170 posts tagged with AskMetafilter.
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Grammatical error
Improper grammar on the Ask MeFi New Question page when you've already posted a question?
You may ask another question in: 1 days, 5 hours, 55 minutes, 57 seconds.
I think so. It would be nice if this could be fixed.
Name notification in thread?
Any chance of having a notification when my user name is mentioned in a thread? [more inside]
Comment is upside-down [more inside]
Can we dial it down a notch in AskMe
How can we, as a community of individuals, learn to respond and behave better in AskMe threads like the one about the male colleague being "unwittingly pervy" at work? [more inside]
Well, according to Ask Metafilter...
An example of Ask Metafilter as a cited resource (my online world meets my offline world and that delights me to no end :) [more inside]
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"?
What percentage of Ask MetaFilter questions are "hole-in-ones"? [more inside]
Weird posting error whilst using Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.5.
Weird posting error whilst using Safari 3.1.2 on OS X 10.5.5. [more inside]
Who asks the most interesting questions?
InfoDump Analysis Request. Who asks the most interesting questions in AskMe? [more inside]
Resolved != !stumped ?
Should tagging an AskMe thread "resolved" automatically remove the "stumped" tag, if it's there? [more inside]
Metafilter on writing
Learning how others write stories has been interesting. Hats off to all who contributed!
Should I accept this friend request?
Update on K & S
Update on K & S (and the effects of your support). [more inside]
A pony I can take out on the town
Would it be possible to expand the mobile menu on Ask to include posts by category and/or tags? [more inside]
Anonymous Ask MetaFilter, we need to talk
The number of anonymous questions, as a percentage of all AskMe questions, has been rising steadily over time [13 out of 100 today]. We were sitting around talking about this over email and what limits we could implement, when we figured maybe we'd just try to talk about it instead.... [more inside]
We do more good than the Justice League
Been seeing it for too long.
Is this where I complain about dfriedman constantly jumping into AskMefi threads with low-signal ten-word answers, seemingly eager just to be one of the first? [more inside]
Best of DTMFA?
May I please have your recommendation for the best, healthiest and most helpful of Ask.MetaFilter DTMFA relationship questions? [more inside]
Help me find this old AskMetafilter thread
There was an AskMetafilter thread sometime ago from a company wanting to fire their crazy IT guy, but they were afraid he installed back doors and other nefarious things and didn't know how to proceed. There was some good advice in the thread, but I can't seem to find it. [more inside]
Sidebar recommendation
I would like to submit this thread on ADD/ADHD for sidebarring. It contains some of the most honest, vulnerable, relatable descriptions of the effects on one's daily life that I have ever heard. Since ADD comes up a lot in AskMe, I think it would be valuable to highlight it.
Pony or Kill Me? Email Comment Notification
Pony? What about email (or MeMail) notifications when comments are entered in an AskMe thread? [more inside]
Looking for an ask.mefi comment about our corporate government
Looking for a comment on an ask.mefi question that was along the lines of "the government is run by corporations and there's nothing we can do about it and that's all it ever will be, ever," but in a much more eloquent way. I think it was sometime in the past 12 months. I know that's not a lot to go on, but anyone have a clue where I might find it?
Anonymous with benefits
A suggestion for AskMeFi: rather than (or in addition to) anonymous postings, why not give everyone a few throwaway accounts? [more inside]
Money Money Money
Please: point me to your favorite personal finance questions (and answers) on AskMe. [more inside]
"Mom, Dad -- why did Metafilter name me ----- ?"
Now we are six
Ask MetaFilter is six years old today-ish. The subsite that began without its own URL has grown into its own fully tagged, categorized (mostly) searchable archive of our little hive's collected wisdom. Just last month over 1900 users wrote questions and 5300 users gave answers. [more inside]
Me asking AskMes
What makes an AskMe question get a lot of answers? [more inside]
Jessamyn tells all!
An interview with Jessamyn West: lifeguard, librarian, mod. "AskMe anything, in moderation." At The Big Interview.
This is not my beautiful country
Location-specific questions in AskMe: could we please talk about options for this again? [more inside]
AskMe what you should be for Halloween.
Maximum Fun Questions
"Sponsored by Ask Metafilter. Thousands of Life's Little Questions, Answered. Online at ask.metafilter.com."
So, how long has AskMe been sponsoring The Sound of Young America? [more inside]
Too sweet to be sour too nice to be mean
slappy_pinchbottom asks for intergalactic hip hop. Gets some great suggestions. Revisits the thread a couple weeks later to post the resulting mix. Kudos!
Cleaning up a suicide scene, no big deal?
The suicide scene wasn't cleaned up and the new flooring crew just took it all in stride and cleaned it up, really?
Not so much a "Is this true" question, though there is a bit of that, but more curiosity if anyone has been a part of a flooring or cleaning crew and had to deal with situations like those in the question. [more inside]
When a user plans to get an AskMe thread deleted
It's still good, but...
Is AskMe somewhat less awesome than it used to be? [more inside]
Optimum posting time?
What are the peak hours of MeFi and AskMe? [more inside]
"Was the post on Ask Metafilter about ME???"
Busted by AskMe: have you ever posted a question about a relationship to AskMe, only to have the person you were writing about discover the post and call you out on it? [more inside]
Reusing Ask MeFi Q&A in a book
Tom Vanderbilt reuses Ask MetaFilter question and answers in his book Traffic [more inside]
First They Came for the AskMe Questions About Rectal Porn...
People who choose to complain about a question instead of trying to answer it are bad enough as is, but it was so excessive for this question about porn that the question itself got deleted and I think that's really inappropriate. [more inside]
Email notifications to AskMe threads
Is there a good way to get email notifications of updates to AskMe threads? [more inside]
Category request: Fitness
Category request: Fitness [more inside]
list members who frequently answer threads with a particular tag
AskMeFi pony request: list members who frequently answer threads with a particular tag [more inside]
Read before answering, please!
Do people's just not read through the questions on AskMefi before leaving answers? [more inside]
My Ask to include My favorites?
PonyFilter: when I favorite an Ask thread, it should appear in 'My Ask'
Temporary commenting lockout for bad behavior in AskMe?
Temporary commenting lockout for bad behavior in AskMe? Details and thoughts inside. [more inside]
Translate ReadMe int CheckMeOutFromLibrary
I seem to remember that in the wake of this question someone mentioned (on MeTa, I think) putting all the books that appealed to them into an Amazon wishlist. They were then able to use some sort of tool that exported it into a format useful for taking it to their public library. Does anyone remember this posting? I tried to search for it but my googleFu blah blah blah...
An AskMe about your favourite recommendations...
A good while ago, there was an AskMe question along the lines of 'what are the things you love to recommend', 'give me your top recommendations', and so on. Can anyone help me find it?
where's the gift list?
There was a list in the last few weeks of a bunch of weird places to get christmas gifts. One was the american science supply and the author commented that a similar list was put up last year. Searching metafilter and ask metafilter has proven fruitless. Can someone get me back to the post? thanks.
Fun Trick or Treat House Thread
Here's a great Halloween AskMe post from last year that bears revisiting.
Have Fun.
Follow-up to "Single Forever?"
I want to do a follow-up to the anonymous post What do you do with your life if you never get married? and confess to being....The Anonymous. [more inside]