68 posts tagged with question.
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I've lost my paint
I remember reading a post on either Metafilter/Ask Metafilter in which the comment section got onto the topic of white interior house paint. One person commented that "Such-and-such white paint is the best" with a link. Many people favorited it and I think several agreed with the declaration in subsequent comments.
I thought, "What is this great paint that people seem to love?" I clicked through to the paint color and thought, "oh yes, that really is a VERY good white interior paint color." Now I am in need of white interior paint, looking for that comment/link, and I can't find it.
Just how Random is Random?
When I click "Random" to generate a random AskMe question, I'm constantly taken to this question about DVD commentary tracks. Why would this be the case? I probably hit it once every few days? It seems statistically unlikely with a random generator? [more inside]
Questions Left Unanswered
"Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question." -- Tennessee Williams
We have so many of these on AskMeFi. We can fix that! [more inside]
how metafilter works??
i want to study about metafilter. when a person ask a question similar question that in the past asked by other user will show to the active user. this work called recommendation. i want to know how metafilter recommend similar question to the active user??
Looking for a webcomic
I've been unsuccessfully trying to search for a webcomic posted in the comments (maybe a couple/few years ago?) about a nerd 'Rip Van Winkle' illustrating the difference between the promise of 'nerds then' -- perhaps around 30 years back -- to the comparative letdown of 'nerds now'. Ring any bells? I thought it might have been SMBC, but looking through the archives, I'm pretty sure it's not. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks :)
Ajax was a horse, and horses are like ponies, right?
Suggestion for the process of completing an Ask question with 'Mark as Resolved'. [more inside]
Just wondering about the etiquette of threadsitting
When someone posts to AskMefi, is there a standard etiquette that posters should be knowing to follow? Something like "Do not post any responses for 24 hours after you've posted your question or else you will be threadsitting/tempted to threadsit," perhaps? I avoid Metafilter for 24 hours after I post anything because then I feel like an embarrassed ass asking a question, but that's just me. I was wondering if this was any kind of ... more official thing for everyone else, or should be, or what.
Searching for a question about becoming in love with your job again
I am having trouble relocating an AskMefi question about having a job that is fantastic in multiple ways, then sliding into becoming less invested/passionate/a good worker/working when one should be working over time, and wanting to hack oneself to appreciate said good job again. Does anyone remember or have better search skills than I do? [more inside]
What was that AskMeFi Question: band member?
there was a AskMeFi question a short time ago (last 2-3 weeks?) about a band who wanted to let go/ get rid of/ fire a band member - (i think the member wasn't that talented) -- the op was looking for the best ways to go about this / phrase it. -- I can't find the question to save my life!
question about "there's already an active thread" deletions
The deletion of this thread ("An Open Letter to Paula Deen" by Michael William Twitty) made me wonder about one aspect of "kind of a double" deletions. [more inside]
So much love, and I don't know what to do with it!
Can you help me find a comment, or a thread, or a comment in a thread (!) about not knowing what to do when you're so overwhelmed with good feelings (mostly love) and you just don't know what to do with it? [more inside]
why was my question deleted?
I posted a question asking what tangible things I could do to improve the lives of people I love. Why was it deleted? [more inside]
You only have to realise the truth. There is no pan.
Following up my questions about a vanishing pan and a very odd modelling contract... [more inside]
Ask question re: disability, accommodation and Massachusetts?
Within the last week or so someone posted on Askme needing disability/accommodation referrals/support in Massachusetts. [more inside]
Dating IS important
If you dated the someone relevant to your question, please let us know. [more inside]
Kind of like TellMetaFilter but with a question mark at the end
Are there examples of someone using AskMeFi a question that they already know the answer to? [more inside]
Could we gamble on this?
Just ask the question, don't be clever!
I've noticed lately that askers on Ask Metafilter often post something they think is clever but which gives you no clue to what the question actually is until you click through. Like this. [more inside]
Spaces are for sissies!
Awesome things that one should break the bank on
I have a question for AskMe but I feel like I've read something similar at some point on Ask in the past and am at a complete loss in terms of locating it. [more inside]
What are some of AskMe's fastest, most amazing success stories?
The sidebar (see Apr 12) featured this post, in which someone's seemingly obscure question was answered in just six minutes. I think MY experience was even more amazing (as my question was more obscure), though it did take Gator an hour and ten minutes to cough up an answer. What are some other AskMe Astounding Stories of Snappy Answers to Obscure Questions?
Best time to post a question?
When is the best time to post to "Ask" in order to have the most looks with the least number of new posts pushing my question off the page? Has anyone figured this out? Is this "cheating"?
