60 posts tagged with Meetup and Chicago.
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Don't Say We Did not Warn You
MeFiChi (TINCC*) will be celebrating the (totally not arbitrarily-designated) 10th Anniversary of our First Wednesdays at the Goat and (late lamented) Frog on the first Wednesday of October 2018.
Please consider this your Save the Date. There will be an IRL as we get closer, but we know (oh how we know!) calendars are hard and we thought a head's up for those who need it might be a good idea. [more inside]
Better late than never
I never got a chance to thank my fellow Chicago MeFites for going above and beyond the call of duty in celebrating MetaFilter's 15th Anniversary. Did you know we had 29 straight days of meetups in July? Here's just some of the stuff we did: [more inside]
Cleanup on aIsleRL
Could we revisit the close-a-proposed-meetup thing on IRL? [more inside]
$22 for what now?
Unorthodox Chicago meetup. Please read fully before committing. [more inside]
Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah
Chicago meetup, anyone? [more inside]
Pizza that ate Chicago
I know Chicago has meetups approximately every half-hour, but for reasons of convenience and terrible awkward crippling fear of people I've never made it to one. [more inside]
Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.
Chicago meetup, two weeks from today. [more inside]
“They didn't want it good, they wanted it Wednesday.”
The people have spoken: MeFiChiMichAveMeetup will be at the usual time, at the usual place! Wednesday February 3rd, Billy Goat on (under) Michigan Avenue, 6-ish. Hooray!
Still bummed about that Jupiter mission, btw.
Chicago's first meetup of 2010. [more inside]
You can't stop us, you can only hope to contain us. MeFiChi, back to the goat!
MeFiChi: The last thoughts of the flowerpot's liver were "Oh no, not again." Regular Wednesday Meetup Time. [more inside]
Cortex, Chicago, and Cheezborgers, October 2nd and 3rd
As promised: the First Annual Chicago Cortex Convergence, October 2nd and 3rd. Mark it on your calendars, kids. [more inside]
Meetup: Dallas and Chicago
Small-town Canadian girl heading to Dallas (Sept 30th - Oct 3) and Chicago (Oct 3-9). Anyone want to meet up in either of those cities? [more inside]
It's not like we'd tell you if there WAS a Chicago Cabal.
Announcing the August Chicago meetup. [more inside]
BlogHer '09 Meetup?
BlogHer '09 Meetup next week? Because there haven't been enough Meetups planned lately... [more inside]
Steak and Egg, Fool.
Monthly Chicago Meetup: June Edition [more inside]
Chicago May MeetUp
It's nearly time for the May Chicago MeFi meetup! [more inside]
Chicago April MeetUp
It's nearly time for the monthly Chicago MeFi meetup! [more inside]
Egg, no steak, it's Lent.
The next monthly Chicago, noncabal, meet-up should be this Wednesday, even though the Beard has not spoken, right? [more inside]
2009-02-04 - Chicago meetup, once again: check it to wreck it, let's begin.
I serve at the pleasure of wfrgms: MonthlyMetaMichAveMeetup on February 4th, 6-ish, Billy Goat. That is all. [more inside]
Rebel Meet up!
The Chicago cabal* has given its blessing on a separate northside Meetup! So what say, Chicago northsiders? Any night but Wednesday, Tommy Nevins? Prairie Moon? I don't hang out in bars (--cough--), so I'm open to suggestions.
*TINC [more inside]
Chicagoans: 2008-12-03
Reminder: Chicago MonthlyMetaMichAveMeetup, December 3rd. [more inside]
By Executive Order
All right, candyasses: Chicago meetup on May 21st, 6pm, Billy Goat on (under) Michigan. [more inside]
2/07 Chicago Meetup
Chicago Meetup this February? [more inside]
Chicagoland mapgeeks unite!
Calling all Chicagoland map lovers! Are you ready for the Festival of Maps? Anyone want to meet up and discuss mapgeekery?
