March 2019 Archives (all archives)
March 30
Metatalktail Hour: Ordinary, but Odd
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Wordshore wants to know, "what's the most ordinary thing you have never done? It could be seeing any of the movies in a famous franchise, drinking tea or coffee, eating at a ubiquitous chain, driving a vehicle, or something else?" [more inside]
March 26
It's a message board that isn't really around much anymore...
During the most recent Sh!tpost Podcast, Jared Holt interviews Christian Vanderbrouk of twitter and lately Bulwark fame.
Metafilter is mentioned. [more inside]
March 25
Deleted Posts Blogs
Fanfare Pony Request. Ability to hide/mute shows ?
If the technical overhead is not too much, would it be possible to allow logged in users to mute/hide certain shows completely? [more inside]
March 23
We're Married!
Nightrecordings & I got hitched today! MetaFilter brought us together and we wanted to share our joy with all of you. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Tools
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Too-Ticky wants "to hear about people's favourite tools. No matter what the tools are for. Professional, domestic, recreational, you name it. The tools you have and use, the tools you wish you had, and the tools that you used to have and are missing still." [more inside]
The Paint Roller AskMe's shared memory hits 2019 television
So you remember the askme from 5 years ago where we all tried to figure out what 80's tv show/intro had a character stepping through a door and getting slathered with paint as they did? Well, this recent 1980's themed Progressive insurance commercial has been airing during the current NCAA tournament, and at 18 seconds in, guess what happens. A character opens a door and gets a paint roller across their chest.
This doesn't resolve the question, but perhaps the answer is out there, somewhere. We can't all be making this up, right?
Thank you, Metafilter
Today is my 14th anniversary of ponying up $5. Since then, I've moved to my fourth continent. Thank you for the longest running stable relationship I've had since 2005, Metafilter. Tell me about being alone in some challengingly new environment (like a rural African village, ha!) and how being able to access Metafilter made all the difference for you.
March 22
ISO two comments
1) a comment in a sci-fi/short stories/drones post on the blue about a flock of drones coming home to roost at sunset (possibly glittering in the sunlight?). Posted some time in the last few years.
Other one below the fold. [more inside]
Other one below the fold. [more inside]
Definitive Answer to an AskMe - A Decade Later
10 years ago an AskMe user who had ordered a TV online ended up receiving the wrong order, instead being delivered a much nicer, higher end TV than the one she had purchased. This user came to AskMe inquiring if it would have been ok to have kept the nicer television, leading to a very lively discussion. A decade later, a definitive answer.
March 20
Contact Form failing to Send
Unfortunately, a bug was causing contact form messages from people with e-mail addresses and to not be sent.
I'm really sorry. This should now be fixed, and if contact form messages aren't being sent out in the future, I'll receive a notification about that.
New Telephone Pictionary thread!
Team Singing Telegram, good news--my latest life crisis took a breather for one day and I got our booklet in the mail. Like, in the actual physical mail stream. I promise. I'm very sorry for the delay!
March 19
Political Humorizing Thread
I saw this cartoon today and needed a place for it. Laughing at politicians, as opposed to laughing with them, is a much needed function of democracy; I mean, really we can't all hang out at the bank, all the time. Any way,
Pat Bagley does it again!
Midwest Flooding Checkin
The situation in Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, and elsewhere in the Midwest looks to be horrible. Any MeFi's out there want to let us know if you're ok or if you need help?
March 18
MeTa Fantasy Baseball 2019
Getting ready to start a 14th glorious season! [more inside]
Sports-Adjacent Games
Do you like basketball, and visualizations of powers of two? We have a Men's Tournament Challenge Group and a Women's Tournament Challenge Group! Do you prefer to accumulate statistics over the course of 162 contests? We have a Fantasy Baseball League! Do you like trivia? We're mid-season in LearnedLeague 80, and we have a Private Rundle! [more inside]
Bug linking to Instagram from Metafilter?
Do links to Instagram cause weird browser behavior for you? If so, is this a Metafilter issue, a browser issue, an Instagram issue, or what? [more inside]
Bored enough to look at AskMeFi
Apparently someone at Bored Panda just spotted an old AskMeFi question that was answered by Mefi's own Adam Savage. And they posted about it. You can read it here. [more inside]
March 16
Metatalktail Hour: PETS!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Weeping_angel wants to hear about your pets -- past, present, and future. Funny stories, cute stories, where you found them, everything! Pet tax payments gratefully accepted. [more inside]
MetaTalk, much?
