37 posts tagged with selflink and callout.
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Self Link?

Perhaps I'm overly suspicious, but this post smell like a self link/Pepsi Blue. [more inside]
posted by RichardP on Jan 11, 2008 - 55 comments

GiveWell, or Give 'em Hell?

Is This Transparency? OP with very slim, one-year posting history asks a question about finding a good charity in AskMe, just prior to year-end tax-decision time. Newly registered responder posts a newly formed charity-aggregator/evaluator organization, without mentioning that he is, apparently, one of the two founders. Self-promotional setup leading to self-link? Or am I being too cynical?

[update, 1/3/08: a summary of events is being developed on the wiki. --cortex]
posted by Miko on Dec 31, 2007 - 1402 comments

No guessing required: this is a callout

Is tombola breaking the guidelines by posting a blog post from a site for which he is an editor? [more inside]
posted by ssg on Dec 27, 2007 - 96 comments

Do callouts have a shelf-life?

I'll probably regret it, but I guess this is a callout. [more inside]
posted by thinman on Dec 22, 2007 - 136 comments


This post links prominently to this URL, (which redirects to this Blogspot site). A rudimentary glance at the source code reveals a rather obvious favicon icon almost certainly belonging to this first-time poster.
posted by dhammond on Jul 20, 2007 - 29 comments


Self-link (?)
posted by Civil_Disobedient on Apr 22, 2007 - 43 comments

Angryinla is Spamming

angryinla sure seems to be living up to her user name.
posted by Mayor West on Jan 2, 2007 - 58 comments

Self-Linking Callout

kirkaracha might need to be reminded of the "no self-link" policy.


Personally, I think it's a relevant and useful link, but I don't think it should be up to the poster to make the judgment call, do you?
posted by Mr. Gunn on Dec 13, 2006 - 40 comments

Self-link. Don't link to things you're involved with.

Self-link. Brian, you're not supposed to link to things you're involved with.
posted by mzurer on Dec 6, 2006 - 79 comments

SaneWork self-linker.

Check out these essays at www.saneworks.us.
posted by interrobang on Oct 23, 2006 - 5 comments

Self Link on the Blue

55335 on the blue is a self-link (I'm deliberately not linking to it), anyone know how to contact a mod? Are they asleep? It's especially irritating because it's a self-link to a crap site about "marketing and making money on the web". Also, how about a feature that allows a user to self-revoke posts for a certain amount of time (like 10 minutes) if they realize or learn it was a bad idea.
posted by delmoi on Oct 7, 2006 - 78 comments

Possible self-linker? Turns out no.

Is this setting off anybody else's self-link-dar? 8 comments to the 'Filter and one answer to AskMetafilter, no profile information, and she favorites her own not-particularly-interesting post?
posted by onalark on Oct 5, 2006 - 28 comments

nearly every one of cleverusername's FPPs contains, somewhere in it, a link to The Escapist.

For instance, nearly every one of cleverusername's FPPs contains, somewhere in it, a link to The Escapist. It's true. Check it out.
posted by interrobang on Sep 25, 2006 - 73 comments

Here's some self-linking coming.

Here's some Pepsi Blue/self linking coming down the pipe for ya...
posted by dash_slot- on Sep 3, 2006 - 48 comments

Civilization Vs. The Middle Ages

Civilisation Vs. The Middle Ages. This has got to be a self link. A single link to a 'framing' post on a blog with two posts and a miss-spelled title (and you know it's bad if I notice something being misspelled), all by someone who posted a handful of comments from over a year ago wherein he called for the execution of both Hugo Chavez and Cindy Sheehan.
posted by delmoi on Aug 24, 2006 - 70 comments

Egregious self-linking

And the award for most obvious self-linker goes to ...
posted by anjamu on Aug 22, 2006 - 11 comments

This appears to be a Self-Link

This appears to be a Self-Link, both in tone and because the poster has the site listed as their homepage.
posted by OmieWise on Apr 19, 2006 - 27 comments

