46 posts tagged with Happy.
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Calmer Vibes Chill Thread. V. 3
Share something good or nice in here. Now is not the time to be stingy. Got new accomplishments, new kitten, new kid milestone, or new favorite food? New tschotske that makes you smile? I understand some folks might consider this a useless or foolish endeavor considering the world outside. I don't. And you don't have to come in (but you might like it here). [more inside]
Calmer Vibes Chill Thread, V. 2
Got any good news to share? Got new accomplishments, new dog, new kid, new positive outlook? New shirt, new group, new friend? Fixed your toilet, fixed your screen door, fixed your outlook? I found a few silly but hilarious items for Christmas this year [items that will not appeal to all and also contain some rude words] and I thought it would be neat to see the excellent finds others have found. Also, the aforementioned good news and all that. Kindly kindly, leave the grar elsewhere. [more inside]
Calmer Vibes Chill Thread.
Share something good or nice in here. Someone excellent win in your district? Kid or grandkid get a good job, or accomplish something hard? Maybe you found a welcoming, progressive group in your community? Maybe you'll enjoy A Post-Election Day Poem by Rebecca Faulkner, assembled from words sent in by the Reasons to be Cheerful community. [more inside]
What have you done this decade that you're proud of?
I was reading through old favorites tonight and found this post and it's mooshy-happy.
I still haven't hit the daily limit for favorites. Is there one?
What have you done this decade that you're proud of?
I still haven't hit the daily limit for favorites. Is there one?
What have you done this decade that you're proud of?
Metatalktail Hour: Tell me of your happy place, Usul
Welcome to the weekend, Talktail friends. This week, it would cheer me immensely to hear of your happy place (or places). Maybe it's a literal location, small or large, or maybe it's an activity, or an event, a season or holiday, being with a person or group, or just some harmonious synchronicity of conditions that create a perfect moment. Where or what is it that warms the cockles of your heart? [more inside]
Happy birthday to cortex
Let's all wish a very happy and hopefully stress-free b-day to outgoing veteran mod, inveterate punster, and all-around mensch, MeFi's own cortex "Josh" Millard. [more inside]
If you feel up to it, please take a photo of something nice (anything that makes you feel good) and share it with all of us. It can be something on your desk. Something pretty you have hanging on the wall. Or maybe something interesting in your backyard, porch, stoop or balcony. Cute dog & cat photos are encouraged. I just want to look at something pleasant and nice. Stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself and to others.
Something good. Something Happy.
Feel free to share something good. Something happy. This is a space for positive vibes. Reminder to be kind to others and yourself. Love and good thoughts being sent your way. Stay calm, be careful, and remember to practice good hygiene. :-)
Just Happy Things
The week is just starting and I'm already feeling a bit overwhelmed. Let's talk about something unrelated to politics. Share something happy with the community, anything at all. Maybe you had the opportunity to pet/play with a puppy. Or it could be the tasty grilled-cheese sandwich you ate for lunch. Whatever it is, share a bit of your happy with the rest of the community. As always, be kind to yourself and to others.
Happy New Year, MetaFilter
It's 2020 pretty much everywhere now, if I've done my timezone math right, so: here's to the new year, and to all of us in this weird old online community keeping on together and seeing what we can make of this next year. [more inside]
🌸 Just Happy Things.
Nearing the end of another week, let's talk about something else that is not related to politics. If you should feel so inclined, share something happy, anything that makes you smile or might make the rest of us smile. We need more of that in 2019. Here's a photo of a flower I took on a walk yesterday afternoon. Sending a smile your way. Be kind to others and yourself.
Just Share Something Good
It's been a difficult week. Let's talk about something that isn't related to the news or a source of the never ending stream of nightmare fuel we encounter on the rest of the web. Just share something good with the MetaFilter community. We all could do with a story that brings a smile, or a laugh. Maybe share a photo of a cute pet or baby, or tell us about that slice of pie you enjoyed, whatever it is, just share something good. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. We're all on this rock together.
Help Me Get My Smile Back?
A strange man screamed at me for no reason today, now I find I need something to help me shake that encounter off, and feel happy again. Details below. [more inside]
End of another week, let's talk about something else that is not related to politics. Let's talk about music. What are you listening to? How do you listen? On your phone on the bus? In the car on your way to work? At home with some high-end audio equipment? Are you strictly listening digital? Analog? Do you stream your music? Do you only listen to records? Are you a collector? Is there a certain genre you hate or avoid? Do you pirate your music or pay for it legally? Is there a single or an album that you've been listening to on repeat? Is there something you're looking forward to being released later this year? Let's turn the volume up. Stay safe and be kind to each other.
