39 posts tagged with mefi and shoutout.
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this is faaaantastic.

Just featured on All Things Considered it's mefi's own: jedicus and valkyryn and their blog: The Law and the Multiverse. Previously discussed here and here. And this all started over here at mefi projects. [more inside]
posted by zenon on Mar 21, 2011 - 47 comments

hugs all round

I think it's about time Kattullus got a pat on the back for a staggering output of consistently excellent posts.
posted by UbuRoivas on Jul 29, 2008 - 81 comments

Server like butta'

Oh how easily we forget! Months ago (a year?) the server was consistently slow or down. Now it's smooth as a baby's butt and fast as the Google. Is Federer your server? I love it. My Mefi addicted brain thanks you.
posted by null terminated on Jan 29, 2008 - 21 comments

Good Work FPPers!

As of the time of this post, the blue has had an unbroken string of 71 undeleted FPPs (numbers 68210 to 68280). That's almost three full days with no doubles, no self-linkers, no crappy stunt posts, etc. Good work, people! It got me wondering, though, what's the longest string (number-wise and/or timespan-wise) of undeleted FPPs on the blue? Does this mean we're all finally "getting" what makes a good post? Or are people getting better at following the guidelines? Or is this just an anomaly? [more inside]
posted by amyms on Jan 18, 2008 - 70 comments

Just a "mefi awesome today" post

Today has been the best day in terms of FPPs in living memory. The sort of day that will keep me coming back for years to come. Can Fridays always be dedicated to the very best of the web? And statistically - what day has provided the most favourites?
posted by takeyourmedicine on Nov 9, 2007 - 81 comments

The demon lived at Mach 1

This is how it's done. [more inside]
posted by ZachsMind on Oct 14, 2007 - 92 comments


I just wanted to say thanks to Matt for putting that extra-special touch on my post about Comic Sans. I have made a very few good posts and a number of bad ones, but this has completely made my MetaFilter day, no, wait - my MetaFilter year.
posted by GuyZero on Aug 23, 2007 - 65 comments

"So well assorted were they that once there they fell into harmony like the strings of an instrument touched by an able hand."

This thread is a shining example of how a humble single link blog post can bring out the best in Metafilter. Some of the comments in that thread are among the most candid and moving I have every read, especially those by bookish, wendell, uh126, and swerve. But there are many other insightful, poignant, and informative comments as well. In general, the discussion has progressed with a dignity and class that have become a hallmark of Metafilter. To all those who commented, thank you for sharing your lives with us. And thanks, 2shay, for the post.
posted by Pastabagel on Aug 6, 2007 - 62 comments

How do you say thank you in Telugu?

I just wanted to point out the cydonian's fantastic observations in this post that he made yesterday, and thank him publicly for his efforts. thank you!
posted by hadjiboy on Jul 31, 2007 - 10 comments

Please Sidebar Asparagirl's post

Any chance that the mods could sidebar this post by Asparagirl? It was a fantastic post, with great clarity, structure, and purpose, as well as being critically important to most Americans.
posted by SeizeTheDay on Jul 12, 2007 - 28 comments

best first post ever?

I thought the buster keaton post was incredible, one of my favorites to read (and watch) in a long time, and even more so when i read it was a first post. Anyways I just want to recognize churl for putting so much effort into making such a great first post .. links to criticism, sources,background info and of course videos.. its awesome. Just a really auspicious begginning, i hope he does more like this
posted by petsounds on Apr 26, 2007 - 31 comments

Good charity keeps plugging along

Remember Modest Needs? They turned five years old this week and hit one million dollars in funds dispersed since they started. In the anniversary post, the founder mentions they got their whole start thanks to that post on mefi.
posted by mathowie on Apr 3, 2007 - 28 comments

Doubleplusgood doubleposting

Nevercalm deserves credit for anti-eponysterically advocating that his post, doubled five minutes later, be the one deleted. Mattamyn deserves credit, as usual, for not being blindly policy-bound.
posted by longtime_lurker on Feb 22, 2007 - 34 comments

Video maker comments

This thread, which starts with a YouTube link to a video made by an autistic woman, was fascinating in it's own right, but now has a long comment added by the maker of the video.
posted by OmieWise on Jan 26, 2007 - 38 comments

50 works of art you should see before you die - rocks!

kirkaracha ftw
posted by bardic on Dec 7, 2006 - 49 comments

the front page has been incredible recently

I just want to say that the front page has been incredible recently. What's up as of this post is just stellar post after stellar post. I love you guys.
posted by shmegegge on Nov 27, 2006 - 61 comments

The quality and frequency of jonson's recent posts have been astonishing

The quality and frequency of jonson's recent posts have been astonishing. Thanks for making MeFi awesome.
posted by monju_bosatsu on Sep 16, 2006 - 76 comments

Email from Marshall Oak.

Remember Marshall Oak, the star trek photoshopping guy? He found us! (email inside)
posted by mathowie on Mar 18, 2006 - 26 comments

Today has been quality

Today, February 17, 2006, has seen the most quality, well written posts ever, or for at least during my time here. The bar has been raised. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!
posted by The Jesse Helms on Feb 17, 2006 - 46 comments

"If this story is to be believed, then it looks like I was wrong about my condemnation of Lindh"

Thanks to jperkins for taking the high road.
posted by Rothko on Jan 26, 2006 - 21 comments

Jonson posts awesome links

ATTENTION METATALK WARRIORS. THIS MAY BE A SHOCK TO YOUR SYSTEM - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: Jonson. You have been consistently posting exceedingly fine links for quite some time now.
This thread is for you.
posted by loquacious on Nov 13, 2005 - 33 comments

I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue.

