March 5

I haven't seen any double posts recently

Curious, as this is the only one I I've actually run across. It seems that double-posts have been very rare recently. Or have they just been getting caught that quickly?

Did someone change my URL?

An URL posted here has changed. I posted a link to the Glass Engine on the weekend as The URL now coded inside the Metafilter page is but it fails to connect. The site appears to be down as well (and I really hope I didn't get the place MeFied) so the original URL doesn't work either. This is not a redirect I'm talking about: the code in this Metafilter page is different. I just checked where I got the URL -- and his code has changed to the new URL, too. Say, you all aren't trying to glasslight me, are you?

Is MidasMulligan trolling?

Troll, Ignorant, or Other?

March 4

non-programmers want pretty text

Sorry, Matt, but would it be too much to get the Italics, Bold, and Link icons on the MeTa post threads? Is it something you've been meaning to do or what? It really would make life easier for us non-programming types.

What are some good photo blogs?

(Not too be a brown nose but) Matt's use of photographic images in is beautiful (and central to the content it seems to me ?) Besides, any other photocentric weblogs anyone would recommend? Thanks. PS Do you think there will there be more of these? Will soundtracks happen too?

What percentage of threads do you read?

In this posting, user dhartung mentions that there are dozens of threads that he doesn't even read, after user RobertLoch asks if it's necessary to keep posting on the same old topics. Myself, I probably read around 25% of the total threads, and click on maybe 35% of the links offered-- even if a topic has been done to death it doesn't really affect me, as I just skip it. How about you? What percentage of threads do you read?

Page refresh after login link?

when hitting the "login" link after deciding I'd like to post something, is it possible to refresh back the page I was at before I logged in? more inside.

Prevent accidental multiple postings

I suppose this has already been discussed, but isn't it a simple thing to do to prevent accidental multiple postings? Perhaps the current comment could be compared to the previous comment?

conservatives, ok. bigots, bad.

getting weary of the bigotry flying around over the past few days. while conservative viewpoints are entirely necessary to keep conversation here balanced, this repeated stereotyping is beyond juvenile.

Blogs and pagerank

The Google Time Bomb- how weblogs are increasingly influencing the algorithms of Google's search engine. It looks like fun could be had with this. (From Microcontent news)

March 3


I always thought it impolite to type in all caps -- etiquette, usability, etc. There are two posts today(1, 2) that use all caps for their links.

All in favor say 'aye'. All opposed 'nay'. I'm curious.

Happy 2nd Birthday, MetaTalk!

Happy 2nd Birthday, MetaTalk! Gotta love the one and only comment - if only they knew...

Drudge Report reposts

Why doesn't Drudge Report receive any credit for these three links? And why do people insist on posting these links, especially when it is apparent that a number of other readers visit Drudge Report (considering 3 Drudge Report links were posted within 3 hours of each other)?

Skeleton next comment preview

Perhaps on the preview of a post or a comment, there should be a skeleton "next comment" that would show whether one has screwed up in one's tags (whether not closing them, or inserting an extra ") Obviously, this is a response to this entry.

Far Eastern Economic Review on weblogs

I was reading a month-old issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review after dinner tonight and found -- surprise, surprise -- an article on weblogs that I don't remember having read about here. The article isn't available for free on the FEER site anymore, but thanks to the magic of Google caching you can all read it: "Here's Where The Party Is" by Jeremy Wagstaff. Short and sweet.

Poorly typed posts ruin the subject matter.

I hate when important stories are ruined by lousy posts. How many errors can you find? Where's the cleanup crew when you need them?!

March 2

I don't want to post as my spouse

Hi! I'm MiguelCardoso's wife. My name is Maria João. I use the same computer as my husband does and have just registered under the name Schweppes Girl; using a well-known roundabout way. My username shows up fine on MetaFilter but, when I came to MetaTalk to comment, I find my username is automatically - and annoyingly - changed to MiguelCardoso.

Although I agree with what he says most of the time, I'd like, as do Catch/Holloway and the Acheson couple, to make comments of my own. Why is this? Or should I just order Miguel( ;) to take dictation?
I should add that I don't really mind; but I read MetaFilter and MetaTalk regularly and feel that women are severely under-represented. Does this mean I can be myself on MetaFilter(Schweppes Girl shows up as my login)but must bow to my husband on the perhaps more important MetaTalk? I guess it's just a bug. Am I right? Could it be fixed?

Hotmail has started pinging

I just noticed that Hotmail has started pinging, just like it's a blog that's been updated. To me, it's a sign of things to come -- corporate creeps in weblogs clothing. Should we care?

Sometimes I wish self-posting was OK...

Sometimes I wish self-posting was OK ...

Do threads with new comments show up under "recent comments" however old the thread?

Do threads with new comments show up under "recent comments" however old the thread? (inside)

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