March 31


So we've all seen BookFilter and WarFilter, but have you seen MusicFilter or KittenFilter? With FreeFilter 0.3 coming soon, one can't help but wonder what this will mean for the ancestor... Furthermore, Could the MetaFilter interface become the "killer app" in community weblogging?

March 30

Metafilter is like totally Iraqfilter and stuff

Hey, have you noticed that Metafilter is like totally Iraqfilter and stuff? Of course you haven't. But this guy has. Over and over and over and over and over and over again! Maybe it's time to put Metafilter=Iraqfilter on the sideglob, so as to save people the time of typing it in every post?

March 28

How about the women of MetaFilter do their part in making MeFi a Girlzone?

Women Unite!

There are many comments regarding MetaFilter being a boyzone. Frankly, I agree that it is. In a "two wrongs don't make a right" frame of mind, how about the women of MetaFilter do their part in making MeFi a Girlzone? After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

March 27

NSFW inline image.

NSFW inline image. Come on, The Jesse. What's next, diarrhetic elephants?

Ranting and raving

Apparently tjenson has hir panties in a bunch about matt deleting a thread and is now stomping through other metafilter threads ranting about it.

Anyone else having problems with the scroll bars on mefi & meta?

Anyone else having problems with the scroll bars on mefi & meta? I tried clearing my cache, logging out, checking preferences, but to no avail. I'm not having this issue on any other site. advice appreciated...

March 26

What's the opinion on selling-on user ID's?

What's the opinion on selling-on user ID's?

March 25

textads introduced to mefi

Metafilter, brought to you by Pepsi Blue.

Sorry the server was offline for ~30 hours, full story inside

Sorry the server was offline for ~30 hours, full story inside

my name is a Mefi in-joke

Well, thanks a lot Wiki people for giving out my name as a MeFi in-joke.

It's not asshat, it's felchwit

That know-nothing neo-jazz-fusion asshat Pretty_Generic made a shitty first post, thereby crudding up a pristine, postless front page.

you'll be happy to see that Stan Chin's blog is finally live

It's entirely possible that everyone already knows, but for fans of one of our funnier commenters, you'll be happy to see that Stan Chin's blog is finally live, and is a welcome addition to the blogosphere, despite what some might think.

March 24

MeTa seems very slow today and MeFi isn't half as zippy as usual

MeTa seems very slow today and MeFi isn't half as zippy as usual. Instead of starting bothersome "Is it only me?" threads like this one, is there a way users can determine for themselves whether it's the server's fault or something else?

March 23

The very worst kind of IraqFilter thread

This is an example of the very worst kind of IraqFilter thread. Grabbing the first news story on a subject, a Fark-style minimal headline and people getting out the popcorn for a surely ensuing flamewar.

Can we please not have anymore crap like this on MeFi? There are many other places to get information like this.

Melbourne, AU meetup? March 2003.

Are there enough readers to make a Melbourne, AU MeFi meetup worthwhile? Or is it only the NYC kids who get to do it?

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC - March 22nd, 2003 pictures via adampsyche's camera, chicobang's camera, and we're waiting to see the rest. It went fairly well, although we wrapped up fairly early, 'cause the out of towners had to leave early.

Will we spin ourselves off with all these spinoffs?

Already there are BookFilter for books; SportsFilter for sports; a and for chattiness and fun. Not to mention the increasingly vigorous #mefi chatroom and other offshoots I may be unaware of. There's been talk of a MovieFilter and a News and/or PoliticsFilter. The admirable FreeFilter project makes it easy to set up other special-interest, breakaway micro-MetaFilters.
Is it possible that all this syphoning-off will one day syphon off the core of MetaFilter itself? Or are all these spin-offs mere adjuncts? For what it's worth, I'm plainly on the side of eclecticism and inclusiveness.

Site's cookies not working with Mozilla

I didn't see a link/email for technical issues, so please hate me if I missed it, but cookies/recent versions of Mozilla and metafilter do not seem to be playing together nicely. I get "authorization" from metafilter less than 10% of the time with mozilla 1.3. Anyone else having problems? It's possible I've made things bad for myself, but I have no problems elsewhere (nor have I changed anything since mozilla 1.2...)

March 22

Email Reminder Request

this isn't a request for matt, really (i know there are lots of those) - i think anyone could do this with a little screen-scraping and not too much server load. how about a daily (or 6/12 hourly? or step-wise, every 1, 4, 16, 64 replies...) email service to tell you if there have been any replies to threads you've posted on. this would be for those of us who only post a couple of comments or less a day - helps keep you in the discussion without having to run through threads checking for possible responses.

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out?

Can we have an alternative frontpage where all the posts which mention Iraq are filtered out? I'm getting a bit tired of this war thing and would like to enjoy my MetaFilter Iraq free. Something like would be greatly appreciated!

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