January 6

NYC Meetup

Yay! It's on! NYC MeFiesta! Thursday, 24 January at Blah Blah, at 8 PM. (I think it might be near the 7th Avenue stop on either the F or the Q.) Be there, or be, uh, absent. Worst case, me and Paris are going to buy each other drinks until we find something to disagree about — it won't be this!.

MeTa Recent Comments

A "Recent Comments" mode for Metatalk. Or some other method for active discussions to not sink quickly into the lower realms.

Reverse chronological display

I would, again request the ability to have threads display in reverse chronological order, for ease of following new contributions. Together with an option to only display the the most recent contributions (say, last 10 or 20 within a post) there would be considerable server conservation.

why is metafilter so slow recently?

MetaFilter has been very slow all weekend - first time this has happened since I joined last September. Access has been fine. But when I try to jump to the comments - or post a comment - it keeps timing out. What's going to happen when Monday comes? Can the greedy Google bots be munching away at more than 33% or would this alone be enough?
Any way we users can lighten the load on our side?

Previewing the Poster's Name

How about putting the names of posters at the beginning of posts either instead of or in addition to at the end of posts? People are always saying, "Well, if you don't like what [x] says, just ignore him," but it would be easier to ignore people if you knew up front it was them posting.

Chapter One of Lessig's The Future of Ideas is online

From an NYTimes review [login: metafi/metafi] of Lawrence Lessig's The Future of Ideas:

To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.

Random weblog homepages

I have Mefi set as my Home Page on IE but sometimes I wish I could just randomly have a different weblog (or website for that matter) each time I start the browser from a list I can specify (perhaps using a section in 'favourites' or a file on my hard disk). Is this possible? Anyone want to take a crack at it?

January 5

Is anyone else seeing random font changes?

Is anyone else seeing random font changes?

January 4

XML strips out HTML including links

Hi. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature request... Why does the XML feed at http://xml.metafilter.com/ strip out any HTML (namely links) out of the nodeValue of the body elements? Why does the feed at http://www.metafilter.com/metafilter.xml provide a synopsis and a link to more while the previously mentioned feed shows the complete text (it also strips out HTML too)? Boy, it'd be nice to implement some XML-RPC functions for common tasks (posting, logging in, etc.) and spice up the XML feed so that a developer could build a different client for MeFi...

To Index or Not?

The site is getting pummelled lately, so I ran stats on the past few days to see if there was a national news story or something. Of the 300k page views in the past four days, 100k, or 1/3 of the traffic was solely due to the googlebot.

It appears that having 13k threads filled with 200k comments of google-loving ascii is acting as some sort of honeypot, attracting the google indexers like mad. Broken down by day, the Googlebot appears to visit over 25k pages at metafilter.com PER DAY. If you look at browser/OS stats, the googlebot visits metafilter more often than all Netscape clients combined. Also, the googlebot exceeds all visits by people using Mac operating systems.

Although I'm impressed with the results (google searches are the #1 referrer), is it worth basically bringing down the machine and keeping humans from being able to access it? If I were to include a robots exlusion file and block all search bots, would the net community be at a loss for not being able to find information discussed here?

I guess the big question is, does the utility of having the site indexed outweigh the problems the indexing causes?

Just in time compilation error

Front page go boom.

Can we get a thread tracker?

Often, it is complained that threads scroll off of the page too quickly, etc. Perhaps some sort of thread-tracking like that suggested here could help.

A post delete feature

A post delete feature. My school's internal bbs does this by only allowing you to delete your post if it was the last post to that thread or FP, so no replier ends up looking crazy. Might clear up a lot of duplicate/angry posts.

January 3

New York City Meetup

Portal to this thread about a NYC Mefi meet in a few weeks (since there's no other way to get the thread higher up).

Ring of Death feature

I want me a Ring of Death feature (more inside).

What kind of callout is this?

Generic bitching:

Let's start a pool to see how many quizzes will be posted to MeFi in the next year.

Ok, 2 in a day isn't that much compared to the rest of the week.. maybe someone should register amiaquizornot.com.

Request: clarification that MeFi logins work on Meta.

Would it be possible to explain on the MetaTalk login page that MetaFilter and MetaTalk logins are the same thing? I joined MetaFilter sometime around August and had wanted to participate, but thought I would need a new account, which, obviously, was (and is) not available. It wasn't until this post, followed by this response, that I realized that the logins were the same. Clearly, I wasn't the only one who had this problem. I would think a small note on the page would do the trick.

Matt Drudge and Julia Phillips discuss the web

Matt Drudge and Julia Phillips discuss why the web format (and blogging, by implication) is allowing the little guy to stand up to the old media establishment, and replace it. I remember Scott Adams predicting this in his book, The Dilbert Future. It's spooky how many of his predictions have come true (including the media killing celebrities for better ratings).

Sharing accounts

Now that it's becoming a trend (#1, #2, #3), does anyone else think publicly sharing accounts to circumvent site registration is a bad idea?

January 2

Are we ready for Blogcon?

Are we ready for Blogcon?

From the FAQ: "What is BlogCon?
It's not really a Conference, it's not really a Convention. It's more of a gathering, a meet and greet fest for bloggers. We may have panels or workshops, but nothing formal, perhaps a roundtable discussions (especially if we are gathered around a table in a bar or restaurant), but no vendors or booths... "

It's scheduled for August 23-25, 2002 and in Las Vegas.

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