65 posts tagged with members.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 65. Subscribe:
Regular and semi-regular MeFi clubs?
Hey, with the recent MeTa about the Card Club, I was reminded that there are a number of member run activities and events, but there is no list of them. So I'm going to put together a FAQ entry about the member related MeFi clubs and activities with the following information for each club:
Name of club/activity
Contact Person
Premise of club/activity
How often/when the club/activity occurs
For those who do run these activities, thank you! Please chime in if you have any special instructions or corrections and I'll include them in the FAQ entry/listing.
For anyone who wants to help with compiling this information, let me know, we can do it in Google docs. [more inside]
How are new users discovering Metafilter?
I'm always a little surprised when I see a new user on Metafilter, since talk about it elsewhere online seems to have been erased by all the talk about billion-dollar sites. If you're a relatively new user - within the past three or four years, say - how did you find Metafilter?
Thank you Thank you Thank you
This year was incredibly hard for me in a lot of ways. [more inside]
Best Metafilter posts for outsiders?
I have, over the years, tried to convince IRL friends of the awesomeness of metafilter. But getting them interested is daunting- there is so much history and culture here. Any given day the front page posts are good; but if you're not familiar with the site, can seem like just a collection of links with discussion.
So what threads/posts/discussions do you use to really show off metafilter to people unfamiliar with it? Are there any standout posts you use time and again to people unfamiliar with metafilter? This isn't the best metafilter posts, exactly, as some of the best posts jusdged by mefites may be too culturally specific to hook someone on the outside looking in. [more inside]
My life's a rock in a rock tumbler, getting shone.
Earlier this week longtime MetaFilter member Sean Michaels won the Giller Prize, Canada's biggest fiction award, for his debut novel Us Conductors.
good faith flagging
⚑ a proposal for a "good faith" flag [more inside]
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"
Mefite Paul-Olivier Dehaye’s three-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at Coursera, "Teaching Goes Massive: New Skills Required" 'reportedly launched on June 23 without controversy. The course targeted people in higher education who felt “threatened,” “lost” or “unprepared technology-wise,” -- a MOOC for MOOC skeptics, in other words.' And then the mindfuck began. Inside Higher Ed notes that in trying to figure out what is going on, someone uncovered a handful of comments he made on MeFi related to the project.
Member websites, members only?
My little pony request. Can we have the option for our websites to be available to members only? It makes sense, in that we have the visibility option for members/everyone for Twitter/FB/other social media, can we just add website as a field for that as well? [more inside]
Hugs, High-Fives, and Happiness
Welcome, mini-[username]! Congrats, MeFi's own [username] for [thing] that further enriched us by having you here! Oh, look, our own [username] did [MeFi-related thing] in [non-MeFi venue]! Guess what - [real name/othernic] is Mefi's Own [username]! [more inside]
Do we get members only jackets now?
members.metafilter.com? Please explain! Is it for more than recent activity?
late night missive
The recent Hegel post made me miss seeing Lovecraft In Brooklyn around the site, maybe you'll be back again some day. [more inside]
MeFi Mag #3 is here for a visit
MeFi Mag#3 is now available! Join us after the jump for more information on this issue, how to follow us online and open staff positions. [more inside]
a friend of a friend wanted me to ask y'all.....
This post brought up a question for me. It isn't unusual for us to see AskMeFi questions posted by a member for a friend/spouse/workmate/whatever.
How do we feel about that? Are we taking bread out of Matt's mouth when we use our account for someone who isn't willing to pony up the $5? And, does it feel different to help a non-member as opposed to one of our co-member-mefits?
Not that I personally see it (as it happens now) as a huge issue, I was just curious as to the "how to manage an online community" philosophy bit of the question.
how far is near?
How big a radius does the "nearby metafilter members" feature cover? [more inside]
See Astro Space Laboratory
I'd just like to take a moment to misuse MetaTalk and draw your attention to this lame gawker list type post revealing the origin of MetaFilters own Astro Zombie.
Asking for a friend!