4 MeFites > 3 Musketeers
There was a small MeFi meetup in Chicago on Wednesday. Small. [more inside]
Filmgeek's thinking about a Chicago Meetup
Chicago! I'm calling you. Yeah, I know some of you had a meetup about two weeks ago, but I'm coming there for business (and working there over the weekend.) I'll be near State & Grand...and I'm thinking friday or sat night might be nice. I'm thinking round 8 or 9ish. Somewhere positive to discussions with alcohol.
MetaMeetup in Chicago - Tonight!
Meet in Chicago this week?
Chicago area meetup(ish) events this week? [more inside]
Chicago/Quad-Cities meetup
Chicago/Quad-Cities meetup - How about we Chicagoans celebrate winter by doing a ski meetup at one of the near(ish) ski hills? How about Chestnut in Galena? That would make it easy for quad cities folks too.
Also, don't worry if you've never ski'd, you undoubtledly won't be the only one.
Also, don't worry if you've never ski'd, you undoubtledly won't be the only one.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago people! Don't forget we're meeting up tomorrow! I can't wait to see you all.
Chicago Meetup
There were vague rumblings about a festive Chicago meet-up (Yes, we have a lot of meet-ups in the city of big shoulders. We need booze to stay warm). Tuesday the 12th at the Duke of Perth has been proposed and seconded.
Pictures from the Chicago Meetup, November 2006
It's a little belated, but my pictures from the recent Chicago meetup are now up. Enjoy!
Chicago Meetup Photos
Photos from the Chicago Meetup last night.
Chicago Meetup?
Chicagoans - is the meetup still on for tomorrow?
Chicago Meetup
Okay Chicago Mefites, you've foiled me by a matter of days before, but I live here now (again)... what say you to a meetup before the holidays hit?
Chicago Meetup Followup
Chicago meetup: let's firm up a time and a place.
So are we still on for welcoming Jessamyn to Chicago? Let's firm up a time and a place. Waddaya say?
Chicago Meetup
Chicago meetup! July 7th, 6pm, starting over at Hopleaf. Here's the MetaChat thread. Whiskey slush for everyone!
Chicago meetup for Onion City film fest?
The Roads of Kiarostami is showing in The 18th Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival on June 15th at the Siskel Film Center, here in Chicago. gathering?
Reminder: Chicago meetup.
Chicago Meetup
Let's try this again. Anyone down for a Chicago meetup? My vote is again for Quenchers (corner of Fullerton and Western), but I'm down for Margies (or any other place) too.
Let's have a Chicago meetup.
Anyone wanna do a Chicago meetup? I've never been to one and don't know what the procedure is. I was thinking Quenchers, at Fullerton and Western. Don't care when, really so long as it's before March 16.
Chicago meet-up follow-up
Post meetup wrapup for Chicago: Thank you INTPLibrarian, felix betachat, me3dia and Slack-a-gogo for making the trip out to Southport Lanes for our little get-together [mas adentro].
Chicago Meetup
Chicago Meetup Redux: So far we've agreed on November 20th and I recommended Southport Lanes & Billiards... [More Inside]
Photos from the Chicago Meetup
This just in: Photos from the Chicago Meetup. Chicago loves you MetaFilter!
2005 Chicago Meetup Photos
Photos from last night's meetup in Chicago.
Chicago Meetup
Chicago MetaFilter Get-Together? Delilah's on 6/2 - 8PM. Is this on for sure? I ask because there is an electronic music festival thingy happening at the same time. Any alternate locations/dates we can meet?
Chicago Meetup
April Copynight. I'm trying to put together a copynight gathering in Chicago next month (the March event is tomorrow night and I doubt I can get it thrown together by then). While not a per se metafilter event, I think some Chicago area mefis would be interested. I'd like to pick a venue near the loop to make it easy for the postwork crowd. My short list includes Monk's Pub, Fado and Manhattan's.
Chicago meetup reminder
Reminder to Chicago mefites: meetup tomorrow, 8:30, at Hopleaf's upstairs bar.
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