September 18

16,000 member!

We've just turned over 16,000 members according to the front page. Our lucky number 16,000 is hans_1984 who wins this lovely MetaTalk thread. Welcome aboard, Hans!

MeFi post deletion query

noticed a link I posted yesterday was removed? why? It would be nice for any moderator or higher up to e mail someone telling why the link was removed

September 17

Have you considered a 'Back to Top' feature?

Have you considered a 'Back to Top' feature? Would be useful for those long threads where one needs to re-examine the original post....

"follow-up" mechanism?

Have you ever considered a "follow-up" mechanism of some sort?

September 16


Does MeFi have an RSS feed? I searched around, but couldn't find one...hopefully I wasn't missing something obvious...if there isn't one, could there be?

Suggestion: Change default search behavior

I noticed this thread (lofi link--in case it doesn't last) earlier and noticed that the poster, BarneyFifesBullet, mentioned that he'd searched for the topic and hadn't found it. A cursory search, however, turned up that it had, in fact, been posted a few months earlier. Long story short, I noticed that the default setting when you use the search function on MeFi sets the drop-down menu to "in the past month" which seems like it could be the culprit in a case like this where the poster seems to have searched unsuccessfully for a previously-posted link. It doesn't seem like something that would be frightfully hard to chance, and it might save us a few double posts...

September 15

interrobang vs. ?!

interrobang vs. ?!. What's the deal here?! (Also refer to the recent MeFi thread about the interrobang.)

Are you a MeFi Lefty or a MeFi Righty?

Are you a MeFi Lefty or a MeFi Righty? I honestly don't get what comments like this one are getting at, or what they would prefer to see happen here. The lack of specificity in most of these complaints doesn't help. I see good and bad arguments getting called out regularly, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. What am I missing?

September 13

Longtime user making first FPP prompts query on posting demographics

This one got me to thinking…
I was surprised that someone who had been a member for over 2 years had just now posted their first story. I’m curious about other demographic oddities and averages like that.
Who holds the record for the most threads?
Many more questions inside....

What to do for thread number 20000

Sometime today, or quite possibly early tomorrow, MetaFilter will hit thread number 20,000. Personally, I think everyone should shut up once we hit 19,999 and let Matt do whatever he feels like with number 20k. Anyone agree? Other thoughts?

September 12

Searching would be so much easier with more descriptions

Su has a point here. Wouldn't it make searching a lot easier, as well as being fairer to the original authors and more descriptive in general if users could mention the name or title of a linked item in their lead post or, at least, in a follow-up ("more inside") comment.

As it is, I fail to see how Su could have detected tomplus2's May 2002 post, unless he arbitrarily searched for "graffiti" or some other term which isn't exactly apposite.

Some textads are too wide

Some TextAds are too wide (on standards-compliant browsers). "" and
"STICKERS*PINS*SHIRTS For angry ranters and the people who love them" are two examples. It increases the width of the in which it and the sideblog are nested, thereby reducing the width of the main content column, not to mention leaving a large gap between the right-hand page margin and the sideblog.
    The culprit seems to be the title field. A multiworld title with spaces will wrap in the ad-box; the above two examples are long (but within 20-char limit) one-word titles. Can something be done?

Madison Metafilter Meet tonight

Since it got bumped down below the front page, here it is again: Madison Metafilter Meet tonight. The Plaza. Nine P.M. Who's coming? Should we wear name-tags?

September 11

9/11 remembered, one year later

I would just like to tell Miguel (and the MetaFilter community): Well. Done.

Change in the style sheet weirds out Opera

Opera users now see the a page margin on the homepage, where there wasn't one before (presumably due to a change in the style sheet).

Self-link, or not?

Self-link, or not? [more inside]

there is currently a vertical gap on the front page

With the sideblog open, there is currently a vertical gap on the front page running the entire vertical distance between the last line of the description in the "Today some of us thought it..." post, and the line with Miguel Cardoso line. The gap disappears in the sideblog is closed. This is in my Mozilla for PC.

Closed thread means not-a-double policy

"Um, isn't this a kinda sorta double-post? [/meanie]"
"This thread is over 30 days old, and has been closed for archival purposes."
So it being a repost is not relevant. I propose a mortatorium on such statements, now that it is hard coded that threads are officially dead after one month. Comments pro & con are welcome herein.

Mea Culpa.

I apologise in advance for my transgression. Methinks I may have gone a bit far...

Just one 9/11 thread?

ok! we have our first 9/11 post on 9/11. let's *keep* further discussion there?

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