March 4

Looking for a winamp plugin that gives recommendations

Sorry no link. In a discussion a couple of months ago there was mention of a winamp plugin that would recommend music based on the tracks that you were listening to. I can't find the thread that mentioned this or anything on google. Does anyone remember this? Can anyone post a link?

Metafilter in ruins

Metafilter in ruins

March 3

Metafilter gets UPI ink re Laurie Garrett

Whoa. Metafilter makes a pretty impressive showing in this article (ala The Laurie Garrett Escapade). (Totally found via Condour75's site.)

search didn't find double; what's up?

So, I did a search here on "search functionality" and found an indepth thread about search terms. What is the deal with searching for an href? Is that not the most important thing? My post a few moments ago was a double. Though no link was provided I trust that it was indeed posted before.

Is url matching the most difficult thing or what?

Choosing to remain anonymous, then being an ass

If you can't beat em, join em, eh? I have finally reached my tolerance threshold for people who choose—and are allowed—to be anonymous on this community site. If folks can remain anonymous and hurl invectives toward my wife (who is not even a MeFi member) then the time has come where I too must become anonymous.

I know it has been discussed before, but anonymity has no place in a community such as this. If people can't stand behind their own words then perhaps it is best if they hold their tongues?

MetaTalk is Three Years Old today

MetaTalk is Three Years Old today! (Finally out of its terrible twos)
So, how do you think we're doing? (inserts can of whoop-ass into electric can opener, flees kitchen)

February 28

MeFi in the Philadelphia Daily News

Yesterday's Mr. Rogers thread was cited, unkindly, I thought, by the Philadelphia Daily News in a FP story on Rogers' death.

Minutes after his death, chat began on the typically snarky Web site

I actually did not find the thread atypical at all, given the subject matter, and the subject matter was not atypical either. The writer was April Adamson -- let her know if you agree (or not).

the Laurie Garrett thread and its implications for privacy.

Accidental Privacy Spills. (found via /.) In which are discussed the Laurie Garrett thread and its implications for privacy, correspondence, and the getting of life.

February 27

MeFi Swap

The latest in the series of MeFiSwaps is now open for sign-up. Don't be afraid that no-one will like your choices, give it a go and open your mind to the possibility that you may hear something you have never heard of before (or a combination of favourites you may not have thought of). Come one, come all, sign up now!

discrete comment deletion

The coment count for this thread is two higher on the 'lofi' page than on the regular front page. Is this a bug or did Matt do a little discrete comment-deletion (I admit I go to 'lofi' at least once a day for its 'bonus content' - nudge nudge, wink wink)

Links do improve and furnish a comment

Links do improve and furnish a comment: When people do a little research before they comment and include a helpful or amusing link (and some users, like sheauga and madamjujujive put in almost as much work as they do in their posts), threads gain a new life and go off in all sorts of interesting directions. Sometimes deliciously and all at once. Some more threadbare posts, like the Libeskind one, are actually repaired and rehabilitated by the ensuing links. For some, linky comments may be a pain - do many actually click on them, given that a few don't even read the main links? - but I, for one, think they're dandy and would like to see more of them.

textbook example of a bad op-ed piece

Isn't this FPP a textbook example of a bad op-ed piece -- a link guaranteed to generate a lot of heat but shed no light? The liberals will cheer, the conservatives will discount it as liberal propaganda, nobody will convince anyone of anything, and lots of people will call each other names.

Why do people post periods in obit threads?

I've looked in the FAQ and elsewhere that I can think of, and I'm only asking because another, more longstanding Mefi-ite asked me if I knew the answer, so maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't know. What's the deal with posting a period on threads when people die? Does it refer to something specific? Does it just mean "speechless?" Is there a thread that this sprang from?

Login and return to where we started?

This is a very small and unimportant request, but maybe it would be easy to implement. When we login, could we then return to the page we logged in from rather than jump to the main index? Or perhaps get a choice of the two? I only login at work when I want to post; maybe I'm in the minority here.

MetaFilter-themed post belongs in MetaTalk > MetaFilter-related?

If you're going to frame a link entirely in terms of how it relates to MetaFilter, doesn't it belong in MetaTalk's MetaFilter-related category?

February 26

List of MeFite blogs

I've looked in the FAQ, the Wiki, riffola's user page, and nowhere can I find a comprehensive list of MeFiers' blogs. Does such a thing exist? If not, should such a thing exist? I think a portal showing recent entries from MeFiers' blogs could be nearly as entertaining as MeFi itself.

Search is broken

MeFi Search appears to be out to lunch [More Inside]

February 24

Metafilter Census

The results of Steve_at_Linnwood's small-sample MeFi census are online. Of more amusement value than scientific, of course. I thought this chart was particularly interesting in its lack of a middle ground.

Can we change our passwords?

Is there a way for a user to change their account's password? No pressing need or anything, just wondering, as I like to change my various passwords from time to time.

February 22

Racist, inflammatory, trolling newsfilter post

This thread, despite generating a huge response, is

A.) Newsfilter
B.) Racist, inflammatory, and designed as nothing more than a troll. I realize that MaddD enjoys posts that cause controversy, as evidenced by his topic post history, but suggesting that grieving parents should be shackled to a floor because of their immigration status seems a little much.

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