“Waiter, there's a Meta in my soup.”
End of another week, let's lighten the mood and talk about something that is not politics. Here in Canada it's bitterly cold and I could do with some warmth, some happy in my tummy. I'm thinking about soup. Tomato, chicken-noodle, broccoli-cheddar, roasted squash, whatever it is, share your recipes with MetaFilter. Feel free to also talk about your favorite store-bought ready made soup. Or maybe it's a memory of a really good soup a loved one made for you. Whether it's a broth, bisque, consomme, or chowder, I want to talk about soup. Also,a gentle remember to be kind to each other and take care of yourself.
Let's talk about stress-relief. When you're faced with stress, what do you do to provide yourself a bit of comfort? Do you cook a familiar meal? Do you listen to a song? Is there a television show/series you re-watch? Maybe you exercise or you drink your favorite drink. Or it's as simple as calling or visiting with a friend or a loved one. What are your comfort hacks? Let's share our methods of dealing with stress. Be well my fellow MetaFilter friends. Remember to take care of yourself and know that you matter.
Let's lighten the mood. It's towards the end of the week and I want to hear about something not related to politics. It's 2019 and we just went up another number. This has me thinking about numbers in general. Tell me about a number that is significant to you. Maybe it's a number that always shows up in your life, or it's a number that is lucky, or you just like the number because of the way it looks or sounds. It could even be a fact about a number you learned on this site. Let's dig deep and talk about numbers.
Metatalktail Hour: Happy Things
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week has been a bumpy one in the McGee clan, so tell me something good. Something happy. Whether that's holiday plans/traditions, a wonderful gift you gave or received, something you're looking forward to in the New Year, a dopey dad joke you just heard, a cute otter picture -- just something to make us smile and to share the warmth of the season. [more inside]
It's Thanktoberfest! If you need a refresher, that's a holiday that, like actual Oktoberfest, has only the loosest relation to October. Thanktoberfest runs from Canadian Thanksgiving through American Thanksgiving, and we encourage you to focus on things you're thankful for. People have been making a ton of awesome posts about things I'm very thankful exist in the world! Share your favorites and thank your fellow mefites within! [more inside]
Happy Thanktoberfest! What's Thanktoberfest? It's a holiday that, like actual Oktoberfest, has only the loosest relation to October. Thanktoberfest runs from Canadian Thanksgiving through American Thanksgiving, and we encourage you to focus on things you're thankful for -- making posts about awesome things you're grateful exist, thanking other mefites for their awesomeness, and just generally spreading good vibes and gratitude all around the site. Tag your posts thanktoberfest and we'll have some thankfulness metatalks and at the end of Thanktoberfest we'll have a big thanking post where we all thank each other for our favorite Thanktoberfest posts!
Let's lighten the mood. It's the end of the week and I want to hear about something fun and not about politics. Tell me about a really awesome snack/food you just ate. What you eating?
Tell me something good. Something happy. Maybe it's a thing you did. Maybe it's a thing that was done for you. Share something good with me and the rest of us. I feel like we need some of that. There's been a lot of serious happening the last few days and I want to just hear something good, positive, and light. I like this place and all of you. Be kind to each other, love yourself. Tell me something good.
Metatalktail Hour: Excitement!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight, I want to know what you're excited about! Something cool lately you've done, or made, or seen, or something you're looking forward to, or just something awesome about the universe that makes you delighted! So what are you excited about this week? [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Potent Quotables
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's Metatalktail topic, from filthy light thief: potent quotables, or quotes that are lodged in your brain and are now your normal response to certain phrases or situations. Of course we also want to hear what's happening with you and yours, or what's on your mind, or really anything except politics!
Metatalktail Hour: Bad Decisions
Good Saturday evening, Metafilter! This week, vignettist wants to hear "stories about bad decisions that people have made - not "I ruined my life" decisions, but "well, we were drunk so scaling a 10ft wall seemed like a good idea at the time". Also, pranks." [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Holiday HoliYAY!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, an open thread for the holidays, and I hope you're having lovely ones! Tell us something holiday-y that's up with you.
Metatalktail Hour: Giving Thanks
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's topic: What are you thankful for? Big or small, silly or serious, share the things you're thankful for this year.
