110 posts tagged with Features.
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Categories on AskMe
Ask MeFi finally has category feeds.
I'm deploying a new (backwards compatible) URL scheme for mefi
I'm deploying a new (backwards compatible) URL scheme for mefi [more inside]
Ajax for Projects
Projects just got the ajax treatment, and seems to be working great. Try it and see.
Future Features?
I love the features you've added (like the new ajax favorites...)
General Request: Matt, can we get a list of your plans of what features you're aiming to implement? Can we (the general mefi population) have input (vote) on the features we want?
General Request: Matt, can we get a list of your plans of what features you're aiming to implement? Can we (the general mefi population) have input (vote) on the features we want?
I'm testing out ajax favorites on MeFi
I'm testing out ajax favorites on MeFi right now (only www.metafilter.com). If you open any thread you can add the post or any comment as a favorite without leaving the page. Lemme know if you hit any snags and please hold off on "but, but, can you also make it do x?" requests until we're sure it works in most all browsers.
metafilter sites: now with google custom search!
Google Custom Search came out today. Here's a test search across all sites. Apparently you can refine it by hand and I opened up the ability to do that to others. I don't know if this is any better than a regular google.com search with site:metafilter in the string, but I figured it's worth trying out to check.
New Music Features
MeFi Music rev 2 feature blowout!!! Things added today:
- New Charts showing top favorites/playlists added in just the last three days (for new, awesome stuff you might have missed) and favorites/playlists from your contacts (what your friends like, you probably like too).
- playlists have podcast feeds, so you can just add it to iTunes and download the songs directly. When you add new songs to your playlist, iTunes can recheck and pull down those new ones as well.
- tag pages have podcast feeds and an embedded player. Want to hear everything tagged with hiphop in iTunes? Now you can.
- songs/comment history has been added to user pages, including a podcast feed for each and every user so if you want a copy of every song ever done by say, cortex, you can. Also added the embedded player to song history pages.
- more fixes coming later today, but I wanted to get the word out on the new features.
- New Charts showing top favorites/playlists added in just the last three days (for new, awesome stuff you might have missed) and favorites/playlists from your contacts (what your friends like, you probably like too).
- playlists have podcast feeds, so you can just add it to iTunes and download the songs directly. When you add new songs to your playlist, iTunes can recheck and pull down those new ones as well.
- tag pages have podcast feeds and an embedded player. Want to hear everything tagged with hiphop in iTunes? Now you can.
- songs/comment history has been added to user pages, including a podcast feed for each and every user so if you want a copy of every song ever done by say, cortex, you can. Also added the embedded player to song history pages.
- more fixes coming later today, but I wanted to get the word out on the new features.
Debut of Music
Congrats to Matt and all the contributors.
This is the most fun I've had since I got the internet on dial-up way back in '92.
Congrats to Matt and all the contributors.
This is the most fun I've had since I got the internet on dial-up way back in '92.
Announcing MeFi Music!
Now in alpha beta gamma whatever: MeFi Music. Built in 12 hours with help from pb, it's still got some rough edges and features to come, but for now you can upload a song you've written and recorded (this isn't for file sharing), stream it from the front page or from its own page (where you can also leave comments). You can add things to playlists and stream those too. And the RSS feed is a podcast you can drag into iTunes to suck down every mp3 that gets posted. I'm sure there are bugs and the color scheme was slapped together in five minutes, but expect to see things ironed out in the next couple weeks and I'll add it to the global nav for all sites when it feels complete. If you have any comments or questions, drop them here.
New Features for Favorites
New features for favorites: favorited posts and comments from your contacts have been added to your usercontacts page and there's a page for all favorites from your contacts. This should be useful for finding stuff you may have missed, but that people you trust and enjoy reading deemed worth of saving.
People that marked something as a favorite are no longer shown below each post, but on their own page. On your own favorites page you can now see who else marked the same item as a favorite, and the recent popular favorites page now lists comments as well as posts. Whew.
People that marked something as a favorite are no longer shown below each post, but on their own page. On your own favorites page you can now see who else marked the same item as a favorite, and the recent popular favorites page now lists comments as well as posts. Whew.
