58 posts tagged with Followup and update.
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MeFi Scoop! Two years ago, oneirodynia made this FPP about the Smothers Brothers. Tonight on Fresh Air, Terry Gross interviewed David Bianculli whose new book about the Brothers' career, Dangerously Funny, comes out tomorrow. [more inside]
A Heaping Plate of Monkeys
Update: Roger Ebert's blog post about Ben Stein's Expelled (6MB HTML), talked about here, had so many comments the software wouldn't allow any more.
Thanks for hearing me out.
Remember that time I kinda flipped out a little bit on MeTa about that AskMe question about how to get Zimbabwean dollars on the cheap? [more inside]
Alabama big pig followup
The longest boat
Shed a tear for the passing of the LongBoing, this day at 9:58am. We got 2516 oars in the water before setting the whole thing aflame, standing on the strand to watch it drift beyond the horizon. It's where we were all Vikings.
Lesbian / lesbian
It's an AskMe Miracle
The end result of this question just needs to be preserved as a "wonderful AskMe moment." Crushing problem solved in a way neither of us would have considered if it hadn't been for the suggestion in AskMe. Now we know, and the other credit-card-ignorant will know too when they search!
The Little House in Ballard is now empty.
Georgia on my mind.
Yeah, I got my answer, but fuck you.
AskMe vent: Is it just me, or does anyone else get frustrated when they answer questions and the asker never comes back to say "Hey, thanks, that's what I was looking for" or "That's not what I meant, but let me clarify" or never comes back to give feedback to the answers in any way? I'm not talking about "anonymous" askers who obviously can't follow up. I mean regular/mundane/normal questions whose askers never bother to respond at all. [more inside]
Ordinary People
Unfortunately, I can't post it to the original thread because it's more that 30 days old, but Paul Schmeltzer just posted my contribution to his Signifier-Signed project to the blog. Heh. [more inside]
You get more with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.
In case anyone wondered what happened with the College Admissions Official From Hell (thread here), an update! Thank you to the good people of AskMe. [more inside]
An Ask-me with a happy ending.
Fallout from the Givewell affair
The Givewell Board of Directors have issued a statement concerning the changes they made in the wake of the astroturfing and related activities earlier in the week. [more inside]
Backwards autograph?
Can we get an update?
The poached becomes the poacher!
No leaky fishtank mystery, but similar. Following up on this AskMe of mine. I have egg on my face.
Personal Blimp Followup
Update on SO with Aneurysm
UPDATE: My SO with the aneurysm survived brain surgery. I didn't know if this was appropriate to post here, but the askme response was so comforting. It was the middle of the night and I felt really alone. Now she's home, having survived a craniotomy, and doing great. So, it's late at night again and I'm awake and she's asleep with her giant Frankenstein scar and I wanted to say thank you.
who was that guy, the one with the plane...?
UpdateFilter: while I was waiting in line for an iPhone with my friend yesterday (for him not for me) I was catching up on a little work. I was showing my friend the MeFi admin interface and someone looked over my shoulder and said "is that MetaFilter?" I said yes, was he a member? He said no but a video that he had made got linked on MeFi last February and had catapulted him to mini-stardom for a few weeks. He gave me some backstory on the movie....
bizarre skin condition part 2
Did someone already post the follow up to the post about the guy with the disfiguring growths on his hands? If so, I missed it.
Feel-Good Follow-Up Filter
A few weeks ago, I posted a question about our mountains of returnable bottles. Just thought I'd mention the outcome...two days after my post, we found a flyer attached to our doorknob. The local high school was collecting returnables as part of a fund-raiser for a student whose house had burned down. We hauled our many (many!) bags of bottles out to the curb as directed. We weren't there when they were collected, but a few days later our next-door neighbor caught me outside and mentioned that he'd been present when the kids came around to collect the bottles, and one of them yelled "Hey, jackpot!" to the others when they hit our curb.
No particular point of this post, I guess, other than it was somewhat serendipitous timing that I had all our bottles bagged and had just posed the question as to what the heck to do with them.
Ashley Treatman followup
Following up on this post from January, the Washington hospital which performed the "Ashley Treatment" has acknowledged that it broke the law.
Canucks and their sinister novelty coins vex hardworking, cosmopolitan Americans
Followup on Canadian spy coins. Today, an Associate Press FOIA request reveals that they were just the commemorative quarters we thought.
Laughing song followup
For fans of the Laughing Song thread, there's a mention of George W. Johnson as well as other early African-American recording artists over at NPR's The Story. Photos and song samples there, too. I'd include a permanent link to the actual topic, but have so far not found one.
Follow up to James Joyce copyright post
In June last year, Anjumu posted a link to a New Yorker article about the aggressive copyright enforcement followed by the James Joyce estate. A Joycean academic sued the estate for the right to publish certain material. They won. (see also Lessig)
Gonzo Scooter Journalism
would it be too newsfilter / doublepost to link the closing arguments in the scooter libby trial? the previous post three weeks ago was pretty generic, and the commenters in the thread are right that it was almost impossible to follow what was going on (and i say this as a law student who's fascinated by these things). today, however, was some grand drama, with the defense breaking down into tears, and Fitzgerald going after not just Scooter but Elmer Fudd himself with both barrels. this is stuff that's actually accessible to the general public, but i hate crowding the blue. (grey, i got no problem with, apparently...) thoughts?