There is quite a bit of serious and depressing going on right now: U.S. politics, sexual abuse/assault/harassment in Hollywood, etc. I thought it might be good to have a place to just post happy things. Share something that's made you happy. A photo of a pet. Tell us about a good piece of cake that you just ate. Or maybe you went for a long walk and connected with nature. Whatever it is, just something happy, to remind ourselves that we'll be ok and we'll get through this, whatever that may be. Love to all of you.
Metatalktail Hour: Happy Thoughts
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, because it's been a long one, please share a happy thing that's happened to you lately, whether it's something super-fantastically awesome or just binge-watching Stranger Things this weekend. Tell us the good stuff going on in your life!
Right Post at the Right Time
I had a pretty terrible yesterday and a somewhat grumpy today. Towards the end of my work shift I switched tabs over to MetaFilter and I saw Wordshore's delightful post on the new Animal Crossing game. And it's cheered me right up. Something was just right about this post and it hit me at the right time. I thought I'd share my joy and gratitude about that here. Feel free to share your own stories of posts that hit you at the right time. Maybe its the linked subject or the comments, but something just worked and it made your day like this one made mine. Thank you Wordshore. :)
Tell Me Something Good
This is a complementary post to Fizz's necessary post, but tell me something good, tell me that you like it, yeah! It doesn't have to be an amazing thing, but something that made you smile, or feel happy, etc. [more inside]
the delightful side of MetaFilter
Please share the MeFi post/discussion that has *delighted* you the most, in an irrepressible smile-inducing sort of way. It can be old or new, brief or epic, an FPP whose comments devolved into a series of terrible puns, an in-joke-filled post about your favorite show on FanFare, an Ask about naming a really cute pet, the IRL where you met your SO... whatever you've seen discussed or discovered by this community that has given you a frisson of sans schadenfreude delight, I'd love to see or be reminded of it, too. Here's to brighter days. [more inside]
Thank you, mysterious gift giver
I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with my life so I did not enter the secret quonsar swap this year. Nevertheless, a mysterious package addressed to my username appeared on my doorstep yesterday, much to the delight of my family. [more inside]
Happy Fun September
As [northern hemisphere] summer winds down, [other people's] kids are back in school and [US] politics ramp up, I would like to suggest more happy and/or fun posts in September. More cats and kittens! More puppies and dogs! If you find spiders to be cute and/or amazing, post some! Whatever strikes your fancy, share it! [more inside]
Happy New Year, Metafilter
Happy New Year to you all, may it be better than this one in each and every way, and may you all continue to make the awesome posts and comments that make this place what it is!
April Showers
I'd like to propose a negative- free month. As in BEST of the web. As we transition from Matt to Josh, I think it would be nice to re-visit metafilter and get back to it's core business. Best of the web. Let me repeat that. Best of the web. If it's fighty, don't post it. If it's political, don't post it. Well, go ahead, but it's not part of April Showers.
You know what I mean. Can we spend April ignoring the Worst of the web? Is it possible? Are you folks willing to just find stuff that brings a smile to people's faces?
It's a challenge. I'd like to keep metafilter somewhat happy. And give the mods a month of fun. [more inside]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! [more inside]
Who's Your Favorite JP/Librarian?
Happy Birthday, jessamyn!
First Post, Pretty Cool, Not Blue Enough
Halfbuckaroo here, got a hit in Key West for the first time in probably 10 years, and I thought it was groovy as hell and I'm reporting. Bad karaoke at AQUA, and a mefite from Chicago shows up, and it was superior. I thought I was alone, and yet. I'm gratified and delighted. small happiness, and utter delight. Thanks MeFi.
Sometimes, it's good to celebrate the wins
Bearing in mind how this AskMeFi query turned out in the end, is there a word, saying, acronym or something that means "A win for the MetaFilter community"? If not, could or should there be one?
Another year of the MetaFilter!
Happy New Year! I love you people!
They say it's your birthday!
A collaborative serenade for our beloved moderatrix on her birthday.
Why in the fucking fuck was my post in Ask deleted, assholes? [more inside]
It took 2+ years to find it, but it was worth it!
I found what I was looking for, after 2+ years, including an answer to my very first AskMe post! For posterity, the answer to this question is this, and the answer to this question is "Happy Go Lively" which is available here.
I'd love to be able to update my own askme posts, even if they were from years ago. I understand that the discussion has to end at some point, but if I found what I believe to be the definitive answer (since it was my question, after all), it would help those who come searching later on to keep the answer and the question together.
An Ask-me with a happy ending.
It's Jessamyn's birthday. Greet her.
Happy birthday to the lifeguard of our hearts.