133 posts tagged with askmefi.
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[RSS PSA] Reminder to update your MetaFilter RSS feeds
Last month, an apparent error in Feedburner caused several of MeFi's legacy RSS feeds to not update for up to a week (at least in my popular feed reader, Feedly). The problem has been fixed -- for now. But it's an important reminder that the Feedburner platform is increasingly unreliable -- if it were ever shut down by Google, the thousands of readers who rely on those feeds to keep up with the site may lose contact without even realizing it. The good news is that the site has a new set of self-hosted feeds that should remain active no matter what Google does. So, if you read the site using an RSS reader, please take a moment to update your reader to the new feeds -- and check the related posts on MetaFilter and Ask MetaFilter for a list of posts you might have missed during the outage.
positive feedback
this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
Metafilter does Adult ADHD
I know I've come across many good answers, comments, posts and questions about adult diagnoses of ADHD. Do you have any in your memory banks or favorited, followed or flagged you could share with me?
What happened to the MeFi Deleted sites?
Seems they haven’t been updated in a year or so. Searched the archives but couldn’t find any announcement.
I've lost my paint
I remember reading a post on either Metafilter/Ask Metafilter in which the comment section got onto the topic of white interior house paint. One person commented that "Such-and-such white paint is the best" with a link. Many people favorited it and I think several agreed with the declaration in subsequent comments.
I thought, "What is this great paint that people seem to love?" I clicked through to the paint color and thought, "oh yes, that really is a VERY good white interior paint color." Now I am in need of white interior paint, looking for that comment/link, and I can't find it.
My Ask Odometer just turned over 12345!
I just noticed that I have exactly 12345 answers on Ask! People post photos of their car odometers when they hit sequential numbers, but I don't own a car, so I'm marking this milestone instead. [more inside]
Bored enough to look at AskMeFi
Apparently someone at Bored Panda just spotted an old AskMeFi question that was answered by Mefi's own Adam Savage. And they posted about it. You can read it here. [more inside]
Best Ask advice on surviving a breakup
I just had a shitty breakup, and I don't survive post break-ups well. But the Hive is full of wise loving people who give good advice, so please share all the good Ask threads and comments you've seen and loved. I know ya'll have good things stashed away in your favorites.
Ask MeFi - follow up edition
I'm sure that I'm not alone in wondering how things work out in the case of particularly interesting Ask.MeFi posts. [more inside]
Metafilter Spotify account?
Given all the great AskMefi questions about playlist suggestions, would there be an interest in an official Metafilter Spotify account with playlists made based on each question? [more inside]
A whale of a Meta!
Halloween Jack posed a question in response to aniola's wonderful post about whales and literature.
“So, can any of you boffins on the blue tell me if there's a longer post than this one?”I thought it'd be nice to have a place to discuss that subject and share some of the longer posts that have managed to hit MetaFilter.
MetaWhat? MetaWho? MetaHuh?
I wanted to know what parts of this community do you sometimes forget, neglect, or outright ignore? Maybe it's lack of interest or maybe it's just something you keep forgetting exists? FanFare? Jobs? AskMeFi? Labs? Chat? Podcast? Are you only on the blue? What part of MetaFilter is pushed to the side?
Mefi: the reason for Reply All
In this episode of the Longform podcast, Alex Goldman of Reply All credits AskMefi for getting him on the path to radio.
Total Eclipse of the MetaFilter: US August 2017 edition
A catch-all Meta for MeFites to organise, enquire, wail about accommodation prices and relate their experiences about the August 21st 2017 solar eclipse which crosses the continental USA (total eclipse in 14 states, partial eclipse others and in three other continents). Please don't look at the sun directly or with dodgy glasses, but you can use your smartphone - though just don't miss it. Exclusive, traffic will be nuts, and some will do the Carbondale double. Disclaimer: other eclipses are available for other dates and countries. Obligatory link. [more inside]
I am library, how do I do?
Dan Hon has a Twitter thread going of neural network-generated Ask Metafilter questions.
