28 posts tagged with Beer.
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

How are you celebrating? Are you reading about Irish history? Maybe some James Joyce? Or maybe you're having a nice stout craft beer. Just make sure it's poured correctly. Share how you are celebrating St. Patrick's Day or how you are not. And remember to stay safe.
posted by Fizz on Mar 17, 2017 - 98 comments

Hyper-local item exchange!

Mayor West's idea for a beer exchange seems like a pretty good one. Is it illegal? If not, can we do it? If yes, maybe we could do an exchange in the same spirit that is legal? [more inside]
posted by cubby on Feb 22, 2016 - 57 comments

Asheville's 20th brewery was almost called...

We almost got our own beer. Wonder who owns the name?
posted by Mr. Yuck on Mar 31, 2015 - 46 comments

It's a small MetaFilter world

The contacts section allows us to indicate who we've actually met. Would the infodump be able to tell us who among us has met the most MeFites? I know it's dependent on people selecting the "met" box when listing a contact, but I'm curious about the number.
posted by ambrosia on Dec 20, 2011 - 99 comments

St. Louis Happy Hour, Friday August 6th.

St. Louis: how's about a happy hour the evening of Friday, August 6th? Somewhere near Wash U/Forest Park? [more inside]
posted by Ufez Jones on Jul 25, 2010 - 4 comments

NC meetup - Mother Earth is a Big Boss in the Foothills, but brews are Boylan with the Aviator

North Carolinians, lend me your livers! (a.k.a., I'm going to Raleigh, N.C. from 7/22 to 7/27 and want to cobble together a meetup. Preferably one that involves beer.) [more inside]
posted by sysinfo on Jul 14, 2010 - 8 comments

Homebrew Swap!

Have you started receiving your Homebrew Swap (previously, previously) beer yet? I just got my first bottle!
posted by box on Jun 9, 2010 - 3 comments

Homebrew Swap 2010 Follow Up

Homebrew Swap Thread! Thanks to maurice and box for the booze! [more inside]
posted by mccarty.tim on Jun 9, 2010 - 56 comments

10.9.1, it's on.

It Has Been Decided (beer may have been involved). MeFi PDX 10.9.1 at Enchanted Forest. Logistics and details within. [more inside]
posted by geckoinpdx on Jun 6, 2010 - 83 comments

Blue skies in the Dear Green Place?

Summertime Glasgow Meet-up? [more inside]
posted by ClanvidHorse on May 18, 2010 - 16 comments

Stranded MeFite seeks booze, followed by floor.

My flight out of Boston has been cancelled. Feel like getting a drink? [more inside]
posted by fake on May 2, 2010 - 18 comments


Kalamazoo Meetup! [more inside]
posted by janelikes on Apr 28, 2010 - 11 comments

MeFi Homebrew Swap Open

Friends, MeFites, homebrewers lend me your beers! The MetaFilter Homebrew Swap (previously) is now taking applications. [more inside]
posted by revgeorge on Apr 7, 2010 - 80 comments

Veronika, der Spargel wächst!

Meet-up in Berlin? [more inside]
posted by runincircles on Mar 30, 2010 - 13 comments

Let us rock the 310

Hey Los Angeles West Siders, it's been a while, how about we have a few drinks? [more inside]
posted by mrzarquon on Feb 28, 2010 - 34 comments


Show of hands: how many MeFites make their own beer? Would you be interested in doing a homebrew swap similar to the CD swaps? [more inside]
posted by revgeorge on Feb 18, 2010 - 149 comments


Amsterdam Meetup! I'll be in Amsterdam the weekend of March 6-7. Let's have a beer. [more inside]
posted by vacapinta on Feb 9, 2010 - 42 comments

Sorry Dallas, you can always make the drive.

Sorry Dallas, Austin school's out meet-up? [more inside]
posted by djduckie on Nov 19, 2009 - 42 comments

November Austin meet-up

November Austin meet-up [more inside]
posted by djduckie on Nov 2, 2009 - 55 comments

Last minute Sydney meetup Sunday?

Anybody up for a last minute Sydney meetup on Sunday? emd3737 (aka Eileen) is visiting from Boston USA and it'd be a shame to send her off without meeting some of the local MetaFilter fauna. Sunday arvo at the Alfred Hotel, anyone?
posted by web-goddess on Oct 29, 2009 - 13 comments

any excuse for a meetup will do

Birmingham, AL: Let's watch some baseball and call it a meetup. [more inside]
posted by wearyaswater on Sep 5, 2009 - 15 comments

Let's keep it plain: it's a meet-up in Maine.

Who's in for an Original Portland™ meet-up with Cortex on September 12th? [more inside]
posted by Marie Mon Dieu on Aug 29, 2009 - 47 comments

there's a longhaired banjo player in my house and he wants beer!

Vermont playdate with cortex! [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Aug 28, 2009 - 1 comment

fixing ATX 10yr $ after falling off the planet

I need to know who ended up taking care of beers at ATX 10yr so I can give them the dosh sent to my paypal address. Also... [more inside]
posted by batmonkey on Aug 16, 2009 - 14 comments

Hooray, beer!

Brattleboro VT, next Thursday. Anyone want to come out and play? [more inside]
posted by grippycat on May 16, 2009 - 2 comments

Swedish meetups?

Has there ever been a meetup in Sweden? Are there enough of us to warrent a meet up or will the three of us just feel awkward? Maybe a Scandinavian combo? Malmö would be close enough for Danes to bridge, and for Norwegians to ski? (I keed)
posted by monocultured on Mar 28, 2009 - 18 comments

London Meet-up Round 2

Let's try this again... London meet-up, late January? [more inside]
posted by booknerd on Jan 12, 2009 - 38 comments

Beer + information = more, better information.

Get together at ASIS&T? [more inside]
posted by rachelpapers on Oct 3, 2007 - 8 comments

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