61 posts tagged with Writing.
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It's award season
Are there works that mefites have published/created in 2023 that are eligible for awards? Hugo nominations should open soon and I'm sure there are other awards I don't know about. Please share your work here.
🔊 📚 🔊 MetaFilter Events: Week 2 🔊 📚 🔊
Week 2 of Metafilter Events is here! Following Week 1, we’re back with more as we kick off a week about books, fiction and the humanities. (NaNoWriMo participants - this week is calling your name ✨ ) [more inside]
Time to change from HTML?
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before recently, but are there any plans to change or add on text coding options beyond HTML? Like Markdown or rich text? [more inside]
thesmallmachine won a Lammy!
thesmallmachine has just won the 2019 LGBTQ SF/F/Horror Lambda Literary Award for his amazing book, The Breath of the Sun. Congratulations!
AskMe question about writing email
Can you please help me find a thread on the green that was about how to write emails that have the best chance of eliciting the desired action/response? I'm thinking someone submitted their proposed email phrasing and people responded with critiques and also little hints about how to structure emails. Thank you for the help.
2018 NaNoWriMo Thread
The annual check-in thread for MeFites participating in NaNoWriMo. [more inside]
Can we get a bigger text box on Mobile Modern?
The text box for posting comments on mobile (I'm talking about Modern theme here; Classic has similar but slightly different issues) is really small. It makes it hard for me to write more than a couple sentences without losing track of what I was talking about. Sometimes I just give up. Can it be bigger? [more inside]
yay MeFite books!
Congratulations!! to our very own, very gifted mothershock on the publication of her memoir: The Beginning of Everything: The Year I Lost My Mind and Found Myself. She has a good interview up at The Rumpus about the book, which covers her process of healing and reinvention after a neurological injury. [more inside]
Please help me find a piece of writing that was linked on Metafilter
It appeared some time ago, I remember it was written from the perspective of someone stocking shelves (at a supermarket or Amazon warehouse?). In it is a description of the organisation as if it were an organism of emergent intelligence—a blind but many-limbed monster armed with thousands of portable barcode scanners. Does this sound familiar to anybody? [more inside]
It's mid-November and I don't think there's been a NaNoWriMo post yet this year. How goes the NaNo? What are you writing? [more inside]
Just a note of thanks, really
Hey hey. After a year and a half in gestation, I'm in the process of wrapping up a manuscript for delivery to my publisher this week. And so now I'm finally getting to what is, by far, my favorite aspect of working on a book, which is writing the Acknowledgments. And you're in them! [more inside]
Any MeFites planning to do the Jupiter Challenge?
The Jupiter Challenge is "a project encouraging writers to go back to the worlds and characters they created in their childhood or early teenage years and use them to inspire new work." It's happening between June 1st and August 1st this year. Is anyone else here planning to take part? [more inside]
What do you write your draft posts in?
Having a discussion on Twitter and I thought I could get some more answers from the community about what you use to draft your fpps in.
Ideally looking for freebies I can download.
Also somewhat interested in how people work, although this is just for curiosity's sake, and not really a problem to solve. (Particularly interested in 'heavy hitters' like filthy light thief, flex, the man of twists and turns, Rhaomi, etc.) [more inside]
FPP titles that made you smile or laugh
One of the more splendid attributes of the MetaFilter community is the regular ability of MeFites to write titles of posts that are offbeat, witty, hilarious or smart. A few recent ones I've enjoyed include this and this. While Y(humor)MMV, what post titles have you particularly enjoyed?
350-mile bike tour of the Oregon Coast - by Matt Haughey
Matt Haughey describes his bike ride along the Oregon Coast on Tumblr. Spectacular photos included. [more inside]
Thanks for helping a columnist out.
In my latest column, this comment helped me to write the introduction to a piece I was stuck on while I was on deadline, a few days after it had been made by elgilito. Thank you elgilito for your research, and your French, and thanks Metafilter for being part of my media diet. You are an odd and useful tool in my writing, and an unlooked-for blessing.
NaNoWriMo 2013
Nanowrimo is a week away, are any Mefites taking part this year? If so, are you a planner or a pantser, and what are you thinking of doing? Last year we had our own Metafilter group and several people took part. If anyone took part last year or previously, share your joys and despairs, and any dirty tricks you used, so that any n00bs out there who don't know what Nano is like can know a bit about what to expect. [more inside]
Writing for the blue.
Once upon a time I read a guide to writing for the blue by a fellow MeFite who is known for excellent posts and describes researching a topic after stumbling upon an idea for a blue post and making sure it's not already posted. It's very thoughtful, well written and detailed. Further, it describes how to achieve those three things in a blue post. It's not in the wiki and I haven't been able to find it in Google. Can someone help me find this?
Writing to find a post about writing
Or it could have been a comment, about writing or planning a book. It went something like this. (I think it was askme, but I'm not sure).
1. Event
2. Climax
3. Ending
And then
1a. Lead up to event.
1b. actual event.
1c. results of event.
2a. Lead up to climax
2b. Almost climax
2c. Climax!
Showing a hierarchical method of laying out a story, so that the paragraphs practically write themselves.
Thank you.
Academic Integrity: Policy on Ask?
