March 12

Attacking and insulting members isn't cool.

Why is it necessary to attack and insult?

March 11

Bloggie Awards

MetaFilter has won a Bloggie for "best group or community weblog". And mathowie must be happy that Kottke won his lifetime achievement award.

point LINK tag to page, not MeTa

Why does the LINK tag with rel="bookmark" on MetaFilter pages(even the front page) point to MetaTalk, rather than the pages themselves?
[more inside]

March 10

Metafilter is eating my comments!

Metafilter is eating my comments! I click on "Preview" and on the next page, I get "Comment Preview" and no comment underneath. The only thing that appears underneath is the line of links: Home About Archives, etc.

March 9

SSL for Metafilter

I've been spending lots of time on wireless networks lately, so I finally up and got an SSL certificate for MetaFilter. Enjoy. Eventually I'll try to get all the user/pass pages going through https:// to make the site more secure.

Shoutout: newsfilter thread goes big

is this thread an argument in favor of "newsfilter" posts? - jackflash hits the ball out of the park with his incidental posts.

March 7

mefi lazyweb

I'm invoking the mefi lazyweb: help me gather notes for my sxsw panel [more]

the dreaded double

Linking to a site that has been posted before: the dreaded double.

Case in point - I wanted to do a "Friday flash" just to offer a little B-Ball game that is cool for game people and with ban added bonus that it is great for download. Just something to balance the rather "heavy" load of war talk going on in all forms of the media.

MiniClip Download Page

Where is the line drawn for posting a link to a site that has been posted before, yet the content has changed?

for what it is worth, the "shooting hoops" was what I wanted to post, but held off.

Happy Friday!

invisible image with a MeFi-specific URL

Linking to your own site in a comment is kosher, but what about putting an invisible image with a MeFi-specific URL on that site's front page?

March 6

SXSW! Who's here already? Who will be?

SXSW! Who's here already? Who will be?

Bullets Messed Up Formatting

formatting of comments on thread all effed up by user who included bullets in his message.

New NYC meetup thread.

Well, the NYC meetup thread has been closed, so I'm starting another one.

America-centric attitudes on MetaFilter

American attitudes on the net... [more inside]

Missing image in MeTa markup

meta threads include a reference to which isn't available (it doesn't affect the page rendering, as far as i can see, but i maybe it's adding load to the server) (and, incidentally, that error page - which is generated but not normally visible - has some weird html, with a head element somewhere in the middle).

March 5

In defense of politicalfilter

Well, I'm sorry, sometimes we do do political threads well. Not many may want to join them - but most of those who do, continue to make them intelligent and alive. And I'm sure a lot of us who avoid going into them still derive an enormous pleasure from reading them. Which goes to say that, imho, political threads get an unfairly bad rap on MetaFilter (mainly due to Matt's apparent distaste for them) but they're part of the life and blood here and should be acknowledged for the interesting, integral part of MetaFilter they are. [I'm one of MidasMulligans fellow conservatives and I have to admire not only his gumption and enthusiasm but also the increasing fairness of his adversaries.]

Blog service that lets users participate via email?

I need to pick MeFier's brains and I guess this is the place to do it.
I belong to a mailing list that has an absolutely horrible archive. There's great information in the archive that's next to impossible to dig out.
The solution seems to be to switch to something like a blog. But Movable Type, as far as I can tell, doesn't allow people to participate both on a blog-type page and by email, does it?
Can any MeFiers tell me of a blog-type program that also sends out posts as emails and lets people respond via email?
Thanks in advance for any help and I apologize if this is too off topic.

MeFi Detectives go Pro

I have an idea for a new addition to the MeFi family of products... MoJo!

MetaonlineJournalism - A subsection of MetaFilter (like MetaTalk) where stories or rumors that need further investigation, research, or verification are actively worked on by webloggers, ideally working together to determine the truth of the matter.

This, I think, is increasingly important, since MeFi posts fade out a lot quicker than they used to, due to posting frequency. MetaOnlineJournalism posts might be around long enough to determine the truth of the matter, and would be presented in an environment that would ideally be far more about collaborative reporting, and far less about flaming.

I want my MoJo!

March 4

Old Copyright Notices

Copyright notices are old...

I just happened to notice that the copyright notices are for 1999-2002 in MeFi and 1999-2001 in MetaTalk... just a heads up on that.

Bitchin' redesign, Matt.

Bitchin' redesign, Matt.

community-building online

An interesting article about building an online community and the choices the Author made . It also talks about other online communities and why he avoided certain features popular on other sites.

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