Disposable YouTube playlists from recommendation threads
The other day I recommended some songs on an AskMeFi thread and, after some fiddling, I compiled almost all the links in two disposable YouTube playlists. Today, while catching up on a year of podcasts, I noticed that in Best of the Web Ep. 112 they talked about this exact issue and the partial solution that exists on Labs.
I figured I should share my notes with the rest of the class to figure out how to improve on this long-sought question. [more inside]
Searching For A Post About Helpful Tips
I'm looking for an old post from Ask MeFi where the ask was something like "what are your most useful life hacks?" and one of the answers referred to learning that you could tell which way to plug in a lightning cord by looking for the icon on the end of the plug. I have a vague memory that Quora was involved in this person's answer. I don't know if the person who answered specified this tip specifically or if they linked to a Quora site that had this answer.
I've searched here and Quora and can't find the thread. All help greatly appreciated.
At least three scenes with Homer.
I am trying to find a post that I could have sworn was posted to AskMetafilter within the last month, but my Googling and frantic searching through threads is not backing me up on that. [more inside]
AskMefi post on Leaning Out?
I'm having trouble finding a post on the Green about jobs that are good for a mid-career professional who doesn't want to do a lot of self-promotion or leadership. I'm pretty sure it wasn't posted within the past year, and I don't recall it being one of the librarianship-specific posts on introvert-friendly careers. Is this ringing bells for anyone else?
Should I eat this or not?
After reading this comment on this post, I have to ask, has there ever been an AskMe "can I eat this?" where the answer is 'yes'? Can we just add a line to the faq along the lines of "if you have to ask strangers on the internet, the answer is probably no" or "when in doubt, toss it out"?
Or are we just that fascinated by the never-ending parade of putrescent garbage that our dear readers desire to cram in their slavering pie-holes?
How is this awesome post and thread not chatfilter?
As much as I enjoyed participating in this thread about people's memories of 1985, and as much as everyone else seems to have enjoyed it (56 favorites and 121 comments on an AskMeFi thread -- is that some kind of record?), I have to wonder... how did it not get flagged as chatfilter? [more inside]
Are the 'deleted' blogs defunct?
The (as far as I know, unofficial) blogs for deleted MetaFilter posts and deleted AskMetafilter posts do not seem to get updated lately. Is something broken, or is something else going on? Does anyone know?
A Four Year Anniversary Thank You
A much deserved thank you to everyone who took the time to help me during one of the darkest times in my life four years ago. [more inside]
What are some Spotify Playlists made by Mefis?
Over the last year or so, I have absolutely loved every spotify album made by mefis. It is always a high quality compilation. [more inside]
A few great posts and comments this week on AskMefi
I want to point out a few good threads on AskMeFi this week: one on giving children allowance/chores, one on punishing others, and a great answer on suicide methods in the 1930s. [more inside]
666 posts tagged with death
Easily Googled AskMefi Questions
What are your thoughts on AskMefi questions that can be easily Googled and/or are based on erroneous information? (I'm thinking specifically of this question, which contains both factually incorrect details and could easily be answered with Google. There isn't a request for advice, experiential information, anecdata, or other relevant info that a search engine couldn't provide. What does everyone think? Is this a normal/appropriate use of AskMefi?
The hive mind is a genius
If anyone needed evidence of the utility of the MeFi Hive Mind, I submit for evidence this truly awesome question and its answers from AskMe. Good job, everyone!
Just wondering about the etiquette of threadsitting
When someone posts to AskMefi, is there a standard etiquette that posters should be knowing to follow? Something like "Do not post any responses for 24 hours after you've posted your question or else you will be threadsitting/tempted to threadsit," perhaps? I avoid Metafilter for 24 hours after I post anything because then I feel like an embarrassed ass asking a question, but that's just me. I was wondering if this was any kind of ... more official thing for everyone else, or should be, or what.
I'm not asking if you think I am skewed, but you will tell me anyway
From WBEZ Chicago, I'm Ira Glass. Today on our show, MetaFilter.
In the This American Life blog post which is a list of the staff's favorite lists of other sites' favorite This American Life episodes, Ira links to a 2005 AskMeFi thread in which MetaFilter members named their favorites. Notably, there was remarkable consensus among lists of that vintage and the lists that were published this month to observe the show's 500th episode.
