September 25

Login redirect back to where I logged in from pls

Often, I will be reading MeFi on a work or other computer and am not logged in. When I see a thread that I'd like to contribute to, I log in from the "Login" link on that thread...which dumps me back out on the front page. Is there any way to have the Login link on a comments page dump back to that particular page after you've logged in?

Apology for someone using anothers account

When someone else uses your MeFi account to post a typo-riddled, incoherent, inflammatory comment, maybe the best way to repair the damage to one's reputation is to apologize upfront.

I'm sorry. [more inside]

September 24

How do you link a specific comment from a thread into another post/comment?

How do you link a specific comment from a thread into another post/comment?

Wall Street Journal Copyright

This is about the fifth or sixth thread since July to link to an e-mailed article from the Wall Street Journal Online. I only bring this up because it violates the terms of's subscriber agreement, and could cause copyright problems both for the individual users linking to them and for the 'Filter.

"Have you ever eaten poo?"

Phrases that cause you to immediately skip to the next post in a given thread:
My example: "Have you ever eaten poo?" [more]

MeFi Swag

Has anyone ever put out MeFi keychains, mugs, t-shirts, etc.? Is there any interest? I would be proud to wear such "self link" items.

I'm seeing things

Just curious - I saw a post on the front page about an Enron auction this afternoon. I look a couple hours later and it's gone. Was it my imagination? What happened? and who makes decisions like these?

Help a Newbie!

I'm new to Metafilter, at least as a poster anyway, and I have been less than satisfied with the quality of my comments, especially my front page post. I think my dissatisfaction comes from my lack of experience in posting to a forum that has such a high expectation for quality. This tends to create a bit of hesitation in my posting, which results in over editing and an extremely stiff writing style. Of course the best way to overcome that, is by commenting frequently in order to become more comfortable and fluid in my comments and post. The downside to that, of course, is the possibility of tripping all over myself, in an otherwise quality message thread. This is very frustrating to me, because I see the type of poster I want to become, and I'm not sure how to get from here to there.

Making matters more difficult is my lack of computer knowledge. As an example, I love the option of renaming a url, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to edit multiple urls into a single paragraph.

If anyone has any helpful hints on how to gain experience as a front page poster, without making a mess of things in the process, I'd love to hear them. I've also sniffed around the web looking for a handy guide to url editing, and I've not had any luck, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

2 Feature Requests

Question #1: Are there any plans for a Mozilla Calendar/iCal plugin which would state the tentative dates for future swaps/meetups?

Question #2: A number of folks (myself included) occasionally visit MeFi/MeTa via PDA; for the sake of those "handheld immigrants", could a downloadable version of the Guidelines be made available for offline viewing?

Middle East News

Oi! I'm a sucker for middle-east threads (and regrettably get irrationally wound up in them) (especially Israel/palestine ones), but the sheer number of similar front page posts in recent days has been exhausting and exhaustive. The topic is covered on every major news site.

What happened to "posting something interesting I've found on the web"?

September 23

Fix Bad HTML, Please

Fake markup = unneeded closing tags? Anyways, the text layout is broken and the font's screwy. Please fix.

Fewer updates on google services pls

If I'm making something out of nothing, please let me know.

However, I was wondering if we could possibly put a stop to FPPs that report on every new feature at the Google website? Considering the hand-in-hand nature of MeFi users and Google, it seems to be a given that we will all discover these new features by ourselves...

Yes, I know, we can discuss the usefulness of these new features. However, since when was MeFi a web-tech / design forum? Google is cool, but I use the site dozens of times every day — as I'm sure most MeFI users do. I don't really think we need burning missives telling us that a new tab has been added. It's not like Google is crowded; we're not going to miss seeing it ourselves.

Like I said, if I'm completely off base, I'm more-than willing to concede.

September 22

What do we think about kuro5hin?

What's the relationship between kuro5hin and MetaFilter?

Searching MeFi for discussion about didn't answer my question. The site founder, Rusty Foster, does have a MeFi account, but his comments don't help much, either.

It's been said at both sites that the readership overlaps, and both sites seem to be compatriots in the community blogosphere, but I was somewhat surprised that K5 readers (well two, at least :-) didn't buy buying my assertion that K5 didn't have to link to a certain story because MeFi already had done so. Then I realized that MeFi readers would probably say the feeling's mutual.

I'm relatively new to MeFi, but I think I'm a quick study. It seems to me that because of that site's structure, K5 is more suited to long, developed, original stories. Its sophisticated mojo system (comment ratings, etc.) and nested comments allow more thorough discussions. But MeFi feels much more like a traditional blog -- updated several times a day with brief links and comments. K5 favors technology and culture stories, while MeFi is much more eclectic.

I hope other, more experienced MeFi members who also hang out at will elaborate.

MeFi gets shout-out in Boston Globe

MetaFilter is mentioned in today's Boston Globe - oddly, though, it's this nine-month old thread about Provigil that is the topic, and the source of quotes (unattributed to specific users).

a group weblog with thousands of chatty members

Well, that sounds about right.

September 20

All users mapped

Courtesy of Aaaugh!'s mad GIS skillz, every metafilter member with a zipcode in their profile has been plotted on this map [inside]

How about sticky threads?

How about sticky threads? You know, one thread that stays at the top of the page where everyone can post their War on Terrorism Link of the Day and then say the same thing about it that they did the day (or hour) before?

Listing links on user profile pages

To avoid cluttering up the front page, is it OK for those of us who come across a lot of interesting links to use our user pages to list some of those we'd like to share but probably won't merit much discussion? I'm worried about using up bandwidth and the old accusation of using MetaFilter as one's personal blog.

If it's OK, what's the acceptable limit? Would five or six links be acceptable? Or should the opportunity be used (as some, like Zachsmind, have done) to list some of our favourite MetaFilter threads, for example? Please advise.

Spell Check Problem

Spell check problem - if the text being checked has character entity sequences > or < when spell check completes they will be replaced in the textarea with greater-than or less-than signs. My browser is: Mozilla 1.1 -- Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826.

September 19

I can't post comments at all

I can't post comments at all: when I click "Preview", I do not see any preview and there is no "Post Comment" button. It's not a browser-display issue; I checked the page source and no preview or submit form is being sent.

Key threads for catch-up?

I haven't been on-line -- and so visiting Metafilter -- for some time (three months). Can anyone suggest some key threads I should read to catch up? I just logged onto the front page only to be told there have been over 1400 threads since my last visit ... would anyone like to volunteer to be archivist?

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