March 10

When the cat's away...

I'm seriously aware that Matt is gone for the weekend, but do we have to put up with crap like this?

March 9

Mefi usage slips into the real world

I was at an art gallery the other day, signing the comments book for an exhibition. As I wrote my thoughts, I realised I'd slipped into Metafilterese, all personal feelings and heartfelt oaths -- I even wished I could link to something related I'd seen at another exhibition. At the end it took everything not to write my mefi user name at the end. I'm wonder if any other addicts have found their Mefi usage slip into the real world...

Post Delays?

A sensor which would prevent two posts within an interval of, say, 30 seconds or 60. This would unintentional double posts such as mine in the tactical nuke thread of a few minutes ago. (I tend to push elevator buttons more than once also)

Can we sort by most visited/most clicked?

Has consideration been given previously for a Metafilter sort by most visited/most clicked on front page posts? Thanks.

Sidebar for Macs

New feature for Mac users. The sidebar feature works for me in IE 5.12 under OS X. I think the page holder feature has been around a while, but I had no idea. Anyway, for those using Mac IE browsers, you now have a sidebar version of metafilter (don't ask me about Opera versions, they're not possible as far as I know).

Coding new features actually makes painful time spent in airports fly by.

March 8

Any update on the No Talent Ass Clown idea?

Spotted T3's "Give my ass a job" textad today(find it yourself), and it reminded me of something. Matt: Any news on the notalentassclown idea?
This has been your daily trainspotting moment.

Editing Posts

Is it possible to have an edit facility? I know there are ample opportunities before you actually post, but some of us like to unwind after work on a Friday with a little drink or three and don't always spot our little boo boos until it's too late, thus incurring the wrath of the less tolerant among us.
If we could edit the post, post posting as it were, it would save embarrassment.
Profound apologies for my too too boo boo on Miguel Carduso's radio thread. Should have caught an earlier choo choo.

I think this is a bad precedent.

NeuroProsthesis seems to be trying to use weblogs in order to optimize their google ranking. Their anchor tag is optimised for google. They have a weblog that talks about running a googlebombing inspired experiment. They have been inserting links in other people's weblog threads encouraging them to participate. They have apparently placed textads in daypop, metafilter etc. I distinctly remember running into an unrelated link to this site in one of the threads in Jason seems to have removed it.

I think this is a bad precedent. Are there others? What do you think?

I'm extremely PISSED

For the record - I'm extremely PISSED that BloggerPro has been down for over 12 hours now without warning. It didn't bother me when I was a freeloader, but now that I've payed for it am I alone in wanting a little bit more than I'm getting from Pyra?

I just want needed to vent...

How and when to use humour

Rules for use of humour (more inside)...

March 7

I'd switch to Opera except MeFi doesn't look right

I'm trying to see if Opera for Mac might be something to switch to. But, at least in Mefi/Metatalk, my font Metafilter font preferences, while they seem to register in "Customize" Mefi, do not take hold. Is there something in Opera: I can't get the font smaller; and there's too much space between lines of text. Is there something I'm not adjusting in OPERA?

Slashdot Songs

Slashdot song - I Won't Subcribe

MeFi/MeTa seem very zippy to me

Has mathowie got some more bandwidth or other upgrade? MeFi/MeTa seem very zippy to me, past couple of days.

Is Deep Linking Good Linking?

Is Deep Linking Good Linking? Jakob Nielsen says websites should encourage deep links as they enhance usability. He suggests three general guidelines. Nutcote(please scroll down)raises the question of etiquette: "Maintaining a links-based weblog, this is an important issue. I can see good points on both sides; to some extent it depends on the kind of site being linked to. When linking to a personal site, deep linking might not be good manners (depending on the site); but this is not the case when linking to an article on a major news site. It is a worldwide _web_ after all.".

Since this is an issue which affects a lot of us, I'd like to know what other bloggers think. Specially as I suspect the decision whether or not to deep-link(as opposed to just linking to an irrelevant main page as well as to the intended page) is not as simple as Nielsen makes it sound. Any thoughts? Thanks!

March 6

The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday

The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday, March 29th in Santa Monica. (Details inside...)

"Matt Haughey's' Metafilter"

I think the upper lefthand corner Metafilter logo should have above it "Matt Haughey's'..." Kind of like Don Kirshner's Rock Concert.
(I don't have the graphic design prowess to propose this visually).

March 5

Troll button pony

A feature idea: Add a button to the bottom of every MeFi page that says "this is a troll" (below the button, add a link that says "What's a troll?" that links to an explanation). Then it's just a matter of math: If over, say, fifty percent of the visitors to that thread mark it as a troll, delete it (or, at least, flag it for admin review). A system like this might discourage people from posting threads just to piss everyone off.

Every comment in every thread is new

I've been on metafilter all day, and every comment in every thread from March 2 9:29pm is marked as new. I logged in this morning at or about 12:52 PM, and it is 3:23 as I write these words.

Feature request: Where's the Chat At?

Most frustrating thing about MeFi: How oddly disposable it is. I mean the discussion, not the links. When you skip it for a few days, and come back, the links still work but the discussions are dead. Forty-eight hours, and dead as a doornail. I know MeFi is all about fresh links -- but still. Would it be so bad to allow for sorting by recent comment on the customization page, so the sorting persists between visits? Or is this already possible, and it's just that no one does it?

Bug in new MeTa post calculation?

Is there still a bug in the way MetaTalk calculates the number of new posts? Just now, I came in and got this: "There have been 3 links and 88 comments posted since your last visit." Three new links, sure, but there's only 74 new comments. Now, it's almost always (95% of the time) off by 1 or 2, but never off by 14.

Alternately, does the counter count new posts to threads that have long-since fallen off the front MeTa page? (And if so, is there any way we could once again get pointers to them?)

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