I'm fairly surprised there hasn't been a more recent thread along those lines.
What was that AskMeFi Question: band member?
there was a AskMeFi question a short time ago (last 2-3 weeks?) about a band who wanted to let go/ get rid of/ fire a band member - (i think the member wasn't that talented) -- the op was looking for the best ways to go about this / phrase it. -- I can't find the question to save my life!
Free advice is seldom cheap
Cribcage hit the nail on the head with this recent comment: "people who have no idea what they're talking about but think posting answers on AskMe is 'fun' will now believe they have some factual basis for telling you in confident detail exactly what to do..." [more inside]
So much love, and I don't know what to do with it!
Can you help me find a comment, or a thread, or a comment in a thread (!) about not knowing what to do when you're so overwhelmed with good feelings (mostly love) and you just don't know what to do with it? [more inside]
Final Update added to old Ask MeFi questions
Today we're launching a small feature that will allow us to update long-closed Ask MetaFilter questions. If you found the definitive answer to your question long after the one-year mark closed, there is now a mechanism to send us a final update. [more inside]
Informative answer deleted
Frederick Jaffe's son shows up to answer a question
The answers in my old question about a Planned Parenthood were all perfectly good, but I got the best answer and some new documents in a MeMail from now mefite Dave Jaffe, son of the memo author Frederick Jaffe. [more inside]
Jump to best answer?
Pony request: I know this is slightly silly, but I would like validation for something that I find myself doing occasionally - can clicking on the check mark next to a question with a best answer in it jump me straight to the first best answer in the comments? Sometimes I read a question and want to just see what the person thought the best answer is. I did not see any requests for this in a search going back to 2008, so I figured I'd ask.
Arrogance as jealousy
Some time back, I read a comment (I think on AskMefi) about how if you were jealous of someone else's success, it was because you were arrogant enough to think you deserved that success. In essence, be humble. I've tried to find that comment again with a combination of 'jealous' and 'arrogant' (and combinations thereof) but it doesn't seem to work; help is appreciated!
Also, if someone knows an RSS reader with which to read the answers...
Did my AskMe query about advantageous reading in one's line of work set the record high ratio of question favorites to number of answers? More importantly, can anyone add to it? [more inside]
Longest time for an AskMefi OP return?
I have been checking this thread every day since it was first posted/I engaged and we have not heard back from the OP about whether she is safe/well/etc. I fully understand she may never write back (and that it may be in her best interest from a safety/life priorities perspective). [more inside]
All the therapy?
Did anybody ever do an analysis on what proportion of Ask questions get answered in some way with a suggestion to get therapy? [more inside]
Speaking of mental health...
I remember reading either a post or a comment that listed some sources for, I believe, free online counselling services. Can't find the post or comment in question. Does anyone kmow where it is? It was probably an askme.
Can we just answer the question?
People not answering questions but instead trying to act as pseudo-psychologists as in this post. Can we not do this, please? [more inside]
Why does Ask Metafilter sometimes displays greens differently.
Sometimes when I load Ask Metafilter the green color will show up washed out, but I can open it up in a new tab and it is now a different shade. Usually scrolling down the desaturated page or selecting text will change it back to a more saturated green. Any reasons for this? Safari OSX.
How to delete your previous questions within AskMeFi
How to delete your previous questions within metafilter or AskMeFi? If you can't delete, why not and do they stay online forever?
Mr Haughey amusingly discusses MetaFilter
An interesting and entertaining interview of MetaFilter user #1 by Colin Marshall. It's a free podcast, an hour in length.
Substantiating AskMeFi comments
Quick question about protocol on the human relationships section of AskMeFi. If someone asks a question there which can potentially be answered by just a yes/no answer, is it okay to just answer it with a yes/no, or should one always add reasoning to your answer? [more inside]
"Speaking of Personal Experience" isn't a citation.
Saying "I have personal experience in this" doesn't invalidate or even contradict information given in ask. [more inside]
Trying to find an AskMe answer about what to do if you're swamped by the press/paparazzi.
Trying to find an AskMe answer about what to do if you're swamped by the press/paparazzi. [more inside]