37 posts tagged with socialapps.
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Must the memory of the dream of Ur fade from the minds of mefites?
On December 15, pb retired a number of Social Apps that had zero users or no longer existed from profile pages- including the one for Glitch, the weird cult non-game that eventually became a glorified IRC Client unicorn. However, all of the old user pages for the game's players continue to live on at glitch.com. Couldn't we keep the memory of our participation in this weird little thing that once existed around for posterity? (Or maybe let people know when social apps are going to be cleared from their profiles?)
WICKR, and (maybe) other new instant messaging tools
WICKR is an instant messaging client for secure, OTR communication that at this point has a fairly large user base; I think we should add an option for WICKR handles to the IM section of the profile.
I’m posting this to MetaTalk because, while we have a wiki page for new social sites, we don’t have one for new IM tools. That’s probably okay, but might be worth revisiting at some point. As a proxy, if people have tools that they like they could post them below.
I’m posting this to MetaTalk because, while we have a wiki page for new social sites, we don’t have one for new IM tools. That’s probably okay, but might be worth revisiting at some point. As a proxy, if people have tools that they like they could post them below.
A well-read pony
In this thread, there was discussion of creating a Goodreads widget, but nothing ever came of it. Is it still possible? [more inside]
Archive of Our Own profile widget?
It has lately come to my attention that there are several people here who are interested in creating and consuming fanworks. How would the mods - and the community at large - feel about adding an Archive of Our Own widget to the Social Apps part of the profile? They seem to exist at least to some extent because they are available on Dreamwidth (see my profile).
A little iOS love in the user profile
Seeing the thread on letterpress, I thought to seek out other MeFites and also let them know how to find me in GameCenter.
We have a thread here about this, but I would like to request a pony in the form of adding GameCenter to the Social Apps section of the user profile.
Perhaps it's time to consider changing the guideline about requesting additions to the "Also On" feature? [more inside]
Add Thisismyjam to the social profile widget thingie, please?
Would it be possible to add This Is My Jam to the profile Also On social thingie - aka the social app list? You no longer need an invitation. [more inside]
Could we add Glitch to the profile social apps? There's already a MetaFilter group there and there are a lot of social aspects to the game. The more people you know in the game, the more fun it is. Thanks!
LIbraryThing Widget
The LibraryThing widget is pulling random books from your LibraryThing account. Since Twitter and Last.fm and many of the others seem to default to most recent, it seems like the LibraryThing widget should pull your most recent books too, just to be consistent.
Pony request: Add Google+ to the Social Apps list in profiles?
Pony request: Add Google+ to the Social Apps list in profiles?
Social Apps Changes
The Social Apps on MetaFilter profile pages are a way for you to show where you're contributing at social networks on the Web. We have a list of 98 sites you can list including Flickr, Twitter, and Last.fm. (Full list here.) We're making a couple changes to Social Apps today including opening up the rules for what services are included and changing the way we include content from those services on profile pages. [more inside]
LibraryThing Currently Reading
Hyper-literate pony: LibraryThing's "Currently Reading" list -> Profile Pages? [more inside]
@world Hello.
The recent tweets page appears to be publicly accessible while the status boxes shown in profiles are not. Is this by design? [more inside]
Shake It, Baby!
Would it be possible to add Mlkshk to the list of social apps we can add to our profiles? No rush, obvs. Thank you in advance for looking at this shaken, but not stirred pony!
Could we please add tumblr to the list of social app links that we can display on our profiles? tia
Roma Pony
Is there anyway we can add Rotten Tomatoes to the list of social apps on our profiles?
Also on PRX
Searched high and low, and couldn't find it on MeTa or the Wiki: Is there a list of all PRX user profiles linked to MeFi profiles, like there is for recent tweets by MeFites or lists for some of the other social apps?
Request: Smugmug option in profile
Request: Would it be possible to add Smugmug to the profile "also on" list?
Cool people don't use E when they don't have to
I've got a hopefully diminutive pony request, for which I will bring many tasty sugarcubes: Could we get tumblr listed under the Social Apps dropdown box on our profiles? [more inside]
Ravelry redux
Ravelry (http://www.ravelry.com) has been out of closed beta for a while. It also gets a fair amount of love in any fiber-arts-related post on the green or grey. Can we add it to the list of social networks in user profiles? [more inside]
Adding services to the 'also on' field in user profiles?
A (Shetland) pony? Adding more services to the 'also on' field in user profiles? [more inside]
GitHub in social apps?
Can we have GitHub added to the social apps list? I bet there's a good number of Mefites sharing code over there. [more inside]
Press the PS button.
Could the PlayStation Network be added to the 'Also On' profile list? [more inside]
also on: pianoroll.org
WoW in social apps?
Can we add World Of Warcraft to the list of social apps on the preferences page? I stay in touch with a lot more people through WoW than I do through IM, Facebook, etc. I think just adding it to the dropdown would be adequate. People add their name and server in whatever format they wanted. "Ragma(Windrunner)" or something.
Also On: PoliticalFilter
Could PoliticalFilter be added to the list of "Also On:" services on the profile page?
My Little Plurk Pony Request
Can we get Plurk added to list of Social Apps? Please?
Incorrect SteamID link
"Also on" SteamID link in profile doesn't work properly. [more inside]
Everybody needs a mux.
Can we add muxtape to the social apps list on profile pages (and of course to the keen new social explorer)? I'd love to keep track of the mefi-mixes. [more inside]
recent artefacts from all
recently.mefi? [more inside]
How can I add Social Apps that aren't currently on the "Also On" drop down menu?
I'm "Also On" social apps that are not listed in the profile drop down box. Is there a way to add these? [more inside]
What are MeFites listening to?
We just added some Last.fm stuff to profile pages and tweaked the design a bit. [more inside]
wanna see dem peektures
What happened to the Flickr pics on profile pages? and the photostream? Also my Flickr link under the "social apps" section of my profile has been disappeared. [more inside]
What are MeFites doing?
Now you can check out what some Mefites are posting to Twitter thanks to the Recent Twitters by MeFites page. [more inside]
Social Web Links On Profile Pages
New profile feature: link to your stuff at other social sites. [more inside]
Add something about other online communites to the profile page.
It would be nice if the question Are there any other community weblogs where you regularly participate? could be added to the standard welcome questionnaire ("What's the deal with your nickname? When did you first start using the Internet?" etc.) [More inside.]