Announcing: favorites and flagging
I'm working on favorites and releasing what I have today. Think of favorites as an internal bookmark system, a way to keep a list of the good questions, great comments, or interesting ideas you've found here.
Right now, you can mark a thread on mefi, metatalk, or ask mefi as a favorite, and view it at the link in the header above (is the header too wide for small monitors?). All your stuff marked as a favorite is public and anyone else can see the stuff you've marked (this comes in handy later on).
I'll be adding the ability to flag comments later today and very soon I'll be doing something akin to the fantastic posts page on Ask MeFi, where the most favorited things over the past few days is highlighted on a single page.
Right now, you can mark a thread on mefi, metatalk, or ask mefi as a favorite, and view it at the link in the header above (is the header too wide for small monitors?). All your stuff marked as a favorite is public and anyone else can see the stuff you've marked (this comes in handy later on).
I'll be adding the ability to flag comments later today and very soon I'll be doing something akin to the fantastic posts page on Ask MeFi, where the most favorited things over the past few days is highlighted on a single page.
Want to see something cool?
Want to see something cool? Hit the . key on any mefi front page or comment page. Hit the , key to go up a post/comment. And don't worry, once you click into a textarea or input, it turns itself off (we couldn't ever lose the . could we?). Thanks to the hard work of delfuego for making this happen.
FAQ launched
I just launched the FAQ engine I wrote a few weeks ago. It's got just a few questions in it and it hasn't been organized yet, but if you're logged in, feel free to suggest new questions at the bottom of the page, which me and jessamyn will review, organize, and post later on. For now, it's just starting out, but I'm sure we can fill this out and organize it into something useful for everyone in just a few weeks.
New Feedback for Projects
I just added a feedback mechanism to Projects. If you want to test it first, try it out here and let me know if you find any bugs. You can leave one bit of feedback on any Project, and only the author will see them.
Can we have a changelog?
Would it be feasible to have an admin-only message board, maybe in the sidebar? There are enough postings where #1 explains the addition or removal of a feature to merit some kind ot tracking.
I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.
Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.
How about it? Simple pony?
I guess what I want is a Meta-Changelog (say, changes.metafilter.com?) that could just be a plain-text, "on this date there was..." sort of list.
Or, there's always the ubiquitous RSS feed.
How about it? Simple pony?
Dear mathowie, your plans?
What is your project/plan of features on mefi matt?
Projects functionality: update please
Projects - any plans for recording in the user profle what you have voted on, tagging, or a decent search function? For the first time I'm trying to remember something I enjoyed and voted on, but can't find the tools with which to find it.
User RSS
Hey! Per user RSS feeds! Keen!
I added more descriptive titles to metafilter
I added more descriptive titles to metafilter and ask mefi comment pages. Refresh your CSS to see them as they intended to look.
RSS feeds for tags on both mefi and ask mefi
New feature: RSS feeds for tags on both mefi and ask mefi (example). Tag pages have links to feeds, or just add /rss to the URL to get the feed.
Testing out MeFi jabber
I'm testing out a jabber server on MetaFilter. Use any jabber client (iChat, adium, trillian, gAIM, etc) to connect to metafilter.com. Enter your username as your_mefi_username@metafilter.com and your password is your existing website password here. Once logged in, you can IM other members that are online (my current status:
). Oh, this jabber server supports SSL for encrypted chat by default and also lets you talk to jabber users on other servers, including Google Talk (just add them to your buddy list). If this works out, I'll be experimenting with more features like chatrooms and perhaps allowing chat with Yahoo and MSN users as well. Let me know how it works for you, everyone that is a member here already has a login to the jabber server, automatically.
New Features
I did a bunch of tweaks to the site today and just wanted to give a heads up in case some bugs are found in these pages: Projects history added to user pages. Pagination added to tags pages (MeFi/AskMeFi). Fixed post/comment page pagination issues by completely rewriting the link/comment history pages (all). Removed "posted by" spoofing "hack" (all).
Profile Locations
I updated the userpage location stuff. If you haven't noticed, you can now add your latitude/longitude anywhere on earth (not just the US), though I started by converting everyone over from zip codes. I also figured out sorting nearby users by zipcode, and now I'm showing the closest 50 people, along with a google map.