The March issue of Language, the journal of the Linguistics Society of America, features a citation of a past MetaTalk on the use of the X-much construction on MetaFilter by cortex. [more inside]
March 14
Maybe not so grand
This is fairly minor in the scheme of things, and I feel kind of weird making a post about it, but it never gets easier to see Georgette Heyer and The Grand Sophy warmly recommended. [more inside]
Pony request: books on watercooler and fanfare front page
So on the side bar of fanfare when you scroll down you have recently added movies and recently added tv shows but no recently added books, could books be added? Also- fanfare watercooler shows the most active discussions in TV, Movies, podcasts, classic tv and classic movies but no books? could that be added? If there's some sort of reason why not that's fair, but It would be nice to have an easier way of finding the latest book discussions.
March 13
Managing a swap? Streaming music edition
I was looking at the wiki and I noticed that the last mixtape swap was in 2014. I think it could be fun to have another one, maybe through making playlists on a streaming music service like Spotify. I have never run a swap before though. [more inside]
We're Still Here
March 12
Tiny compose windows
Is there a really good logistical reason why websites including Metafilter use such small compose windows (I mean physically small on the screen, not window as in time window)? I feel like it makes it hard to avoid mistakes while you're composing (yes I know about preview, it's not the same as seeing a larger window while you type). [more inside]
Best practice for Best Answers
After posting an ask.metafilter question, I like to Best Answer replies, except in some cases when I find all possible approaches awkward. What's best practice in Best Answering? [more inside]
March 10
I have defeated the shark game
Many moons ago, the shark game was posted on the Blue. (Also, 2, 3) I had never played a clicker game before, but I played. And I played a lot and then I left it for a few months. And then I got pregnant. Being pregnant takes forever and involves a lot of waiting, so somehow early in the pregnancy I stumbled upon the idea of a pregnancy project in which I would get "lots" of everything and have everything going up by "lots per second" by the time baby game. Baby is 22 months old and I have succeeded. Thanks for nearly two years of purpose-to-my-life, Metafilter and boo_radley. [more inside]
March 9
Metatalktail Hour: Sound Effects!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm Always Feeling, Blue, is interested in your sound effects, saying, "I punctuate all proffered fistbumps with a "tssshh!" slow-mo impact sound, mainly because 30 and 40 something yr old men in sensible clothing fistbumping seems a bit naff/daft. What sound effects do other Mefites add to their everyday lives and activities?" [more inside]
March 8
How much do we make?
Between the discussion of the average American and the previous FPP about parental aid and class and the discussion of grocery cashiers in another thread leading to a comment from a person to the effect of not feeling like a real MeFite because of salary, I've been thinking about class on MeFi. What is the range of incomes and class experiences here? Where are we, collectively, coming from? And how can we handle things better when we discuss class? [more inside]
March 7
Just Share Something Good
It's been a difficult week. Let's talk about something that isn't related to the news or a source of the never ending stream of nightmare fuel we encounter on the rest of the web. Just share something good with the MetaFilter community. We all could do with a story that brings a smile, or a laugh. Maybe share a photo of a cute pet or baby, or tell us about that slice of pie you enjoyed, whatever it is, just share something good. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. We're all on this rock together.
March 6
Farewell pjern.
I am saddened to report that longtime member pjern has died today. He loved this website and all of you. As he travelled the country, he never missed an opportunity to go to a meetup. He was kind and generous and beloved. [more inside]
March 4
150: Taking a Dinger
Here it is. A podcast. It's a podcast and here it is. Yes. Yes? Yes. [more inside]
March 2
Metatalktails: Lazy Sunday
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! It's time for Eurotalktails! This week, several people have requested you share your Sunday Routines, a la the NY Times, as inspired by this question! Of course it doesn't have to be Sunday -- it can be Saturday, or whatever day is your favorite day of relaxation! [more inside]
March 1
Fucking Fuck XX - Fucking Dos Equis
Surely this, right?
Here is your March home for all of the fucking fuckery and nonsense that is going on in the government(s) and our lives. Fuck away!