September 6

How to turn off broswer colors

How to turn off broswer colors (for those wanting to modify MefI to be more work friendly, a thread that pops up here occasionally). More inside...

September 5

Unicode seems to be working!

Looks like Matt fixed the evil box problem. Thanks, Matt! Does this mean free ponys Unicode is working too?
If this has been mentioned before and I've missed it, administrator, please delet me!

Good warcrimes post destroyed by personal attacks in discussion

I am disturbed by the conversations attacking the original poster in F&M's post on warcrimes (sorry I don't know how to hyperlink without the button.) I found the post well reasoned, free of ideology, and providing important considerations regarding future military action in Iraq. If someone had a legitimate complaint about the post it seems it should have been made here. To denegrate the post, the poster, and those who responded thanking the poster seems juvenial and small minded.

My apology inside.

My apology inside.

Changing user names?

Question on how to use Mefi, from a newbie....

Spellcheck flagging 'MeFi'

Isn't it internally ironic that when you run your post through a spell check, it gets caught on the term "MeFi"?

Just because it's "another Coulter thread"

Hi, Jack. Just because it's "another Coulter thread" doesn't mean raysmj ought to piss all over it with his off-topic opinions on proper journalistic style. How many other threads have been similarly derailed by snarks on the writing style or site design of the linked page?

base-ten rollover!

Since sign-ups were turned back on the thread count has been growing rapidly. With September 11th coming up, we'll almost certainly see thread 20,000 within the week. The last base-ten rollover passed with little fanfare. Should we ignore the significance of #20k? Use it for elitist ego stroking? Perhaps pancakes are in order...

September 4

Those Harry Potter Threads.

Those Harry Potter Threads. Reading today's Harry Potter thread (now deleted) some people mentioned that the reason it was getting posted so much was because there is no previous record of it on a search, and that multiple similar posts had been deleted. Okay, repeated posts should be deleted, but why isn't the original one anywhere to be found? It's a bit Farkesque, but still not a bad link, per se.

What the dogmuffins is up with this?

What the dogmuffins is up with this? I think that searching for the phrase "fuckwit" will prove that I've never used it. Is there someway to delete comments like this, which serve no purpose except to be nasty?

What would happen to Metafilter if Matt (heaven forbid) were to get hit by a bus or something?

What would happen to Metafilter if Matt (heaven forbid) were to get hit by a bus or something? Is there a contingency plan in place? I could have just emailed Matt about this, but I thought some other people might also be interested in the answer.

How much will we talk about 9-11?

Can the September jitters, already being felt from all sides of the political table, be in any way lessened or avoided?

Newbie Policies

Where are the policies? Specifically, I know that I can't post front-page stories because I either haven't been a member long enough or haven't posted enough comments, but how long and how many is it?

I can't find the details of this policy anywhere on MetaFilter or MetaTalk.

Why was my thread on the Greek govt outlawing games deleted?

Um...I posted a link a little while ago and now the thread is gone. Did I double-post or something bad and didn't know it? It was about the Greek government outlawing electronic games...

September 3

login link gives cf error

If I go to login at the bottom of a thread in MetaTalk, the link gives me a CF error, but it works if I login on the index page. (Looks like an obsolete link or something easy to fix.)

I really liked that movie -> FPP

Is this thread front page material? [more inside]

Another unclosed italics tag

Rats. I tried to post a link in all italics (with apologies to DaveAdams), and ended up italicizing everything. I realize that this has happened before and apologize for this breech in link editing.

Is there a way for a user to edit one of their own links after posting without having to bother Matt?

September 2

Customized Formatting in MeTa

My font 'n' size customization displays just fine on MeFi, but doesn't seem to take effect here in MetaTalk. I'd like to have the customization on both pages. Is there anything I can do, or is that just the way it's gon' be? I appreciate any suggestions. (Win 2000, IE 5.)

For all the new members struggling to come up with a witty name

For all the new members struggling to come up with a witty name,here are some suggestions.
Can I change my login to "GSV Just Another Victim Of The Ambient Morality"?

Post opens print dialog

I know it has been discussed before, but this post's link to the light version does something different: it brings up the print dialog [ie 6/xp and moz 1.0/xp]. I'd prefer the regular version to a page that decides to open the printer dialog for me.

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