105 posts tagged with policy and etiquette.
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Too Many Links

This post is a revised version of a comment I posted a little while ago on this post on the blue by kliuless. My complaint was that the post was really more of a linkdump than a coherent post. It's not the first time kliuless has done this, but I'm not singling them out -- I'm pretty sure I've seen other users do the same thing. [more inside]
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Mar 21, 2023 - 211 comments


Earlier today after a passing a family while walking down the street I said to my wife, "The interesting question to me isn't why some people murder their children. It's why anyone doesn't murder their children" - I didn’t think comments about murdering any types of people were allowed, but this one still stands. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 3, 2019 - 465 comments

A reasonless What's-Your-Favorite

I'd like to post a "What's your favorite X" AskMe. I'm using it to find the one answer I need for a specific use (and I'd be happy to update about my project in the thread later), but I think talking about my use in advance would bias people toward a too-narrow set of responses. [more inside]
posted by kalapierson on Mar 26, 2013 - 60 comments

Does Meta/Ask have a 'Trigger' etiquette for posts?

Is there a 'triggering' etiquette here? If so what is it, because I can't find any reference to tagging posts as 'triggering' on the FAQ. [more inside]
posted by Faintdreams on Aug 9, 2012 - 132 comments


I'm a little uncomfortable with the personal information being revealed in this thread. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 18, 2011 - 236 comments


I'm seeing Reddit stuff being posted as FPPs on a daily basis. Nothing wrong with Reddit, it's awesome, but I don't get why Reddit is never given any credit. I think giving credit is one of those things that makes Metafilter a nice place and it makes it possible to follow the related Reddit discussion. [more inside]
posted by Foci for Analysis on May 28, 2011 - 154 comments

I'm a Ask MeFi Question Fail How Can I Change This?

I have posted eight questions total on AskMetafilter and two were immediatly deleted (a 25% fail rate!). I read the FAQs and the questions that were deleted didn't fit into the "what not to post" arena, they weren't rude or anything. One was is X legal and the other was adventurous ideas for a family. How do I know what questions are appropriate to ask?
posted by MsKim on Jun 8, 2010 - 70 comments

Not friendly, brother

Telling people to fuck off is not very nice.
posted by Blazecock Pileon on Jan 17, 2010 - 75 comments

Rules of Relationship Filter

A few recent threads on MeTa have made me wonder, what's the stance on relationship filter questions in AskMe? [more inside]
posted by battlebison on Oct 28, 2009 - 37 comments

AskMe Etiquette

Making recommendations against a physician or business on AskMe? [more inside]
posted by zarq on Oct 16, 2009 - 14 comments

Get Your Own Blog. Well, Perhaps I May...

Etiquette call: Using one's own comments on one's own blog? [more inside]
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Jul 15, 2009 - 22 comments

Cool? Not Cool?

Question regarding the use of AskMe: Is it appropriate/not appropriate to ask a question regarding the reputation of a specific company? [more inside]
posted by KevinSkomsvold on Jun 22, 2009 - 13 comments

What the dilly yo?

Why was my post bumped? [more inside]
posted by LilBucner on Apr 8, 2009 - 215 comments

Was this FPP really THAT Farkish?

Was this FPP really THAT Farkish? [more inside]
posted by ZenMasterThis on Apr 3, 2009 - 65 comments

First They Came for the AskMe Questions About Rectal Porn...

People who choose to complain about a question instead of trying to answer it are bad enough as is, but it was so excessive for this question about porn that the question itself got deleted and I think that's really inappropriate. [more inside]
posted by davidstandaford on Jan 13, 2009 - 244 comments

Cool or Not Cool?

Do we really want to post links to known IP thieves? [more inside]
posted by pjern on Oct 15, 2008 - 74 comments

Look, Ma, I'm full of piss and vinegar

Hickory Dickery Dank, this thread is full of wank. [more inside]
posted by crataegus on Apr 6, 2008 - 209 comments

Because deleting my own memory is not an option

Please, for the love of humanity, erase this MeFi user from my brain. [more inside]
posted by DarlingBri on Nov 28, 2007 - 131 comments

Followup FPPs?

A couple of times this week I've run across links that had significant new information on stories that made the Blue recently enough to still be active. By themselves they don't feel meaty enough to merit a new FPP, but if I just tack them at the end of the old FPP it feels like wasted effort that nobody's likely to see. [more inside]
posted by scalefree on Nov 10, 2007 - 10 comments

Belittling me only dwarfs my concerns.

Since Metafilter seems to be a self-policing paragon of sensitivity with regard to body type issues, I am genuinely curious as to why cracking jokes about those who are, say, modest in stature, is totally wink-wink "I'm just giving you shit" fine? [more inside]
posted by ghastlyfop on Sep 17, 2007 - 68 comments

HiveMind: Where's the door?