This question was asked, and some respondents have been raising concerns that it might violate the student's honour code. Is there an express policy about this? [more inside]
Insert Title Here
This maybe just me with a particular writing hangup, but does anyone else find it difficult, sometimes have a "mental block", to come up with a title for the FPP they have constructed? End up sometimes spending more time on the title than constructing the rest of the FPP? Have abandoned FPPs as cannot come up with a decent title? Or have a fear that, no matter how good the FPP, a rubbish title will mean everyone will pass over it? Highly related; any tips for coming up with "good" (subjective, yes) titles. [more inside]
Metafilter et al Rocks! and yet.. Pony request for short-story subsite
So Metafilter right now consists of *
Metafilter / MetaTalk- launched in 1999. Askmefi - launched in 2003. Projects - launched in 2005. Music - launched in 2006. Jobs - launched 2006. IRL - launched ??
Now I love, love, love, Meta and all associated sub-sites but I was wondering if perhaps a writing / short story sub-site (for original works) was also possible.?**
[*all dates taken from wikipedia]
[**apologies if this has already been discussed, I searched and couldn't find reference to a writing sub-site on MetaTalk] [more inside]
[**apologies if this has already been discussed, I searched and couldn't find reference to a writing sub-site on MetaTalk] [more inside]
Because November is a ridiculous time to schedule anything
MeFiWriMo! As discussed in this year's NaNo thread, let's do a Metafilter Novel Writing Month from January 15th to February 15th - the deadest time of the year, and so a good one to have a nice concrete goal to work on. [more inside]
You just didn't understand what I was going for . . .
Is there some sort of active MeFi writers group? If yes, how could one be initiated? If not, can there be? [more inside]
It's not every day you get to help launch a time machine.
Look, I know G+ is a dead zone socially for a lot of people, but you can help change that! Come argue with me about what to do next over on shakespeherian's page there, where he's just started a brand new Choose Your Own Adventure By Committee. And it's about time travel!!! [more inside]
Facing the Auditors
Metafilter's own Charles Stross: Ask him anything (Previously on the blue, seems like it might be a better fit here)
Creative Writing
What are the most creatively written posts on Metafilter? [more inside]
mathowie interviews CmdrTaco
"I was a daily reader of Slashdot from about 1997 onwards, and it was a key inspiration for me starting MetaFilter." Matt Haughey interviewed Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda, Slashdot founder.
War of the Wor(l)ds
As part of a test of the beta version of a Web project I've been working on, MeFites The Whelk and robocop is bleeding are going to throw down in a half-hour no-words-barred fiction writing battle next Tuesday at Fiction Fights! [more inside]
MeFi Writing Group
There have been at least two previous MeFi writers' groups but there is not one now. Is anyone interested in forming one? [more inside]
Your cheatin' heart, will tell on you
Thanks for deleting my irritable response to a question about how to succeed at writing. I guess it punched a button of mine.
NaNoWriMo 2010
National Novel Writing Month
Anyone up for NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month begins in just a week: participants devote the month of November to a 50,000 word blitz. Here's a thread where MeFites can share past experiences and future intentions. [more inside]
Write is Music for the inner voice
MeFites can post their music to MetaFilter Music and be critiqued. I would love it if the same could be done for prose and poetry. [more inside]
we could do better, y'all
When philip-random made this comment: "There's much talk at MetaTALK of all the things that Metafilter does NOT do well, but seldom do we hear of the one thing that MetaFilter routinely tanks at, which is anything to do with WRITING." ... he was damn well spot-on. Anything we might possibly do to remedy this depressing reality?
Metafilter on writing
Learning how others write stories has been interesting. Hats off to all who contributed!
What's wrong?
I don't understand what's wrong with my post linked to here: Unethical AC. Members have been assaulting that post with derogatory comments. As an old woman, I feel I require explanation.
Great read!
Hi, just wanted to say how great (I think) this story comment is. I don't get to read everything on the site, and maybe someone missed this like I miss other things.
[Two] Million Monkeys
I hereby propose a second Metafilter Writers Collaboration. [more inside]
NaNoWriMo 2009?
It was a dark and stormy NaNoWriMo 2009, and the MeFites were lurking. [more inside]
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place with Smart, Creative People
Do you write long-form fiction? Do you live in New York? Let's start a writers' group. [more inside]
Get A Free Book for Easter! Visitor's Day (The Metafilter Collaborative Novel)
Remember that proposed Metafilter Collaborative Novel? It's here! It's called Visitor's Day, it’s free and you'll find the links you need to download it inside this thread. [more inside]
NaNoWriMo 2008
Ah, Fall. The leaves start to turn brilliant shades of red and yellow, stores start to put up the Christmas displays, and our hands start to twist into claws of carpal tunnel syndrome pain. Guess that means another National Novel Writing Writing Month is at claw hand. [more inside]
Do you have a question?
A million monkeys... and some editors!
An update to the Metafilter Writers Collaboration Project, and a request for volunteer editors. [more inside]
MeFi Short Fiction Anthology Due Date Nears!
The Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology: P/Virse Edition deadline is approaching! There's just over two weeks remaining, so if you have yet to start clacking away, now is the time! I'm sure I'm not the only one eager to see what folks have come up with! [more inside]
Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology!
Announcing the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology! Previously suggested by Effigy2000, the Metafilter Short Fiction Anthology is a chance for all us writer-type or vaguely-writer-type Mefites to get together and write write write! We'll be taking a "Thieves' World" approach to our writing with each story in the Anthology taking place in a setting first posited by Mefi's Own L. Fitzgerald Sjoberg and then fleshed out by himself and members of the Mefi community. All who are interested are encouraged to join in! [more inside]
A million monkeys...
I hereby propose a Metafilter Writers Collaboration. [more inside]
Big, sloppy thank-you to MetaFilter! [more inside]
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