81 posts tagged with thankyou.
Displaying 51 through 81 of 81. Subscribe:
BTW, thanks!
I just want to say, "thank you." [more inside]
Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape.
Happy Birthday Me. Or, the one year anniversary of my rape. This was me. And I want to say thank you. [more inside]
Thank you, MetaFilter.
This is just a quick post to thank the hundreds of MeFites who helped me with my dissertation research. [more inside]
Askme: Like a brige over troubled airspace
Thank you filter: friend in this question is now home safe with the re-opening of airspace. I want to give the most heartfelt thanks for everyone's ideas and advice. [more inside]
A MetaFilter Hug a day keeps teh doctor away. A shout out to MeFi's own Cortex. [more inside]
thanks thankyou AskMe question
What's the best way to thank people who answer an Ask Me question? [more inside]
On Threadshitting...
I just noticed that a few early comments of the "This will surely be deleted" kind have been deleted from threads. I just wanted to say to whatever mod responsible: Good on you. And please continue to exterminate them with extreme prejudice.
Thank you Metafilter
Thank you MetaFilter [more inside]
But how are there so many double posts even WITH this feature?
This is a thank-you note to whoever coded the FPP submission system. [more inside]
Quonsmus Every Day!
ZOMG! QUONSMUS!!!! ZOMG, THANK YOU!!! [more inside]
Thanks secret quonsar!
Mysterious package arrives...thank you secret quonsar! [more inside]
Closing the Loop: Looks Like we're Going to Make It
Metafilter Radio Set A Raving Success!
Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread!
Secret Quonsar Thank You Thread! [more inside]
Thank you back-titlers!
The MeFi back tagging team has done it again, adding titles to over 10,000 AskMe questions in ten days. Thank you! [more inside]
It was the best of times, period.
Big huge, ginormous thanks and hugs to Metafilter in general and Konolia in particular. [more inside]
Just want to say . . .
thanks to the mefi community for a good day of links . . . where else can I shoot the s- about gay marriage, aerodynamics, fluid simulations, Safari & the iPhone, and someone slagging on liberals, all on one page :)
What a small world...
Another really awesome solving of a problem. Metafilter rules.
Metafilter is really, really fucking good lately
Metafilter is really, really fucking good lately. 'Lately' being weeks if not months on end. My theory is that favouriting encourages people Be Swell. Whatever it is, though, I offer a sincere thank you to everyone concerned, because this place is still the best damn game in town.
Thanks for not posting about this!
I, for one, would like to congratulate the members of the MetaFilter pseudo-community for NOT posting a "Murdoch/Fox Cancels O.J. Show and Book" NewsFilter in the one hour since it was announced and officially warn anyone considering doing something like that it will not end well.
Thanks for askme help tracking down family history in Vienna
I'm back from Vienna, where--thanks to the answers that came from this AskMe thread--I was able to visit the building where my mom lived as a little girl, as well as the location where my grandparents' grocery store likely once stood. I've posted some photos in the thread, for anybody who is interested. Thanks again to arco and his colleague at the USHMM.
I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue.
I recently posted my 100th FPP in the blue. (But didn't even notice at the time!) Now this probably isn't much compared to some others, but I've been using MeFi for what seems like forever, so I just thought I'd take a moment to say thanks to Matt and the other admin guys, and to everyone else who makes MeFi a great place - since it isn't often we get positive posts in the grey.
Thanks, MeFi!
Thanks, MeFi!
Thanks for the Katrina coverage!
I don't know if this is really an appropriate thread to post, but I feel like it has to be said: a big thank you to the Metafilter community for some really fantastic coverage and discussion on Katrina and its wake. Even though at times it may be biased, uncivil, inane and (of course) newsfilter (KatrinaFilter?), the articles and fantastic range of opinions expressed are truly awesome. My life is richer for having discovered this place. So again, thank you all.
And though a lot of MeFites cringe whenever I say it, this isNPR truly the best of the web.