Are you in prison? [more inside]
Who makes up the mefi audience?
Who are the people who make up metafilter? [more inside]
Users are people too
I'm tired of the word 'user'. can we use 'members' or 'readers' instead when referring to them e.g. "X users favourited this" etc? [more inside]
Why is the term "USian" used on MeFi in place of "American" so often?
Is there a way to search members by location?
I swear I remember a way to find users from a specific locale- but I can't seem to conjure up a search-string that will do what I want, which is to find users in and around Munich and Berlin, Germany.
The rasion d'etre of my search is that I've found some 1500 photographs I took there 30 years ago, and I'd like some assistance in determining locations/stories.
The rasion d'etre of my search is that I've found some 1500 photographs I took there 30 years ago, and I'd like some assistance in determining locations/stories.
Logboy injured in Iraq
One of our longtime mefi members - Logboy - was recently redeployed to Iraq. When I noted in one of his comments that he was on leave, I bookmarked his weblog and was shocked and saddened to read that he was injured by an IED. Damn.
Which members here best represent their opinions for each political group?
Which members here do you think best represent their opinions (1) for the right/Republican side, (2) for the left/Democrat side, and (3) absent recognizable or predictable side/party affiliation? [more inside]
How many people sign up per day?
My friend and I were discussing MeFi and came to a point of contention when estimating the number of new users MeFi receives per day. My guess was 5 to 10, his was 25 or more. Perhaps this argument can be laid to rest here. How many new users does MeFi average per day?
Favorite member sites?
Right now there are 35,070 members in MetaFilter. Many members have their own unique personal sites. Which are your favorite less-known ones?
Connection timeout members
I'm getting this on the front page of MeFi:
Connection Timeout members | You are logged in as: Godbert / logout
5 links and 88 comments posted since your last visit
Connection Timeout members | You are logged in as: Godbert / logout
5 links and 88 comments posted since your last visit
Searching Profile Pages
Is there a way to search user profile pages for certain words? I was trying to add a 'MetaGame' keyword to my page for use by geekily Mefites to match up in online games (MMORPGs, Live!, Nintendo Wifi, etc) for some constructive combat from the safety of our Mom's basement.
Am I missing something obvious, or is the a pony that could be coaxed to life?
Am I missing something obvious, or is the a pony that could be coaxed to life?
Some long gone members are back to posting
Like the undead coming back to vote, people who haven't posted in several years are coming back to Metafilter...
Welcome back Quonsar!
My pants is missing its fish
Whatever happened to quonsar?
MetaFilter Members In Iraq
Are there any members who are serving or have served in Iraq? Any members who live, or have constant contact with someone who lives, in Iraq? If you're willing, I have language-related questions, both about American military usage and colloquial modern Iraqi Arabic. Email me at the address on the web site linked in my profile.
Request: a way to filter out particular users.
Hi, would a "filter user comments" option be a lot to ask? There are a few users who just never really say anything useful or contributory, and I think if I could just filter them out it would be nice.
unquestionably the greatest 1000 member group
"Unrelated, but let's just point out once again that the 14K group is unquestionably the greatest 1000 member group in the history of Metafilter."
I would like to hear the opinions of 14k'ers on this subject.
Various Mefi-Untermenschen are free to offer us , the 'greatest generation' , their tributes.
I would like to hear the opinions of 14k'ers on this subject.
Various Mefi-Untermenschen are free to offer us , the 'greatest generation' , their tributes.
Where do I ask a question about MetaFilter and how it's used?
Do I ask this here (or has it been asked before) ??
I want to ask people just how they organize their MeFi/MeTa/AskMe screens/feeds/time - I'm not actually asking yet as I want to think about framing the question a bit more (so it might become wider surfing focussed or not), but should it go here or in AskMe?
(but people might answer anyway so it could be a moot point I guess)
I want to ask people just how they organize their MeFi/MeTa/AskMe screens/feeds/time - I'm not actually asking yet as I want to think about framing the question a bit more (so it might become wider surfing focussed or not), but should it go here or in AskMe?