It works great in most cities. Seattle and Boston have a nice layout. SF and NYC are less than perfect because everyone in the same zip code got the same exact location, so points stack up. LA is the worst in that regard. The zoom level of the google map depends on how many people are near you, NYC gets zoomed in, while people in the sticks get zoomed out.
It works great in most cities. Seattle and Boston have a nice layout. SF and NYC are less than perfect because everyone in the same zip code got the same exact location, so points stack up. LA is the worst in that regard. The zoom level of the google map depends on how many people are near you, NYC gets zoomed in, while people in the sticks get zoomed out.
'My Comments' page rolled out!
The My Comments page is up and ready for testing. It scours the comment databases to find all the comments you've left in the past 7 days, then shows you the thread you left them in, along with the comments that followed yours, up to the last ten comments. I've been using it for the past hour or so and it's great for keeping up on threads I left comments in days ago.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
New Feature
Testing a new feature: Recent Comments on my Posts page [more inside]
International Language Support
So I think I have international language support working finally. Please test in the comments here.
اذان ظهر: ۱۳/۱۱ • اذان مغرب: ۲۰/۳۲ فردا: • اذان صبح: ۴/۲۹ • طلوع
Pictographs and Icons:✈ ☎ ☼ ✮
اذان ظهر: ۱۳/۱۱ • اذان مغرب: ۲۰/۳۲ فردا: • اذان صبح: ۴/۲۹ • طلوع
Pictographs and Icons:✈ ☎ ☼ ✮
New feature: live comment preview
I'm trying out live comment preview, graciously programmed by kokogiak. It should work in major browsers and fall back to the old preview pages for browsers without js support. Let me know if you find any bugs, or have any comments about it.
Tagging functions updated
I changed the way tags are done on mefi. You can now delete your tags and make new ones on your posts. If this works out, I'll extend it to let you tag your mutal contacts as well (and I'll copy the functionality to ask mefi as well). Let me know if you run into any problems. Also, me and jessamyn can add and delete tags on any post and will use this to help keep things organized.
I worked up a custom google maps view showing every user
I worked up a custom google maps view showing every user (screenshot inside). Once I get it working more smoothly, I'll post the URL for folks to play with it.
Del.icio.us link - useful or no?
After seeing this simple del.ico.us feature, I was wondering... would a [save to del.ico.us] link for threads in MeFi and Ask MeFi be a useful addition?
Is there a way to change tags once assigned?
Is there a way to change tags once assigned? In my case, I seem to have misspelled appalachian, but it occurs to me conversations can shift in-thread that an original poster might want to make note of as well.
Server Update Announcement
I just updated the server to CFMX 7. If you see any obvious weird errors, toss them in here.
is there any chance of getting a feature similar to the "Best Of"?
Not to be all like Craigslist or anything but is there any chance of getting a feature similar to the "Best Of"? (More inside)
i'm irked
i'm irked by the way matt trolls out minor changes (introducing major bugs) and forgets it all them soon as the mefi thread rolls off the page.
contacts is munged in several ways which is wan't before the "oh my god we must fix the free-forem text hippy-hack!"
contacts is munged in several ways which is wan't before the "oh my god we must fix the free-forem text hippy-hack!"
MeFi Contacts Feature
MeFi contacts stuff is back online and here's what it looks like in action. It is displaying the last 10 contributions in the last month from your contacts in all three sections of the site, as well as a list of their URLs if you want to read their blogs. I'll be adding recent comments from contacts as well, but I thought this was at the point where it was cool enough to share.
we've now got some XFN features in place
Thanks to the hard work of timeistight, we've now got some XFN features in place to do some of that social networking you've read so much about. As of right now, you can add folks as contacts, and describe the relationship optionally. Soon I'll have a page showing contributions to the site from your contacts, so if you have a favorite writer here, add them as a contact and hit that special page later when it's online. Imagine, ssoon you'll be able to say "show me all the questions asked by my friends to Ask MetaFilter" and get a page back showing just that, among other things.
I will definitely be working on the display of this info on user pages, as it currently looks like ass. Sky's the limit once we have this in place with some data. Oh, and I have no idea what a muse is either, anyone know?