Bad day for posting here, but I'm miffed. How many chances do/should people get to drop insulting hurtful shits in AskMe threads of all places before they're just banned? I don't want to institute a talk nice policy, but being a dick to an OP looking for a psychiatrist or similar is, to me, a higher crime than just crayoning the walls, it's really demonstrating a bad fit here.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur on Aug 2, 2007 - 36 comments


This is why jokey answers are bad in AskMe.
posted by dersins on Jul 11, 2007 - 105 comments

Metafilter Self-Exam

As I stopped in here trying to catch up on threads, it was hard not to notice that LandedGentry's original post about Kurt Vonnegut's death had about 600 entries. (Will the more anal among us please count the periods?) davidmsc threw in his dime early on, and it was both counter to the general opinion and given in a very flippant manner. That SINGLE comment generated nearly three hundred other comments on the brown. Now I ask you all. Does this make any sense for the long term best interests of metafilter?
posted by Penny Wise on Apr 13, 2007 - 54 comments


Today's edition of what irks me: Hijacking threads with unsupported claims of doubleness. Either put up or shut up--don't shit on good threads just because you read boing boing and have a bad memory.
posted by null terminated on Apr 10, 2007 - 62 comments

Accusing anonymous posters of lying and being on chemo.

IANAD, but you're lying and you have cancer. I've never done a Metatalk callout before and never will again, I promise. But are answers like this really warranted?
posted by roll truck roll on Apr 7, 2007 - 33 comments

Taking a dim view of a certain user

Why does MetaFilter revolve around Dios? Isn't this a community of circa 50,000? It feels like everyday there is another Dios soap opera. I dread clicking on post comments anymore because chances are it will be more about him rather than the post.
posted by Funmonkey1 on Jan 31, 2007 - 295 comments

Commercial Link in FPP?

I'm putting together a FPP about a certain inimitable cartoonist. I've found a place that has a lot of said cartoonist's strips available to view online. Great! But I'm concerned about linking to it because it's a commercial site. Pros: It's the most extensive collection of this artist's work online as far as I can tell. Cons: They're selling something. I'd like to include the page in my FPP but I'm not sure if it would be appropriate.
posted by GalaxieFiveHundred on Jan 24, 2007 - 55 comments

AskMe Etiquette

AskMe etiquette: is it OK to use AskMe answers as a lead-in for business? Someone close to me is a professional career counsellor/resume writer & I've thought of recommending they join MeFi specifically so they can join in answering job-related questions, with a thought to promoting their own services if people want more in-depth assistance. I'm absolutely NOT talking about a cookie-cutter spamish approach that purely takes advantage of the community while giving nothing in return, but real answers that help people out with an understated offer to provide something more substantial at a price. I see a lot of job- & career-related posts to AskMe & I see it as a good fit, but I'll only suggest it to them if I get a thumbs up from the hive.
posted by scalefree on Jan 12, 2007 - 43 comments

Take MeTa etiquette and policy debates offsite...?

What if the etiquette/policy category didn't exist on MeTa? More within....
posted by wheelieman on Dec 20, 2006 - 120 comments

I really don't understand this site anymore.

I really don't understand this site anymore. I have been reading for a year and been a member for about seven months. My last two posts turned into people yelling at me, or telling me I posted in the wrong place.

Just like this one will turn into people calling me names and being negative.

I don't get it. I read the "About Us" and "FAQ", I get yelled at for signing my posts, not posting in the right place. NOBODY offers help, just kicking me in the shins for not understanding the subtle nuances of this site. Which, I might point out, aren't explicitly outlined! Something too "MetaTalk-y"? Great, what does that mean? These the same folks that yelled at me when I made a comment that MeFi looks like 2 day old Reddit.

Y'all have fun with your internet clique. There are good people on this site, but these days it seems like the mean ones are loudest.


posted by mogabog on Dec 14, 2006 - 158 comments

Self-Linking Callout

kirkaracha might need to be reminded of the "no self-link" policy.


Personally, I think it's a relevant and useful link, but I don't think it should be up to the poster to make the judgment call, do you?
posted by Mr. Gunn on Dec 13, 2006 - 41 comments

Could we outlaw cryptic posts & headlines?

I posted this double in large part because the headline for this post from a few days before was so cryptic that it passed under my radar. I'm aware that there can be no official policy outlawing cryptic posts (I'm not arguing for a strict policy, either), but such doubles are bound to occur when the front pages are filled with non-descriptive links. Judging by this and other comments in my thread, I'm not alone in wishing that folks would provide a bit more info with their FPPs. At the least, it could save wasted time on the part of posters and readers alike. Wondering what the wider MeFi community thinks about this.
posted by flapjax at midnite on Oct 26, 2006 - 49 comments

How is this kind of crapping in a thread legitimate

How is this kind of crapping in a thread legitimate?
posted by taosbat on Oct 21, 2006 - 346 comments

Spoiler alert!

Should there be a spoiler alert for this question? I haven't read the book, but it seems to me that talk about the "final scene" on the front page of AskMe might qualify as such. Seems like it could be an easy fix.
posted by smorange on Sep 30, 2006 - 58 comments

Policy about using sockpuppets to skip around the 1 question per week rule?