And though a lot of MeFites cringe whenever I say it, this is
Thank you to hard-working police cited in Mefi thread
In regards to this thread (about the Metro Toronto Police trying to catch a pedophile, for those who don't wish to click)...
I live in Toronto, and I'd like to send this unit something -- flowers, a card, I don't know -- to say "Hey, you guys do one of the worst jobs in the known universe, and we as a community would like to say thank you." I feel that maybe these people don't get a lot of thanks or recognition from us common folks.
I don't know what would be appropriate. So... this thread is for suggestions for:
1) Appropriate something to send
2) If anyone wants to help pay, which I'm not exactly asking for unless we come up with an idea that's more than about $40 CAD.
I live in Toronto, and I'd like to send this unit something -- flowers, a card, I don't know -- to say "Hey, you guys do one of the worst jobs in the known universe, and we as a community would like to say thank you." I feel that maybe these people don't get a lot of thanks or recognition from us common folks.
I don't know what would be appropriate. So... this thread is for suggestions for:
1) Appropriate something to send
2) If anyone wants to help pay, which I'm not exactly asking for unless we come up with an idea that's more than about $40 CAD.
AskMe followup and thank you.
AskMe Followup
I've been back in school since January, and I love it. I'm carrying 19 units and I think I will probably have a GPA of 3.85+ this semester. My brain has come back from the brink of death! The finances just kind of took care of themselves. I'm taking out a college loan, the university threw in a grant, and I just landed a nice job on campus. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the advice and support.
I've been back in school since January, and I love it. I'm carrying 19 units and I think I will probably have a GPA of 3.85+ this semester. My brain has come back from the brink of death! The finances just kind of took care of themselves. I'm taking out a college loan, the university threw in a grant, and I just landed a nice job on campus. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the advice and support.
thanks matt and jess
Mathowie & Jessamyn, thank you for all of your work on the site.
This thread is not for complaints, but for all of us who appreciate everything that you have done to express our appreciation. If you have complaints, please find another thread for them.
This thread is not for complaints, but for all of us who appreciate everything that you have done to express our appreciation. If you have complaints, please find another thread for them.
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"?
How to say "thanks Ask MetaFilter"
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
I recently asked a question and and amazed with the help I recieved. Should I just smile, post in the thread (but who would see it?) or email individual posters? Or just shut up?
New server gratitude thread
New server gratitude thread
Thanks to those who helped me prep for Jeopardy!
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank those MeTa-folks who helped me out with advice on preparing for Jeopardy.
No, I didn't win, but I achieved my personal goal of not spazzing out in front of the cameras and also managed to chit-chat with Alex, answered a few tough questions, and even got a (intentional) laugh out of the audience.
You can watch me on September 15th (check your local listings for times).
No, I didn't win, but I achieved my personal goal of not spazzing out in front of the cameras and also managed to chit-chat with Alex, answered a few tough questions, and even got a (intentional) laugh out of the audience.
You can watch me on September 15th (check your local listings for times).
thanks, matt
Matt, the new server is fantastic and you've been burning through bugs at a remarkable rate. I know you've been working steadily for several days now. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say how much I appreciate all your work.
Why don't you unplug now and go have a nice dinner? None of the bugs I've seen posted today seem that serious, and I suspect lots of them pre-date the upgrade.
Why don't you unplug now and go have a nice dinner? None of the bugs I've seen posted today seem that serious, and I suspect lots of them pre-date the upgrade.
Thank you for Christmas songs
Just a follow-up to the now-defunct Christmas song thread...just wanted to thank my fellow MeFi-ers for providing an invaluable service. My husband was assigned the task at work to compile a Christmas song CD to give away at the office party, preferably some "unusual, or out of the ordinary" stuff. When he came home and whined about this assignment, I assured him, no worries! Ran to MeFi, found the Xmas song thread, and was able to provide him with more suggestions than he could fit in a wav format on a CD.
So thanks, all, for your great Christmas song recommendations! And happy holidays to all!
So thanks, all, for your great Christmas song recommendations! And happy holidays to all!
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