January 10

Blogger subscription announcement

Blogger's new announcement: just a blogspot change. Rather clever, actually. I might even buy one myself.. anyone else?

Did you mean Matt Haughey?

How do you know when you're a star on the Internet?

Google attempts to correct the spelling of your name.

User Statistics

I liked the little thingie that told how many users are on
MeFi at a time. What happened to it?

almost a year since archy died

almost a year since archy died. (more inside)

Pagerank makes bad people findable

If you search for Bernard Shifman on Google, the number one result is the “Bernard Shifman is a moron spammer” page that was all over the web yesterday. His “official” web page (in an online directory) is now seventh or eighth on the list. Joseph Crosby (GM of the Houston Doubletree) has a similar problem.

If you accept the premise that many people will check out Google before hiring/dating/whatever someone, then these guys are in trouble for the foreseeable future. (more inside….)

Fix My Triple-Post!

Erk. How do I undo a mistake? I think I just posted a comment three times. It's not showing up on the thread, but when I click to "comments made by this user," in my profile, it does show up. Can I erase it, somehow?

How are things sidebarred?

Has any thought been given before to selecting posts which can be considered "timeless" or "very important", and keeping them highlighted and visible (maybe in the sidebar) for a week+ so comments can keep going on ? Perhaps 2 or 3 "Link and Think" type posts always present and alive at the top of the sidebar ? (recognizing that the process of determining what should go in there might make this a non-starter)

When I try AOL Keyword Mefi, nothing happens.

When I try AOL Keyword Mefi, nothing happens. (more inside).

January 9

getting first comment in your own post

how about a textarea on the post-a-thread page to allow you to optionally post the first comment on the thread? reading rich's comment on how not everyone wants to write up such a comment with word or notepad beforehand, it seems like this feature could be useful. no one jokes about where's the "more inside" text, and the ease of use in posting that first, explanatory comment may help in keeping FPPs from getting too large.

he's corralling the kittens

Ha: "Matt Haughey whips scripts and pushes pixels at Pyra Labs. When he's not being cheeky on his personal site, he's corralling the kittens on his community one.

Also by Matt:
free web host
using includes

Is there a picture of the actual physical embodiment of the MetaFilter Server?

Is there a picture of the actual physical embodiment of the MetaFilter Server? I'd like to be able to visualize where all the comments go.

January 8

The Chilling Effect of Self-Policing.

The Chilling Effect of Self-Policing. Step inside, won't you? (more)

Are there bigots among us?

I really hesitated about bringing this up because I seem to have remembered it being discussed before. How can meaningful discussion derive from this? Let me say up front that for me at least it's not a political thing, it could have been Gore or Nader and I still would have brought this up. (more inside)

Was it something that I said?

I thought this post would be more appropriate in MetaTalk, and I mentioned that in comments, twice. Both comments are gone now. Was it something that I said?

Double posts getting equal love

Is this the first time where front page double post is getting equal attention as the original, and no one has asked for the double post deletion? Is this because Dave Thomas was a popular guy or what?

January 7

My post was attributed to a different user

Sorry allpaws. I didn't catch it in the "preview" phase, but it appears a post of mine was attributed to user name "allpaws". allpaws and I do not share a computer and I was logged in as G_Ask. clues? Has this happened before?

spellchecker replacement update?

Must I continually check my spelling through Word? Has there been any headway on a spellchecker replacement?

Vegans are not funny

why is it that everytime someone makes a post that mentions veganism or vegetarianism, a dozen or so folks stand up at once and make little jokes about how they eat meat?


What's worse, an irrational Microsoft basher or an irrational Apple doubter?

Localised MetaFilter

Considering the exponential growth of online community sites like Mefi and Blogger, do you think that one day Metafilter will be (or should be) cloned as localized versions of the site? nyc.metafilter.com, etc.

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