I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue. (But didn't even notice at the time!) Now this probably isn't much compared to some others, but I've been using MeFi for what seems like forever, so I just thought I'd take a moment to say thanks to Matt and the other admin guys, and to everyone else who makes MeFi a great place - since it isn't often we get positive posts in the grey.
Thanks, MeFi!
posted by Mwongozi on Nov 1, 2005 - 48 comments

Great coverage of UK general election

I've really enjoyed reading and participating in the coverage the UK general election has received at MetaFilter, particularly the follow-up threads (which, in one case, might otherwise have been dismissed as news filter). Contrasting points of view expressed intelligently and with measure. Well done.
posted by nthdegx on May 7, 2005 - 11 comments

this thread is really fascinating stuf, complete with actual non-hostile debate!

Despite some snarking here and there, this thread is really fascinating stuf, complete with actual non-hostile debate! I learn something new every day. Kudos.
posted by xmutex on Apr 19, 2005 - 28 comments


Despite my penchant for terse front page posts, with as little interpretation as possible, I think this is a prime example of a frontpage post done right. Well done, NotMyselfRightNow.
posted by crunchland on Sep 8, 2004 - 24 comments

Communism thread NOT a total train wreck; news at 11

Could have been a total train wreck. Wasn't. But in an almost http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/32975#667562">bizarro twist, the thread brought out all kinds of insights into the problems of not only communism but general ideologies systems of political power. We did good.
posted by namespan on May 8, 2004 - 37 comments

crunchland is crunchtastic!

Since September 1st (he's been doing it for longer than that, but I don't know how to count beyond 40), crunchland has posted approximately 40 threads to the blue. Most of these links have been fantastic eye and/or brain candy. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you and that I hope the well isn't running dry. Keep it up!
posted by ashbury on Oct 25, 2003 - 46 comments

Thank you so so much

A year and four days after it was posted, I just wanted to offer my praise and thanks to everyone who contributed to this, the most useful thread ever.
posted by putzface_dickman on Oct 7, 2003 - 7 comments

Have we returned to a civil MetaFilter?

Reasonable and reasoned talk about the war? a global warming thread where people correct themselves and say "climate change"? Is Mefi returning to civility? Which is to say, normality???
posted by UncleFes on Apr 8, 2003 - 33 comments

Congratulations on being civil.

Congratulations to all who participated in the recent thread on evangelical Christians and why people dislike them. The level of constructive dialogue on all sides of the issue was truly miraculous ...hehe. Why did this thread succeed when so many other religious threads quickly degrade into vicious flamewars?
posted by jsonic on Feb 7, 2003 - 11 comments

a really, really, good day for Metafilter

Friday, January 17, 2003 was a really, really, good day for Metafilter.
posted by PrinceValium on Jan 18, 2003 - 11 comments

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout - a cheerleader post, if you will indulge me. I note a immense upward jump in the quality of both MeFi and MeTa posts and comments, with a corresponding downward jump in noise, trolling and trash. I note comments by Matt have a more relaxed tone than in the past few weeks. I see discussions kept to a mostly civil if not downright respectful tone. I observe efforts running the gamut from herculean to humorous by members like frykitty, y6y6y6, waxy, riffola, adrianhon, et al, to help make this wondrous place ever more enjoyable and user friendly. I want to say thank you, to everyone. [*Cue Dorothy, who taps heels of ruby slippers 3 times, chants "There's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter...*]
posted by Lynsey on Nov 19, 2002 - 20 comments

Awesome info in "breaking news"

A "breaking news" thread we can all admire. Bravo, Hammerikaner.
posted by briank on Nov 5, 2002 - 8 comments

Post meh, discussion makes it worthwhile.

In the interest of having a positive example in MetaTalk (rare, I know), I put forth this example. I thought the phrasing of the original link was sub-standard, but after the first few comments the discussion was positive and, as so often happens here, a member with a more in-depth knowledge of the field helped the understanding of others.

I also thought it might be worth mentioning so that those who are upset by his politics and (debatable) trolling can see that fold_and_mutilate does contribute positively in other ways.

posted by The God Complex on Oct 3, 2002 - 23 comments

y2karl: informative and interesting

I just wanted to say y2karl has some great posts lately [1, 2 & 3].
I liked them not for the content, but for how he did it.

In order to understand his point I had to read the links. Not only that, the TITLE tags he put in there were wonderfully informative.
I've seen others do this from time to time, I just think it's quite nice.

I like the idea that to fully understand the thread people need to go and read something, learn something to actually make a comment that makes any sense.
After all, we are all here to learn something, are we not?
Anyone have any favorite threads, based on how they were done, not what they talk about?
posted by Blake on Aug 6, 2002 - 21 comments

successful posting of contentious material

Today's PreCrime post by grrarrgh00 is a great example of contentious material presented with balanced text, varied supporting links (with mouseovers!), and a meaty comment to start things on the write foot. Is this a good model given our recent debates over how to present controversial topics?
posted by Marquis on Jun 21, 2002 - 14 comments

July 19 was goshdarnitall a GOOD day

Now introducing : a 'Metafilter is getting better thread'! Is it just me and my interests-tunnelvision, or were the posts on July 19 just goshdarnitall more high-quality than has been the case sometimes of late? A little heavy on the flash and alcohol (two great tastes that go great together), but nary a single post of the 'Big Brother/Survivor' variety to be seen!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 19, 2001 - 5 comments

Cute kitty post on mefi

Just when you think MeFi has gone to the dogs, you discover it has really gone to the kitties.
posted by briank on May 17, 2001 - 13 comments

Lots of comments, lots of links, lots of love

Hey is it just me or has MeFi been especially good lately? Lots of comments, lots of links, lots of love... or maybe I'm just drunk...
posted by chaz on Jan 4, 2001 - 4 comments

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