How does metafilter stay troll free with an economy like this?
Meet me at the drinking post.
I swear we've seen these Askme questions dozens of times before, but I can't find them. I'm looking for those posts about not being able to drink and how to cope with it. [more inside]
Ask-mefi- what's going on, or am I the crazy one?
How many posts on askmefi are fake? [more inside]
Doctors are weird amirite?
This is a sort of odd question that was allowed to stand. Previously it was dentists. Corner stores. Dishwashers. Something seems a little off.
When was AskMefi added to Metafilter? (No more inside, short and sweet).
More than one new question?
On the green, where it would normally say "New Question", I'm getting "New Question (0)". Feature? Bug? Indication of something I didn't know about the site?
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
What was the shortest AskMe question without [more inside]?
From the Latin "ex" a has-been and "spurt" a drip under pressure
Pony Filter - Find an Expert [more inside]
What's the fake radar website?
Find-that-Question: A while ago there was a question about a website/application that would throw all sorts of cool little radar screens and such up on the screen. I think it ultimately was used to make a background in a news conference? I'm not sure. But can anyone find it? I'm tried searching for all combinations (wha? "combinations" isn't in the FF 3.5 dictionary) of computer, screen, movie, radar, and website. Help :/
For sale is a problem?
For sale is a problem? Someone posted a link to something I had posted to Projects. (I had nothing to do with the post, though I did work on the game posted.) That it was removed so bluntly seems weird to me. [more inside]
What if it was real?
This question was deleted (and we all figured it would be), but I'm curious: What if it was for real? Did the mods contact the asker? Did he confess to it being a joke? If he said it was a joke, did you believe him? What if he really does have a dead body in his apartment? Do we just say "Oh well" or do the mods try to contact the authorities?
Just curious...
Why did my Askmefi question go unanswered?
My Askmefi question only recieved one answer...I realize that this must just happen every so often, but I'm wondering, a) how I might avoid it, and, b) can I ask the same question again in the hopes of getting more answers? [more inside]
You'll never answer this!!1!
Here is a great question that didn't get resolved because it wasn't the right answer the questioner wanted.
What are taters doing in AskMe
Ok, what's the deal with the term "tater"? (NSFW) [more inside]
My hat is forever off to Nanojath for his amazing answer to my now-resolved question from December. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, you are the king of google-fu. [more inside]
Question disappeared
Question disappeared [more inside]
Please Sir, could we have a free-for-all, ask-any-dumb-question-you-like thread? [more inside]
Palmer v. Jones
When is it okay for the sexiness/attractiveness of a woman to be discussed? The Amanda Palmer post versus the Grace Jones post. [more inside]
Can You Repeat The Question?
WTF? How come you quit opening all MeFi links in a new page? And what are those goddam photos on the right side all about? Jeezus! I just figure out these damn digital parking meters and somebody comes up with something new.
What's this whole "wendell!" thing about? Why do mefites shout out wendell in the middle of threads?
Please help me name my mix CD about kittens.
The AskMe guidelines make a simple-sounding request: 'Please avoid "help me name my kitten/computer/website" and "help me make a mix CD" questions.' But these kinds of questions are posted fairly frequently, and seldom seem to be deleted. How many of these kinds of questions are posted, and what proportion of those are removed? If the guideline isn't being enforced because people love the name-my-whatever questions, maybe it would be better to just get rid of the guideline. Alternately, if the guideline is to remain, maybe it would be better to make it more prominent, and/or to delete a larger proportion of the questions which break it.
Bloop, Beep, Doooo
I seem to remember an AskMe post regarding the bell-like, bubble-ish synth noises that Radiohead (and others) coax from their machinery, and how to replicate them, but i cant find the post using my limited google/AskMe-fu. Anyone remember this and can point me in the general direction?
Starting web based business
I have an idea for a web-based business and not only need a web page but a program to keep track of units/credits, no money involved. It would involve marketing/advertising which I have experience in but no experience in computer programming. Where do I go from here?
Pimp My Preferences
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is there a "metafilter skins" or "mefi css" customization repository where I can choose more interesting themes? Or some super-customization method? I'm really feeling the need to see some yellow and purple stripes with kitten wallpaper lately; feelin' weary with the same old blue, green, and grey after all these years.
It's not a question if your voice doesn't go up at the end
Do AskMe posts that don't contain a question on the front page annoy everyone else? Should the relevant text on the "Ask a new question page" be more prominent?
It's a really interesting question though. (but it's chat)
I would like to participate in a disscussion about dumb, funny, or peculiar advice found in a self-help books. Oh, and I'll go first.
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