February 8

Where do I put this to discuss it?

I would like to talk about the opening ceremonies of the Salt Lake City Olympic Games. Is it more appropriate on MetaFilter or MetaTalk, or not?

No hotlinking to images, please.

funny. i get snarked at for hotlinking an image, but i don't see any snarking for just plain cut and pasting content.

maybe i'm just not looking hard enough, but i don't see a difference.

Don't Go Nuts

Yes, I know I have gone nuts on the Ronald Reagan thread. No I did not mean to. Yes I am calling myself out. Yes I have gone up on my meds. Yes the thread is too chatty. If Matt wants to pull the thread, he may.
You got a problem with that?

Help Me Find Defense Spending Thread

Help a guy out. I'm looking for a link to a website that was posted here a few months ago. It was a flash animation about what America could do as a country if it reduced its defense spending by 5%. I've searched and just can't seem to find the original thread. Can anyone help? Please?

How big is MetaFilter?

How big is MetaFilter? There's a description of the server on the about page, but I'm interested in how much disk space the site consumes, and how big the DB is. (more inside)

Server busy or unable to fulfill request

Request canceled or ignored by serverServer busy or unable to fulfill request.

I'm getting a lot of these today. Is it my ISP or something else? Anybody else?

LPP wall of shame

Yo! Matt and other interested parties... I've noticed a lot of deleted FPP posts lately. Ever thought of saving some of them on their own page (with comment function disabled) so people can see real-world examples of what not to post, or where people who like that stuff can take a look?
Think of em as LPP's - last page posts.
This is a stupid idea, isn't it... where's my coffee?

Give the gaddamned snide comments a break!

Give the gaddamned snide comments a break. It's a flippin' discussion and some tend to add anecdotals. Yes! That is what some people do. To add to DISCUSSION. Would you be like this during a conversation at the pub? To hell with being personable!

February 7

Selling MetaFilter

I was just reading the "About MeFi" page and was struck by the quote "If you'd like to partner with MetaFilter, license the code, buy it outright, or hire me to build a similar site, email me and we can discuss terms." Would you really sell your baby, Matt? And at what cost/under which circumstances? Would all the old-school MeFi'ers be pissed? Just curious.

Cliques in MeFi

I've been reading everyone's MeTa post's about "What's wrong with MeFi," and thinking on it had for awhile. I've decided that it's not right vs. left, old-timer vs. newbie, or even dumb wacky-news items or pancakes.
Basically, as the community has grown larger, everyone's broken off into little cliques. Now there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that, birds of a feather and all; however, back in high school I used to love introducing mebers of the various cliques to eachother and(somtimes) watching the cultural exchange(for lack of a better term) that happened when they realized the other clique was cool, too. Unfortunately, most of the time the cliques just snarked at eachother.
In my early days at MeFi, the various subgroups resisted this temptation, but not lately. Hopefully we can turn back the clock.

Why was my post about someone having sex with a goat deleted?

Why is a post about someone having sex with a goat not worthy of discussion. The story had everything - intrigue, surpise, excitement, passion, shock, and much more. I know why it was delete - because mat thought it was 'sophmoric' to post something like that - well I didn't post it in a sophmoric manner, I posted it because it is a very interesting story. I have never heard of anything like it in my life. It makes me wonder whether you even bother to read past the headline before cracking the sensorship whip.

pancake posts mostly deleted; but I want the one with the bunny

I was just running a search on the word "pancake" (stop glaring at me, I was looking for the URL for the bunny!), and the first hit at the top of the list was the complete "Schizophrenics make the best web sites" front-page post. In fact, half the posts it pulled up are threads that have been yanked.

Including the one with the little bunny. So I still the URL to that too, plz, if anyone remembers it. Please, no kittens.

"poof" unexpected, explanation demanded

What was the problem with the post about the soccer player giving the finger up? I was really surprised to see that one go "poof." It wasn't high art, but it didn't seem like it was out of line.

Making fun of the mentally ill.

Making fun of the mentally ill.What's the craziest you can be and still be funny? Catatonic? Help me out here, I have such a tin ear for this stuff.

Links that inspire little or no discussion.

Links that inspire little or no discussion. I don't generally play MeFi cop, and this is by no means the worst link I've ever seen, but it really doesn't generate any level of discussion, and frankly invites snarky attempts at wit. What should be foremost in a poster's mind: "Wow factor" or "Hey, I bet folks will want to talk about this"?

I know you are but what am I. (liberal)

You know things have changed on MetaFilter when aaron gets accused of being liberal!

moonlighting mefites

Everywhere I look on the Internet I find my fellow Metafilterians moonlighting somewhere. Just today I came across a very interesting web site called Cafoon/Erotica Rules, where the very latest contributions come from poster heroes such as owillis and feelinglistless.

Forget SportsFilter and Plastic.com(where the great holgate is in finest form). Come clean now! What are the Metafilterians' secret haunts? And are there any steadfast, exclusivist, MetaFilter-only loyalists left? [I, a minor traitor, confess to lurking very discretely on filepile, Kuro5hin, fark and a certain red cricket where Crazy Uncle Joepontificates - but that is all...]

February 6

New comments indicators more indicative

I fixed the long standing new comments bug on MetaTalk, so the new comments indicators should be more reliable and not "disappear" on you when you refresh the main page.

Top Web Personalities

Matt Haughey : Lucky 7 on Shift's "Top 25 Web Personalities". Via Fark. We're not worthy!

A very nice article about MetaFilter is up on the CSMonitor site.

A very nice article about MetaFilter is up on the CSMonitor site.

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