After reading this ask.me where it appears that a user accidentally outed their sockpuppet, what's the policy about using sockpuppets to skip around the 1 question per week rule?
posted by drpartypoopercrankypantsesquire on Sep 28, 2006 - 182 comments

AskMe Guidelines

After seeing posts like little Miss Professor's object de amour, I don't think AskMeFi should be closed to scorn. Many people that ask questions are only looking for approval, not answers.
posted by matty on Sep 17, 2006 - 53 comments

Oops, I accidentally killed Decani's thread, which was

oops, I accidentally killed Decani's thread, which was:
A matter of idle curiosity.

Why did Meatbomb's post asking for examples of racist jokes get shat on from a great height yet this one seems to be perfectly acceptable?
I'll move the comments to this post.
posted by mathowie on Jul 31, 2006 - 57 comments

AskMe Homework Guidelines

I have an AskMe question, and I want to be sure that it's not breaking the "no homework on MeFi" convention. [mi]
posted by heeeraldo on Mar 25, 2006 - 11 comments

AskMe Etiquette

LazyFilter: I think Ask.Me is most helpful when people get questions answered that are difficult to answer elsewhere, or after having done some research on their own. I'm not a particular fan of "Inspired by this other ask question..." as if we need to brianstorm questions.

The latest egregious example is this thread which coming a mere 11 minutes after this other thread, I can only assume the poster's thought process was "Hmmm...thats slightly puzzling! Let me hit the Ask-a-Question button!" instead of say, doing some research on style manuals first and/or uncovering this previous thread on the exact same question. Do some research first, people!
posted by vacapinta on Mar 14, 2006 - 21 comments

Worst post ever contender

Worst post ever? Single link: Check. Self-post: Check. changed contact info to disguise ID: check.
posted by dash_slot- on Mar 11, 2006 - 64 comments

Projects Etiquette

Is Projects for alterting people to your own projects, or for telling people about a friend's blog that you find funny but realized it was too lame for the front page. I always figured Metachat was more for that sort of thing.
posted by Jimbob on Mar 9, 2006 - 50 comments

Prolific poster posts 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours

This has got to be some kind of record. Setting aside the merits of Glider's argument, you have to admire his persistence. By my back-of-the-envelope calculations, the guy made roughly 17 posts per hour for 3.5 hours, took a three hour break, then jumped back into the fray for a total of 70 posts over 13 hours. Wow.
posted by BitterOldPunk on Feb 25, 2006 - 64 comments

Penalize Self-Linking

Metafilter is not doing enough to penalize self-links. Pile-ons are not a deterrent, as they only provide affirmation to offenders who believe there is no such thing as bad publicity. No doubt Mitchell Rose of Red Red Rose Pictures is already patting himself on the back for a jorb well done, and despite the deletion of his spam, he has still succeeded: previously deleted threads are still indexed by search engines, thus continuing to provide incentive to perpetrators even if their malice is detected and hidden from the front page. I suggest adding a robots exclusion META NOFOLLOW tag to the head of any thread which has been deleted.
posted by brownpau on Feb 15, 2006 - 29 comments

Inappropriate Flagging?

Marketing Research? Two people have flagged this thread, saying (or implying) that it goes against Metafilter policy. Forgive me for not ready the policy very closely, but I don't see what is wrong with this kind of thing. What do you folks think?
posted by rossination on Jan 21, 2006 - 40 comments

What's all this about urinals as art?

So if I were to post this article about someone attacking R. Mutt's "Urinal" with a hammer, would that be considered a "One Link News Filter Pseudo Self Link FFP" ?
posted by R. Mutt on Jan 18, 2006 - 24 comments

AskMe Policy

I'm as much for self-induced liver damage as the next guy, but some questions should not be answered. And thus, should not be asked.
posted by Saucy Intruder on Jan 12, 2006 - 53 comments

How can I steal my friend's apartment?

Dear ask.mefi, how can I fuck over my friend while he's overseas by stealing his apartment so that he doesn't have a place to live when he gets back. P.S. It IS a really nice apartment, and he IS a jerk for having let me live there while he's gone so I'm totally justified in my actions.
posted by furtive on Dec 12, 2005 - 119 comments

Trying to "out" a MeFian in meatspace?

In AskMe, CMichaelCook attempts to out the offline identity of a MeFite. I don't know if it's correct or not, but either way it seems completely out of place in that thread.
posted by raedyn on Dec 7, 2005 - 261 comments

There's a link with an entire article posted - I don't think this falls under "Fair Use"

The link associated with this post is not close to being "fair use".
posted by Ethereal Bligh on Nov 24, 2005 - 93 comments

One user's great post is another user's meh....

I really don't care to see a FPP about what you vaguely remember your friend told you today. The Wikipedia links don't help, thanks.
posted by rxrfrx on Nov 6, 2005 - 26 comments

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