I will definitely be working on the display of this info on user pages, as it currently looks like ass. Sky's the limit once we have this in place with some data. Oh, and I have no idea what a muse is either, anyone know?
what's "MetaFilter Matt" doing making ponies for Boing Boing
I don't mean to be prick (okay, maybe, but a funny one), but what's "MetaFilter Matt" doing making ponies for Boing Boing, when we have a million things for him to do here?
Trackback has been disabled from the site
FYI: Trackback has been disabled from the site until I get some time next week to put some fixes in to block certain people from tweaking with it.
Builtin Search Metafilter Functionality Request
(I couldn't find my answer in a search of meta-talk) Are there plans to make ask metafilter searchable? I love the site and would find it a very valuable reference tool if I could search previous posts. It would also be cool if posts were classified by category.
Persistent MeFi Cookies
My semi-pathetic lifestyle has required me to do a lot of my web-surfing (and blog-writing) from computers at the L.A. Public Libraries, and just a few minutes ago I sat down at a machine I had last used about a week ago, went to MetaFilter and was greeted with "you are logged in as wendell". Looks like I've been bitten by the MeFi Cookie Monster (persistant little bugger).
So, if you've seen any comments under my name in the last week that sound like they were written by a nine-year-old... it's probably still me. But at least it's a better alibi than "I was out fishing on Christmas".
Is there any way to avoid this problem (besides remembering to log out)?
So, if you've seen any comments under my name in the last week that sound like they were written by a nine-year-old... it's probably still me. But at least it's a better alibi than "I was out fishing on Christmas".
Is there any way to avoid this problem (besides remembering to log out)?
Atom vs RSS?
I see on the sideblog that MetaFiler now has an atom feed.
What exactly can I do with that? And how is it different/better that the RSS feed?
What exactly can I do with that? And how is it different/better that the RSS feed?
How would you like to have MeFi Music?
The MetaFilter Music channel. I've got another server setup with loads of bandwidth, so I was thinking of this as a new project/feature at MetaFilter: A place to download and stream music created by MetaFilter members. Would anyone be interested in taking part? Do that many MetaFilter members create music?
What is Trackback?
Can someone please explain to me what exactly this trackback thing does?
Finishing touches on....
We see so many Apple-related announcements posted to MeFi. Segway was, of course, huge...even getting its own mention on the MeFi Sidebar. And now Matt has said this:
Now that those bugs are fixed, I'm putting the finishing touches on a new feature for MetaFilter I think everyone will enjoy.
Anyone care to speculate?
Now that those bugs are fixed, I'm putting the finishing touches on a new feature for MetaFilter I think everyone will enjoy.
Anyone care to speculate?
Just noticed the new "tb" feature
Just noticed the new "tb" feature trailing some but not all of the FPPs. Can someone point me to any documentation on what's up with dat?
I just added CFDev's ActiveSpeller to MetaFilter's comment pages
I just added CFDev's ActiveSpeller to MetaFilter's comment pages. I'll eventually add them to every textarea form on the site. Let me know if you run into any bugs.
Sidebar for Macs
New feature for Mac users. The sidebar feature works for me in IE 5.12 under OS X. I think the page holder feature has been around a while, but I had no idea. Anyway, for those using Mac IE browsers, you now have a sidebar version of metafilter (don't ask me about Opera versions, they're not possible as far as I know).
Coding new features actually makes painful time spent in airports fly by.
Coding new features actually makes painful time spent in airports fly by.
Can we rate comments like slashdot?
What do people think about a ./ -like feature allowing you to rate comments made by others, and then a filter feature allowing you to ignore comments below a certain threshold?
Display shoutout
I love it when people mess with stuff like this. It reminds you that there are people behind the things that you take for granted.
I love it when people mess with stuff like this. It reminds you that there are people behind the things that you take for granted.
with the permission of chrish, #mefi is a reality. head over to irc.turlyming.net, port 6667. if we were to schedule a time to meet, let's say... 9pm CST (7 pacific), but come on by anytime really (i'll be available to get on the channel late most evenings, not that i'm much of a marquee attraction or anything, but it'll be better than watching drywall peel).