February 13

Metafilter or Metatalk

Which is better?

Deletion of Comcast FPP?

A FPP was posted today, regarding Comcast, but seems to have been 'disappeared.' Anybody know why? [my first post to MetaTalk, and I can't seem to find a tool for embedding a link, so here it is:]

It's double-post day here at Metafilter.

It's double-post day here at Metafilter.

And those posts which are new have turned into very nasty places to visit.

Hit post then... nothing

I wrote my post, hit preview, and nothing showed up. So, stupidly, I hit post, resulting in the world's most terse front-page post.

Adding attribution to quotations

In my dotage, I sometimes find it difficult to identify italicized quotes in longish threads, specially when they're short and there are a lot of comments between the excerpted comment and the rejoinder. So I do a lot of scrolling up and down looking for the original comment. Would it be too much, just for time-saving purposes, to ask ourselves to add a quick attribution to our quotations, when they're difficult to locate?[ Here's an example from the Pazz and Jop thread, where eyeballkid's recent excerpt of a post by almostcool was not easy to find.]

February 12

Let's take Olympics posts to sportsfilter.com

I've been tempted lately to request that people 'take it to sportsfilter.com' with the olympic posts. Since sportsfilter is a spawn of metafilter...it seems like doing so would help Both, but i'm not sure. It just seems like an excellent opportunity to reduce the number of posts here while helping build up sportsfilter.

Metafilter poster gets cranky

Sometimes, if it's late enough, even the best amongst us gets cranky -- while I would never suggest emoticons outright, some kind of 'poster mood indicator' might smooth out a lot of misunderstandings and help MeFi in it's scale up problems.

February 11

font and indenting fubar

Oh no, bad things. Fonts and indenting are FUBAR.

Terrorist threat alerts do not make good posts.

I think this thread is a prime example of the kind of things not to post to MeFi...

Does one get notified before one is banned from posting from mefi? a friend is wondering.

does one get notified before one is banned from posting from mefi? a friend is wondering.

Google Appliance

The Google Appliance is an interesting move on the part of Google. Don't know how much it costs but it would be nice if they were to offer it for smaller sites.

Critical IP Sucks

Google bombing at it's finest. Matt's Critical IP Sucks page has officially overtaken search result numero uno, directly preceeding the official Critical IP site.

February 10

Regrets on posting by proxy

Someone sent me an email saying he hadn't any posting privileges and wanted to add his comment to a thread I'd started. I posted it by proxy. I now have severe misgivings, expressed in that thread, reacting to mr_crash_davis's objection. What should I have done? The comment, by Thom Carlson, was intelligent and cogent and did provoke some lively responses. He's now sent me a second email, backing up his first comment.
I remember rebeccablood's thread about posting a link for someone and how most people felt it wasn't OK to do so. What about a single comment? Do the same principles apply? Please advise as I'm at a loss...

Mefi themed winamp skin requested

Last night I was wandering around DeviantArt
downloading a few Winamp skins, when I realized that noone had ever made
a MeFi themed Winamp skin. With all the programmers and graphic designers
among the MeFaithful, I woulda thought someone would've thrown something
together. I'd do it myself, if my complete lack of artistic talent wasn't
an issue. so who'll rise to the occasion?

Comments in posting history not in order

Miguel's comment got me to check my posting history (it's an ugly thing to do, I don't recommend it). Anyway, I found that the comments I posted aren't in any kind of order. (more inside)

the best times at MetaFilter?

For newer members, including myself, what were the best times at MetaFilter? Any ‘I remember the good old days’ thoughts that you would like to share? Can we learn anything from this past? Is there any advise that the old guard would like to offer up to us rookies, by way of assuring that this community continues to thrive? We are listening, well I am anyway.

February 9

How can I add other links in the post?

My first post here on Metalk so please excuse me if this is (has been) covered elsewhere. While I understand how to make a "basic" post, how can I add other links in the post (within the description text). I have no idea. Any help?

Google News Headlines gives thanks to Jason Kottke

Has anyone noticed that Google News Headlines gives thanks to Jason Kottke? (Scroll to the bottom of the page.)

bowling at sunset bowl this Sunday

MeFiSea -- Bowling at Sunset Bowl in Ballard this Sunday 7:30 pm. We're not great bowlers and we don't just talk about the inTARnet.

February 8

The December 2001 archive has a bad link to the DWW Aids Page

The December 2001 archive has a bad link to the DWW Aids Page - it points to 2000, not 2001. Could someone fix it?

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