by someone unexpectedly coming up with an authoritative first-hand document. Anyone have other examples of this? [more inside]
All the therapy?
Did anybody ever do an analysis on what proportion of Ask questions get answered in some way with a suggestion to get therapy? [more inside]
Help locating an Ask comment about work
I have a vague recollection of a comment in AskMeFi about how to best document one's progress/achievement at work on a regular basis that I'd like to find. I seem to remember it was a suggestion about emailing your boss at the end of the week to let them know everything you'd accomplished that week and what your next steps were. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I thought I'd added it as a favorite, but no such luck. Thanks for any tips for where to find it!
Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins
Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
ask.mefi questions about getting clients
There must already be Ask questions about how to increase business/get more clients as a freelancer, but I'm not hitting the right search terms or something. Can anyone point me? Thanks!
Perhaps the AskMetafilter question form should point out that the title of the post does not appear on the front page? [more inside]
We were all eleven. Well. Most of us.
This AskMe thread is just fantastic. A not-simple question with so many great, empathetic, caring suggestions from people who were at one point up a similar creek trying to fashion any sort of paddle. POSITIVE THREAD CALLOUT. EVERYBODY HUG.
Help Me Help You!
Pony AskMeFi request: "No Best Answers" filter/tab. [more inside]
confused about how to successfully ask anonymously
If asked anonymously and waited for more than 4 days, and your question does not show up, does that mean your question was rejected? or it means you need to wait even longer. There got to be some response to it so you can decide on what to do next (rephrase your question, ask again using userid, or rephrase question, ask anonymously again hoping to get it pass through the second time). Please explain the policy to me.
reopen classic ask posts?
How about Ask classic, reopening a question or two a day to updated answers? [more inside]
AskMe Dis-ad-biguation
Google ads on AskMe pages makes them very confusing to read (for non-members who see them). Is it possible to visually separate them a bit more from the content? Or move the ads below the "More Inside" content?
Find the derivative
Biggest comment-to-favorite ratios? [more inside]
200,00 AskMe Questions
AskMe post 200,000 happened today. It's just 20k shy of double the number of posts on Metafilter.
Followup tab pony?
Could we maybe have a "followup" tab in AskMe? [more inside]
Thank you for existing, and for Ask's habit of suggesting therapy.
I decided to take the common advice AskMeFi gives and seek therapy (again) to get my SSRI's changed. [more inside]
This is why we have favorites, isn't it?
Working out while at work? I didn't imagine that post did I? [more inside]
Local Ask
Pony Request. Would it be possible to have a 'local' tab similar to 'My Ask' that displayed questions from users nearby? [more inside]
Pony Request: Save Draft for Ask Metafilter
I find myself thinking of questions I want to ask when it's been only 5, 7, 9 days from my last question. Then day 10 rolls around and I can't remember what it was. Then something else comes up, and I ask a question about it, and like clockwork the next day I remember what that VERY IMPORTANT (but not urgent) question I want to ask was. Would it be possible for us to save a draft of a question or of multiple questions while we are working on them/formulating our thoughts/waiting for the clock to run out?
Ask MetaFilter Travel Locations
Today we're introducing a new way to find travel questions at Ask MetaFilter: Travel Locations. [more inside]
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