21 posts tagged with funny.
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Metatalktail Hour: Better than Sour Meat!

My favorite thing from social media this week was the Redditor whose boyfriend has pet-named her "Tony Pizza." Now I need to know the most embarrassing or off the wall pet names or nicknames that you've been called, or that you've used for a loved one. [more inside]
posted by taz on Jul 30, 2022 - 127 comments

Some of you have new names now

I've installed a language learning extension in my browser called Toucan which changes an assortment of words on whatever page you're looking at into your target learning language -- in my case French -- with the idea that you will learn that vocabulary in the context of your primary language. But what's currently cracking me up is that when I open a page on Metafilter: communauté weblog, it often chooses to translate bits and pieces of peoples usernames. [more inside]
posted by jacquilynne on May 7, 2022 - 46 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Talktail of Shame

Phunniemee says, "Inspired by this comment, it would personally amuse me to read through a thread of dumbest / biggest screw up / most embarrassing / lols things that assorted mefite professionals have encountered doing their jobs." [more inside]
posted by taz on Jul 10, 2021 - 61 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Stranger Things

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter – Euro Time Shift Edition! I'm filling in for Eyebrows to pose a topic suggested by holborne, who asks, "What are some memorable or funny (or both) interactions you've had with [non-threatening] strangers in public? (I thought of it mostly because I've had kind of adorable interactions with guys who handed me their newspapers on public transport after they caught me reading over their shoulders, although since no one really reads newspapers anymore that makes me old.)" [more inside]
posted by taz on Dec 8, 2018 - 172 comments

Metatalktail Hour: The Best Memes!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, junques and duffel separately wanted to know, in junques's words: "what's something (a thought, gif, video, comment, phrase, meme, photo, song, ...) that never fails to make you smile and/or laugh?" [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Sep 29, 2018 - 151 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Hilarity!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm on an airplane getting ready to take off, so tell me hilarious stories (the ones where you giggle so hard you have trouble telling them) to read when I land at 2 a.m.! [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Aug 25, 2018 - 88 comments

Note: Everyone needs a laugh.

"I know more about a person from the jokes they like than any belief they profess," commented lazycomputerkids in the thread on right-wing comedy. So, MeFites - tell us about yourselves! [more inside]
posted by nickmark on Sep 29, 2017 - 179 comments

Featuring MeFi's own MetaFilter

The American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress has announced the creation of the library's Web Cultures Web Archive Collection. Archived sites of note run the gamut from Urban Dictionary to ¡Cuánto cabrón! to creepypasta to MeFi's own Metafilter. [h/t]
posted by Room 641-A on Jul 5, 2017 - 44 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Hilarity

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Tonight's metatalktail topic comes from scratch: "What is the funniest thing you've ever seen? Or heard, or smelled, etc. No parameters--it can be something from You Own Real Life, a meme, a twelfth-hand anecdote, your cat, a joke, a movie scene, a song by Weird Al Yankovich, whatever." [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Jun 10, 2017 - 129 comments

"Mom," I said. "He has legs."

I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread! [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Aug 23, 2015 - 131 comments

FPP titles that made you smile or laugh

One of the more splendid attributes of the MetaFilter community is the regular ability of MeFites to write titles of posts that are offbeat, witty, hilarious or smart. A few recent ones I've enjoyed include this and this. While Y(humor)MMV, what post titles have you particularly enjoyed?
posted by Wordshore on Oct 21, 2014 - 29 comments

Laughing Is Magic

If you need a bit of levity today, please go read geek anachronism's story about how she washed a five-foot tall My Little Pony plushie. That is all.
posted by EmpressCallipygos on Jun 26, 2014 - 120 comments

Claim your keyboard here folks.

Ok, what Mefite owes you a keyboard or monitor because they wrote something that was so damn funny you lost bodily control for a moment? Extra credit for graphic descriptions of the mess :)
posted by pjern on Dec 8, 2013 - 81 comments

Cortex makes a funny

Can we favorite a deletion reason?
posted by Thorzdad on Aug 22, 2012 - 31 comments

So that's how you pronounce it!

Qwiki on MetaFilter: Known as 'me fie' to its members… MetaFilter was founded by Matthew 'Honkey' in 1999.
posted by unliteral on Mar 3, 2011 - 61 comments

Get Yer Ticket

I found Admiral Haddock's comment in the Ticketmaster thread so hilarious that I was determined to make an infographic. So I did. Get yer ticket here.
posted by quadog on Aug 27, 2010 - 515 comments

Where's the funny

Where can I find the funniest posts on mefi? [more inside]
posted by yawper on Apr 7, 2010 - 117 comments

Help me find a hilarious IT-related comedy video

Help me! Looking for a post of comedy video, where the entire video is portrayed as looking at the monitor of an IT guy. Hilarity ensues when a guy from marketing asks him to reboot the Web server, and the IT guy interrupts a game of Halo to help. [more inside]
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Jan 30, 2010 - 18 comments

Metafilter makes the Jerry Springer show look boring.

I'm so bored I can shit. I would like some links to some entertaining posts. Thanks. :) [more inside]
posted by sixcolors on Mar 1, 2009 - 12 comments

I been done had...

There was once a post that referenced a person saying "I been done heard that ol' shit" but I can't find it anymore. [more inside]
posted by Hands of Manos on Jan 6, 2009 - 21 comments

Funny Hat Day

Some people seem down around here lately. Well, how about a funny hat day? It can really boost morale, I think. A Friday is probably best for this, as momentum will already be building for the weekend.
posted by AgentRocket on Jul 27, 2005 - 58 comments

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