(but people might answer anyway so it could be a moot point I guess)
Connection timeout members
A little bug on the front page. Top right reads "Connection Timeout members | You are logged in as ..." or merely "Connection Timeout members" if I'm not logged in.
The effects of noobs on MetaFilter.
Not in defense of noobs. Because of noobs (myself included), the sky is falling and trends clearly show that metafilter is getting rapidly out of control!! Seriously though, this analysis shows that the "average age" of a metafilter poster has dropped by almost 200 days, I am in whichever camp wants to extend the incubation period for noobs like us...
Add something about other online communites to the profile page.
It would be nice if the question Are there any other community weblogs where you regularly participate? could be added to the standard welcome questionnaire ("What's the deal with your nickname? When did you first start using the Internet?" etc.) [More inside.]
Last-second meetup? Tuesday in Dallas
Last-second, sloppily thrown together Dallas Happy Hour, featuring special guest matteo. Tuesday, July 13th (tomorrow) at 5:00, Trinity Hall Irish Pub (at Mockingbird Station). (more inside)
Connection failure members...
Just in case you haven't noticed:
"Connection failure members..."
"Connection failure members..."
New members increase numbers (from July 2003)
17153? Did I miss a memo? For the longest time it was 17151. Who are the two new members? Does this mean membership is open again? What do I do if someone I know wants to get in, and does it involve PayPal?
Can we have a list of missing members?
When members disappear, I look for them on milk cartons. [more inside]
When will signups reopen?
MeFi/MeTa not taking new members - Any one got any idea how long for and what new gadgets we're expecting?
What are some great profile pages?
vacapinta's extraordinary user page sadly no longer seems to be updated - any other user page treats I'm missing out on?
member numbers from the future?
How can Staggernation be member 17200 when the front page says there are 17136 members?
16,000 member!
We've just turned over 16,000 members according to the front page. Our lucky number 16,000 is hans_1984 who wins this lovely MetaTalk thread. Welcome aboard, Hans!
Who's your MeFi crush?
Okay, there's been some negativity round these parts lately, so let's try this: Is there any MeFiosi upon whom you've developed a sort of (intellectual?) crush? (Potentially lame query, I know, but I figure it'll get some positive feedback going. We've spilled a lot of bytes talking about the people, or personae, we don't like, ad nauseam, so I figure the opposite is worth a shot. So shoot! Free love!)
Member count discrepancies
It appears as though the member count on the front page of MeFi does not accurately reflect the number of members. The most recent member seems to be 14212, while the member count is only 14041. While that is certainly a pretty palindrome, why the discrepancy?
Welcome back (.)(.)?
Meetup Photos
Anybody attending one of the MeFi gatherings, how about posting some pictures?
The return of a member and what happens next
at the emailed advice of a fellow mefier, i need to say something to all of you. no, this isn't a stunt for attention, or yet another thread to stir it with a stick...he tells me that my entry back into mefi has been rude, and he questioned why i did it the way I did. when I told him, he said i should tell the rest of you . more inside...
moonlighting mefites
Everywhere I look on the Internet I find my fellow Metafilterians moonlighting somewhere. Just today I came across a very interesting web site called Cafoon/Erotica Rules, where the very latest contributions come from poster heroes such as owillis and feelinglistless.
Forget SportsFilter and Plastic.com(where the great holgate is in finest form). Come clean now! What are the Metafilterians' secret haunts? And are there any steadfast, exclusivist, MetaFilter-only loyalists left? [I, a minor traitor, confess to lurking very discretely on filepile, Kuro5hin, fark and a certain red cricket where Crazy Uncle Joepontificates - but that is all...]
Forget SportsFilter and Plastic.com(where the great holgate is in finest form). Come clean now! What are the Metafilterians' secret haunts? And are there any steadfast, exclusivist, MetaFilter-only loyalists left? [I, a minor traitor, confess to lurking very discretely on filepile, Kuro5hin, fark and a certain red cricket where Crazy Uncle Joepontificates - but that is all...]
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