35 posts tagged with MeFimail.
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Moderation and MeFiMail
Hi all. Community member y2karl has made an accusation about the moderators ability to read MeFiMail. This is absolutely not true and I have no idea how he could come to such a conclusion. Moderators are unable to read members MeFIMail.
I’ve linked to karl’s comment and created this new thread to discuss these accusations. But be aware that it’s the middle of the night for most of the staff, so there won’t be much response. The interim Board and other staff moderators have been notified, so please be patient. [more inside]
Bug warning: MeFi Mail issues
Heads up: Sending MefiMail might silently break.
When it doesn’t work, the message is not sent, and it doesn’t show up in your Sent Mail folder. [more inside]
Why allow blocking private messages?
For the first time, I just had another user block my private messages after a polite but heated exchange where I guess they just really wanted the last word. I'm not like offended, but I had never noticed the option to block private messages before, and was wondering what the rationale is there. If someone is spamming or harassing another user, that seems like something that could be resolved through the mods. Is this something that has always been there, and do people use it all the time and I'm just out of the loop?
Could we mark MeFi Mail as unread?
Would it be possible to be able to mark MeFi Mail messages as unread? I tend to manage my email by marking messages I haven't yet responded to as "unread," and it would be helpful to me -- and maybe other people? -- to be able to do that with MeFi Mail, especially as there's not an indication that I've sent a reply. [more inside]
You sound just like a _____!
There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
- Anti-Semites
- Bigots
- Conservatives
- Misogynists
- MRAs
- PUAs
- Racists
- Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
- Transmisogonists
Fantastic commenters will never know they're fantastic
I'm seeing a lot of great comments on the blue lately; I mark them as favorites, of course, but sometimes I flag them as "Fantastic". However, the commenter doesn't receive this feedback. [more inside]
A boon for the fumble-fingered!
A small pony request: we have the edit button for comments we make on AskMefi, would it be possible to add an edit capability to Memail messages? 'Cause sometimes, my fat fingers don't go where I want them to go....
Warning for MeMail to disabled accounts
If a user has a disabled account, the user's profile page lacks a link to send MeFi Mail, effectively preventing us from sending that user MeMail. But most of the MeMails I send are via replies. When I reply, there is no warning if the user has disabled the account. It can be a little surprising to realize that one has been sending messages essentially into the ether, although I presume the messages are preserved for the user's return. Can we get a warning when sending a MeMail to a user with a disabled account?
Send me sent MeFi Mails?
I'd like it if I had the option to also send a copy of the MeFi mails I send to my main email account as well as those I receive. [more inside]
Did the MeFi Marriages begin by MeFi Mail or meetup?
Did the MeFi Marriages begin by MeFi Mail or meetup?
This pony is too small.
Would it be possible to raise the maximum number of mefimails to 100 per hour? [more inside]
Friend can't find button
A friend of mine has a really embarrassing question. My friend goes into his Mefi mail account and can't find the Compose button to send mefi mail. He's poked around and can't seem to figure it out. What a silly friend. Anyhow if there is someone who can help out my friend that would be great. My friend would really appreciate it.
Contact form to mefi mail?
Can the contact form have the option of choosing where a response from the mods is sent if one is forthcoming? [more inside]
Five bucks, same as downtown
I just got this nice Mefimail from a Mefite: i found you on meta. i am new here! your info caught my eye! you seem very unique and interesting to me. [more inside]
Potential upgrades to MeFi Mail on iPhone?
Potential upgrades to MeFi Mail on iPhone? [more inside]
Mark as Read
Yet-Another-Mefi-Mail-Pony: "Mark as Read" button in e-mail notification. [more inside]
Ask not what your AskMe can do for you
VeryTinyHorsePlease? After x amount of time of thread inactivity, a MefiMail message sent when someone posts in your AskMe thread. [more inside]
MeFiMail the mod currently on duty
Pony request: On the main MeFi Mail page, how about a link to "MeFiMail the mod currently on duty"?
Couldn't send your message because there was no message! Yes there was!
Can you remove the requirement that MeFi mails have to have text in the body? Sometimes a quick question/comment in the subject line suffices. I think most of us are techologically literate enough to not need the reminder that we are sending w/o text, and it doesn't remove any functionality for anyone.
A View to a Killfile? (Couldn't Resist a Pun)
Has anybody else just received a MeFiMail from a spanking-new member? [more inside]
Quoting capabilities for MeFi mail?
Quoting capabilities for MeFi mail? Yeah, I know, it's not meant to be a full-fledged mail client, but it's annoying when someone responds to something you said and you have to go back to your sent folder to remember what the heck it was.
Custom Folders for MeFi Mail
I was wondering if there were any plans to implement custom folders in MeFi Mail that we could move MeFi e-mails to? If not, can we have them please? They could appear in the form of extra tabs next to the 'Your Sent Mail' and 'Your Contacts' tabs. [more inside]
Why verify addresses to turn of mefi mail reminders?
Why do I have to have a verified email address to opt out of mefi mail reminders? It wasn't a huge pain to verify it, but it doesn't make sense that I had to. It should have nothing to do with my email.
Where's my question?
I posted a question in AskMeFi and can't find it. What gives? [more inside]
MefiMail Improvements
Pony request: Would like more MefiMail options. [more inside]
Mefimail -- the other, better metatalk
Hey guys, remember that mefi mail feature? Use it instead of metatalking. [more inside]
Mefimail all local users
Feature request: Send MefiMail to all users within an n mile radius. [more inside]
Oops...Could Have Phrased That Better...
Would it be possible to have preview in MeFiMail? [more inside]
I missed a message because it was in MeFi mail
Argh! An anonymous AskMe poster sent me follow up information three days ago -- on my invitation -- but sent it to MeFi mail, so I only just discovered it! Is there some way to make MeFi mail notify my regular e-mail? I feel so guilty...
MeFi Mail link in profile page all screwy
I'm running Safari on Mac OS 10.4, and the "send MeFi Mail" link does not seem to work. Am I alone? [more inside]
New Mail Pony?
MeFi Mail Pony Request -- I often miss that I have new messages because the icon's so goshed darned tiny and doesn't call attention to itself in any way. Since I *rarely* get MeFiMails (no one likes me), can we get something like, say, a blink tag or a .wav that says "You've got Mail!" or something up there when we have new mail? [more inside]
Commendations + Pony
First of all, thank you to #1, pb, et al. for all of the new toys, it's not even Christmas!
I'm wondering now, if it's worth the effort (or possible) to include the "Bold", "Italics" and "links" buttons to MeFiMail and much more importantly, to AskMe.
[more inside]
MeFi Mail refresh
We added a bunch MeFi Mail updates that seemed worthy of a post here (and if you have more ideas maybe add them here) [more inside]
MeFi Mail is here
MeFi Mail is being rolled out, so pardon the dust for the next hour or so and once it's live, feel free to discuss it here.
Mefi Email
Email this MiFier: it would be nice to have the ability to contact even those MeFiers who don't have an email address on their profile page [more -->]