Self-link Callout

self-link. more inside.
posted by Tryptophan-5ht on Apr 2, 2006 - 70 comments

Callout of self-link by known spammer in FPP

posted by Malor on Mar 16, 2006 - 13 comments

Self-link Callout

I'm pretty sure this post about nuvvo.com is a self-link.
posted by the jam on Mar 7, 2006 - 71 comments

An interesting combination of sleazy and forthright

mrhappybanjo, here's looking at you. (askme thread + a post to projects for the store in askme)
posted by tozturk on Jan 13, 2006 - 56 comments


You have got to be joking? No. Considering the number of self-links that we've been having lately, I think that it's worth everyone's time to appreciate people who are keeping their eyes open for them, and to give them credit for trying, even if that particular link turned out to be a dud.
posted by crunchland on Jan 3, 2006 - 42 comments


Self link
posted by ryanrs on Dec 28, 2005 - 60 comments

Self-link ahoy

This is the second time RonZ's linked to komar.org. The first time was to the halloween lights display and this time it's the christmas lights. If I recall correctly, the original poster of the christmas lights thing was outed as a self linker (although I can't find the thread) so I suspect it's a sock puppet at work.
posted by ooga_booga on Dec 12, 2005 - 35 comments

Self-link. 'nuff said.

Self-link. 'nuff said.
posted by clevershark on Aug 12, 2005 - 13 comments

Self link, with proofs

Owner of FPP'ed Flickr set: "I'm 19." FPP author: "Age: 19" Inconclusive. Likely coincidence.
Owner of FPP'ed site: "Copyright 2005 Aaron Wynn & William Wynn." (google cache) FPP author: "Aaron Wynn" (home page) Conclusive. Enough.
posted by mistersix on Jul 11, 2005 - 36 comments

Linking to your own Livejournal as a news source: deceptive?

Using breaking disaster news threads to post deceptively authoritative-looking self-links to Livejournal updates: threat or menace?
posted by brownpau on Jul 7, 2005 - 187 comments

Self-link detected.

They're clamoring for it, and here it is. This post contains a nakedly aggressive self-link. For shame, doc.
posted by goatdog on Jan 17, 2005 - 38 comments

Self-Link Callout

I know someone has posted a self-link as a FPP and hasn't identified it as such (he has also done it in comments). I think it is because he wants to keep his anonymity. I don't want to out him, but at the same time I think it isn't right to post a link to a site that is your own (esp. without disclosure). Should I just email him to let him know I know? Should I email Matt directly about it? Thoughts on how best to handle?
posted by evening on Jan 4, 2005 - 61 comments

Self-linker on Metafilter

The guidelines say: Self-linking also appropriates the use of MetaFilter as your guestbook...

So why is this still here?
posted by dg on Sep 16, 2003 - 72 comments

oh hey, that was on MY blog!

so, fpatrick is browsing, finds a great link and posts it to mefi, giving proper credit to the site where he just happened to stumble on this great link. wow. how fortunate is that?
posted by quonsar on May 18, 2003 - 42 comments

Is this the way to do self-links?

This thread is interesting to me, because I've held off posting similar content, for fear of reprisal and bandwidth usage. Is there an appropriate way to post 'discovered' content without having the MeFi Hall Monitors yell "SELF LINK! SELF LINK!"?
posted by maniactown on Apr 24, 2003 - 47 comments

Two self links in one post.

Two self links in one post. And they're kind of creepy, to boot. Not a particularly auspicious beginning for the 16K club.
posted by pardonyou? on Sep 25, 2002 - 23 comments

How did this self-link get through?

Blatant self-link. How is it not obvious that this is not okay?!?
posted by gohlkus on May 1, 2002 - 92 comments

"Winer exception"

Is there some sort of "Winer exception" to the Mefi Prime Directive? I sure hope not...
posted by owillis on Sep 22, 2001 - 13 comments

Self-links in comments.

has bonzo gone too far? three of four posts have been self-links, and now this comment....
posted by rebeccablood on Jun 17, 2001 - 22 comments


This is a classic self-blog. [more]
posted by mathowie on Jun 10, 2001 - 19 comments

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