Little Mosque on the Prairie
So Little Mosque on the Prairie debuted tonite (and last). Any comments, concerns?
There was a bit of a brou-ha-ha regarding it.
There was a bit of a brou-ha-ha regarding it.
people outside this board can and will read whatever you post
Today I get interviewed by a lawyer about this post. Not specifically about that incident, but as supporting evidence to try and get the store in question to settle a different court case. The lawyer has told me that the security department has already admitted to criminal behaviour. Considering that this event occured at least 5 years before I made that post, I've already expressed how little I remember. I expect to say "I don't remember" a lot. I just bring this up as a reminder that people outside this board can and will read whatever you post (remember our own shoplifting community?).
your askme update is not a new askme thread
New post with more info requested
I was intrigued by thirteenkiller's post about the possibility of an impressive ancient pyramid in Bosnia. Now I see the story is getting some traction. I went to the original post hoping to add the link as a comment; but, it said, "This thread has been archived and is closed to new comments."
I don't want to FPP this follow-up. I want to call it to thirteenkiller's attention. I think thirteenkiller has already researched this once and may want to follow up with another really swell post (I sure liked the first one).
How do I do that?
I don't want to FPP this follow-up. I want to call it to thirteenkiller's attention. I think thirteenkiller has already researched this once and may want to follow up with another really swell post (I sure liked the first one).
How do I do that?
closure on this "mystery nautical apparatus" AskMe thread?
Can we get some closure on this "mystery nautical apparatus" AskMe thread? I'm dying to know what this thing is. Did any of the commenters get an answer from their emails to the Galway port people?
Wife pro,ised to read one scifi book; did she?
Did blahblahblah's wife ever agree to read one of these?
Followup on yellow gnome mefi post
Followup-filter: the yellow gnomes in my "art or crazy?" post turn out to have been neither, but simply an instance of viral marketing for a VOIP application. [mi]
Followup etiquette on closed AskMe posts
Don't get me wrong -- I want to know how stuff on AskMe turns out. I don't think MeTa is the ideal place for that, though. What about allowing askers to post a followup in their own threads, even if they'd been closed & archived, which would put that thread on a new page, like the "fantastic posts" page we have now, which could be called "resolutions" or "how'd it turn out" or some such.
Update on anti-consumer movement
12dailypro.com followup
Since 12dailypro.com has come up twice as a question on ask metafilter in the last few months I thought this blurb might be interesting as a followup. [via]
Should I write the dead guy's family a letter?
Weird update to the should I write the dead guy's family a letter AskMe. For the many who were interested.
"follow-up icon"
random request: there should be something like a clickable "follow-up icon" that connects old original threads with eventual follow-ups
for those who must know if Lee Marvin's dog gets Pernod
Not sure if we want to have closed threads updated when the included links go bad, but for those who must know if Lee Marvin's dog gets Pernod...
I won first place, thanks to AskMe
Results for Chili question on AskMe
Abanadoned questions on AskMe
Abanadoned questions on AskMe:
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
I think one of the purposes of AskMe is to provide an archive of solutions. Too often, even though the questions are answered by the community, the asker doesn't bother to report back, or forgets about the question. [more inside]
What DO we do about follow-ups?
When does a FPP deserve a follow up thread and where should one post it? (more inside)
Follow up to Gay Straight Alliance Question
AskMe Update: Last month, I anonymously asked a question about talking to the media about a high school Gay Straight Alliance: thanks and an update inside.
MeFi generosity inspires house fire victims to Katrina/Rita relief
A follow-up to a most incredible show of Metafilter generosity. (More inside)
Let OP update closed posts in AskMe
This is perhaps indulgent, but it would be potentially useful in ask.mefi if the instigator of the thread could post just once after the thread has been frozen. Some questions resolve after several months, and it would be a possible benefit for those googling for information to see closure, i.e. "this is what ended up working the best, x was right" or what have you. Perhaps this is just imposing a false narrative closure on messy reality.
Setting up a mailing list for shy MeFites
In an askme post, I said I'd be willing to set up a mailing list for shy MeFi members.
Mefite nudist arrested on child sex abuse charges
A freaky unfortunate turn of events: As an update on a very old thread on nudism that questioned and debated the gray area between nude adults and nudist children in the setting of a nudist colony, one defender of nudist culture from that discussion was arrested on charges of child sex abuse late last year (still being held awaiting trial afaict). It's freaky to go back and re-read the debate knowing what eventually came to pass.
14 bucks project tabled
Aw, almost a year has passed since the 14 bucks project launched and it looks like bird0g hung it up before even doubling the money. I ran into this while tagging my archives, figured it was worth mentioning again.
poo will always be flung around here
For those involved in the MLK Weatherman fired thread, I call your attention so some first hand action.
I point this out because while poo will always be flung around here, gems like this can only be found on blogs such as here and help to keep this place awesome. Plus, there's nothing like quelling rumors that will naturally arise with firsthand accounts
I point this out because while poo will always be flung around here, gems like this can only be found on blogs such as here and help to keep this place awesome. Plus, there's nothing like quelling rumors that will naturally arise with firsthand accounts
Blues, military and history
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