14 posts tagged with metatalktails by jessamyn.
Displaying 1 through 14 of 14.

Metatalktail Hour: If I Ran the Holidays

It is a holiday-filled weekend in the US/UK with Bloomsday, Juneteenth, Father's Day and the Solstice all happening within a few days of each other, and all during Pride Month. So today, on National Hike With a Geek Day, I'd like to know what thing (commemoration, celebration, special event) would you like to make into a holiday? What would happen on that day? Who would it be for or about? Or would there be an existing holiday you'd reconfigure? Or do you have a personal holiday that you celebrate in your own way? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jun 20, 2021 - 45 comments

Metatalktail Hour: The Sounds of Your Seasons.... or Something!

It's Springtime in Vermont which means the little peepers are out and about making their frolicking noises; it's always one of the first signs of things improving and beautifying, weatherwise. What are the sounds like near you? Loud sounds, quiet sounds, fun sounds, musical sounds, new sounds or old sounds. Tell us what you've been hearing around you. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Apr 25, 2021 - 61 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Accoutrements

I was a person who never wore leggings before and now I wear them every day. Has the past year given you a new style, a new accessory (besides your mask), or some little thing/companion/habit/routine that you enjoy and is becoming part of you? Pets, hairstyles, jewelry, houseplants, what's a new thing with you lately? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Mar 28, 2021 - 86 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Minor Missings

Happy groggy Sunday for those of you experiencing Daylight Savings Time. I was realizing as we hit the one year anniversary of these Pandamnit Times that I miss some weird things. Like there are the BIG things like hugs, theater movies, and indoor time with friends and family, but there are also the small, dumb things like that weird overly cooked french fry at the bottom of the fries, or cleaning the tiny drops of pee that hit the rim of the toilet bowl if I have standing-pee-ers visiting, or the way you have to decide how to pass people in an airplane or music hall aisle. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Mar 14, 2021 - 89 comments

MetaTalktail Hour: What is on your walls?

Prompted by a fun poster thread on MLTSHP, I want to know about a thing that is on your wall. Could be a poster, a painting, a picture, a wall-hanging, a shadow, a window, a post-it, something you like to look at that you think others might like to see. Feel free to describe it or link us to a picture of it.
posted by jessamyn on Feb 28, 2021 - 88 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Your Own Peculiar Theme Park

I've been reading Sarah Vowell's Take the Cannoli and enjoyed reading about her visit to Disneyland, particularly how she would remake Disneyland if she could build a theme park. And that made me think about my own personal theme park and what I might like to see and what other kinds of theme parks others would create. Sky's the limit, what would you like to create a theme park for? Would there be rides? Food? Attractions? Educational opportunities? Take us on a trip somewhere.
posted by jessamyn on Feb 20, 2021 - 42 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Nuisance-level nitpicks

What are your minor annoyances? We know what all the MAJOR annoyances are lately but what’s the teeny thing that nonetheless is on your last nerve after all this time at home, or navigating workandschoolandpeopleandstuff? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Feb 12, 2021 - 226 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Speaking of the mail....

More than usual, people are interacting via the post office, various delivery services, and sometimes becoming their own delivery services. I'd like to talk about the mail (since postal trivia is one of my nerdy interests). Tell me a story about the mail, or delivery of some kind, past, present, or future. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jan 10, 2021 - 61 comments

Metatalktail Hour: My dream job...

If I were to have my dream job, it would probably be a combination of writing Wikipedia articles about notable and under-appreciated people (librarians, artists, historical POC) and being the "Live Zoom link provider" person when I was watching a lecture or attending an event. "Oh hey that person mentioned their book, here's a link where you can read a review or purchase it from a non-Amazon shop." It would be great if that kind of thing paid. What sort of dream job would you like, if you're dreaming? Sky is the limit. Thank you to valkane for the suggestion. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Nov 29, 2020 - 112 comments

MetaTalktail Hour: Stories of courage and comfort

This week's prompt comes from MonkeyToes: Huron Bob's stories were so often humane and comforting. In his memory, let's have a story MetaTalk? One where we tell a story about something encouraging that's stuck with us over the years, or about someone telling us just the right and comforting thing at a difficult moment, or something to give courage and comfort? This is not meant as a minimizing everyone-must-be-happy way... but it might be a good time to share stories that sustain us. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Nov 15, 2020 - 30 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Whither jetpacks?

I look at Classic Era scifi as a string of broken promises. Never went back to the Moon. Hardly any jetpacks. Gigabit internet in the city, dial-up in the country. But still I dream. What's a thing you'd like to invent, something maybe near-plausible, or something entirely fanciful? Can solve a societal problem, a personal problem, or no problem at all. Technological, biological, philosophical, what do you dream about improving? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Sep 13, 2020 - 118 comments

MetatalkMimosas: Your Music Muse!

Gorgik would like to know, what are your personal associations with music. What are some songs that are personally meaningful to you, and if you feel like sharing, what are those associations/what’s meaningful about them. Is it a person(s)? An event? A place? A time in your life? Or just what have you been listening to right now? Links welcome. [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 26, 2020 - 59 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Who is New In Your Life?

I can't speak for other people, but I miss seeing some of the people I usually see. At the same time I've been seeing some new people, either because they're on my same-y walk route, they're in a place that I am in, maybe they're doing an online thing that I've attended, or maybe they're just a new author or poet or actor or performer or activist that I've discovered. They may not be a person at all, maybe a pet or a plant our an outside animal you've been glimpsing during time at home. Who is new with you? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 18, 2020 - 101 comments

It's like an ice breaker except it's hot af

Metatalktail Hour: Never Have I Ever. What always fascinates me about the weird overlapping worlds of MeFites is how sometimes people seem almost like me and then they're like "Oh yeah I've never... been to Vermont/tried maple syrup/gone hiking alone/been anywhere West of the Missisippi/had chicken pox..." or whatever the thing is, and I'm always like "Really?" What is the thing you've never done that makes people go "Really?" or your little freak flag that makes you... you? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jun 24, 2017 - 377 comments

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