January 2

This thread sucks and here's why....

This thread sucks. Just say no to .advocacy rants. At least abortion and gun control could possibly matter.

Tips for hiding email addresses from spam bots

Zeldman offers some tips and tools on hiding email address from spam bots. Maybe that could be used instead of the %40?

Missing "Post" Button

The 'Post' button for comments seems to have stopped working for me in Mac IE 5.1. The button is there, but it doesn't do anything.

Usability is nice

From a usability standpoint, this kind of thread seems counter-intuitive. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. This thread, on the other hand, allows me to mentally parse consecutive words with different links, thanks to that magical grammatical feature known as "commas."

Active MeFi Members

How many of the 13179 metafilter members actively participate (post and read) on a regular basis? Is that number the result of a SELECT MAX(user_identity) type SQL statement or is it calculated somehow based on readership and usage?

How many of these accounts are test accounts? How many are inactive? How many were created and then never used or rarely used to post over the previous 2 or 3 years? How many are not Neale Talbot?

I'd love to see some histograms.

I love Matt. !

I love Matt. !

January 1

Ad Farm is a text advertising network that has recently sprung up

Ad Farm is a text advertising network that has recently sprung up. It remains to be seen whether they're repeating the same old mistakes, making brand new ones or doing something cool.

how many MeFites visit fark?

I've noticed in a lot of recent threads a rather severe animosity towards our neighbors over at fark.com. Now obviously FARK is not exactly Mensa grade material, but I've found it is good for laugh and for entertaining bar-brawl style arguments. As someone who visits both MeFi and Fark daily I find they both provide nourishment for the opposing sides of my psyche, MeFi for my thoughtful, intellectual side and Fark for the mook within. Now I can't believe I'm alone in this. I'm just curious, just how many MeFites are also regular(or at least closet) Farkians?

I posted MetaFilter stats for December

I posted MetaFilter stats for December, and made a separate page for all the previous stats, with a graph of pageviews for the past year.

There are some young teenagers here.

Twice in the last couple days, posters have identified themselves as much younger than I expected to find here. One said he/she was 13, another was in the "10 to 14 group." I'm not surprised, exactly, but maybe a little uncomfortable. I don't want to underrate a 14-year-old's ability to handle "adult" discourse, but I'm wondering whether there is the potential for some problems (speaking very generally) here.

December 31

Columnist compares blogs to the Reformation.

Columnist compares blogs to the Reformation...

Back button runs a new TextAd.

Back button runs a new TextAd.

Just noticed that if I am in a thread I followed off the homepage, then click back, the page reloads with a new TextAd. But if I've scrolled down a bit to click on the thread in the first place (let's say I'm checking out what I missed yesterday), when I go back I miss the ad (unless I scroll up to see what it may be).

I'd assume this counts as an ad served, but it isn't seen. Now I know the ads are real cheap and it is just one count, but should it be different?

December 30

tag fixing gone awry.

tag fixing gone awry. the culprit appears to be a colon inserted rather than a double quote mark in the html source for an href=url key-value pair, causing the tag fixer to become very confused and add an extra double-quote mark -- one for each of two a href tags -- at the end of the tags. you'll have to view source to see what the post was actually meant to be and where the problem is.

December 28

Your Seven Wonders of the Web

In light of the Guardian's Seven Wonders of the Web (though more importantly because it would be very interesting) would it be possible to ask Matt and some of Metafilter's most active members to share here in Metatalk what their selections would have been? (I assume its ok to ask and this is an appropriate post ?)

How do you pronounce 'mefi'?

How do you pronounce the shortened "MeFi"? "meh fee," "me-figh" or something else?

Username embarrasses me

Would it be out of line to ask new member ( . )( . ) to choose another handle? It's annoying and embarrassing to type; vaguely sexist and makes it difficult to address his comments seriously because it's so graphically distracting.
Come on, Jason Kent, do yourself and all of us a favour and choose a sobriquet with some letters in it. It can be as juvenile as you like, but minimally verbal. You seem keen and have points to make. We'd appreciate the gesture, believe me.

Duplicate link in previous threads

I just tried to post a link to this article: http://english.joins.com/Article.asp?aid=20011226014315&sid=300, but I got this message instead.

The link you entered ( ) was found in 12676 previous threads.

This can't be possible, can it? Any ideas?

December 27

I can't see the comments on MeFi....

I suppose Matt is just working on something, but I can't see the comments on MeFi. [error msg inside]

Spellchecker.net didn't work for me when posting this morning

Spellchecker.net didn't work for me when posting this morning -- instead of a spellchecker window, I got this message:
Due to the current advertising climate, SpellChecker.net no longer offers a banner supported service. Webmasters: click here to sign up for the paid version of the SpellChecker.net system.

Can I get the Metafilter code?

I like MeFi. I think it it sexy. Now where can I get the code for it? Are there even plans to releasing the code?

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