82 posts tagged with Mobile.
Displaying 51 through 82 of 82. Subscribe:
IRL RSS and mobile
IRL: the RSS feed and the mobile site. [more inside]
Easier favoriting on the mobile version?
Pony request: can we make flagging and favoriting easier on the mobile site? [more inside]
I've got these iPhone Metafilerin' Blues
Is it possible to start a new post (in AskMe or MetaTalk, say) using the mobile version of Metafilter? Is it possible to contact the mods using the mobile version? I looked, but I didn't see any way to do so.
Pony request: can I see proposed IRL events on my iPhone, in a mobile-friendly format?
Pony request: can I see proposed IRL events on my iPhone, in a mobile-friendly format? [more inside]
Yeah, I don't want to see that anymore.
How do I delete a contact? Difficulty: android. [more inside]
Skip to Menu My Darlin'
After I updated my iPhone to iOS4, the "skip to menu" link at the top of the pages of the mobile site no longer works after a page has been reloaded. [more inside]
A pony I can take out on the town
Would it be possible to expand the mobile menu on Ask to include posts by category and/or tags? [more inside]
Long Links Sink Sites
Question of boundaries
The mobile load is pretty heavy. I have to go through five different loads to make a comment. We used to be able to post without reviewing first. What happened to primary responsibility?
Has the blue been embiggened?
The mobile version of the front page is slightly too wide for Safari on my iPhone. [more inside]
Obviously, it's much too cold right now to do anything.
Pensacola/Mobile/Biloxi Meetup, once this ridiculously cold weather eases up? [more inside]
Mobile pony re: sidebars
A tiny mobile pony: the sidebar of each subsite as an option in the menu? [more inside]
Pony: Easier way to access mobile site
Pony: An easier way to revert to the mobile site. Current link is 1. tiny and 2. all the way at the bottom. [more inside]
Non-iPhone mobile optimization?
Any chance of getting a mobile-formatted MetaFilter for non-iphone devices? [more inside]
Mobile computer word-up!
My home computer is my Blackberry. Thank you so much for the "Mark resolved" link. It saves so much work!
iPhone Stylesheet for MetaFilter
MetaFilter has a new look on iPhones. [more inside]
Space phone
I, for one, would welcome a Metafilter reader widget for the Android phone. [more inside]
Some pony requests for Mobile
(Mobile) pony requests:
1. It'd be nice if commenting was enabled from the mobile site.
2. How about a "load more" link on the section pages so that we can get to older posts more easily.
3. This is a bit more pie in the sky, but it would be great if internal links were rewritten to point to the mobile equivalent.
I know the mobile site is a bit of a ghetto in terms of attention, but it really is a fantastic way to get my fix.
Opera Mini and MeFi: Two Great Tastes That Taste Assy Together
Can't comment from Opera Mini on a Blackberry. [more inside]
Blank MeFi
So, ever since I applied the 3.0 software update to my iPhone, I've run into this problem where occasionally pages (AskMe, MetaTalk, and MeFi proper) load blank... [more inside]
Whatever you're doing with Metafilter's mobile access, keep it up. [more inside]
Can't get to mobile.metafilter.com
Post-injection issue: mobile.metafilter.com redirects to www.metafilter.com [more inside]
MeFi on iPhone via RSS through Google Reader
What's the best way to browse MeFi on an iPhone, usually via RSS? [more inside]
iWant an iPony...
iPony Request: Favorites and comment posting for mobile.metafilter.com. [more inside]
Mobile browser URL error
My mobile browser (LG Voyager) shows a URL Errors whenever I try to select a "more inside", "x comments", or "x answers" link. So there's no way to read anything that's not visible on the main pages. [more inside]
More than 10 posts on Mefi Mobile
Mefi Mobile Pony: Can we get more than 10 posts on mobile.metafilter.com? [more inside]
Announcing: mobile.metafilter.com
It's a new version of the sites designed for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Try it out on the device, songs from MeFi Music even play in the device (works best on wifi of course). A short video if it in action is inside. [more inside]
It's a new version of the sites designed for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Try it out on the device, songs from MeFi Music even play in the device (works best on wifi of course). A short video if it in action is inside. [more inside]
Rounded tabs in the blue and green?
We've still got the CSS rounded tab corners in MetaTalk, so I assume they're not breaking anything - can we have them in the blue and green now? They're purty. Thanks. [more inside]
Mobile stylesheet?
Did this ever get done did? My symbian phone freaks out on the the current layout under opera, with a center column of nearly five or six characters in width bufferred by left-and-right margins approaching a quarter-inch-plus.
What I really want, of course, is a plain-text mobi.metafilter.com, but I'll deal.
What I really want, of course, is a plain-text mobi.metafilter.com, but I'll deal.
How about a mobile version of MetaFilter?
Has a mobile version of MetaFilter been suggested here before? I ask because I'm using my phone's online access much more than at home nowadays. Surely there are a few people in the same boat? Neigh!
Bug in Opera Mini
Posting comments doesn't seem to work for me in Opera Mini
All the mefi sites display funny on my new Pocket PC
All the mefi sites display funny on my new Pocket PC. The coloured background (blue/grey/etc) appears in chunks so as I scroll down the background scrolls past the end of blue and shows white. Irritatingly, the text is white, so I have to highlight it to see what it says. Scroll down some more and the colour comes back then goes, then comes back, you get the picture? Anyway, its IE built into Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition running on a new Dell Axim x50v.
I'm going to look such a fool when someone points me to the "Make Metafilter display Ok" button.
I'm going to look such a fool when someone points me to the "Make Metafilter display Ok" button.
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