106 posts tagged with FeatureRequest.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 106. Subscribe:
Can I have a shiny new pony tomorrow?
With members flaming out in rapid succession recently (and I know that people do this all the time, but we seem to have a cluster right now), how difficult would it be for The Button to require email verification, say 24 hours after it is hit, before an account is actually closed? [more inside]
Searching For A Heart Of Gold
So Matt said "Full text search is in the works right now, and will be rolled out soon." Yayhooray! This is the part where I annoy him and pb and make their lives more difficult by asking everybody about their dream search features (and slip in a request or seven of my own). [more inside]
Favoriting users
Favoriting users? [more inside]
Tag Families
A request for 'tag groups' and 'tag aliases'. Explained inside.
Draft Posts?
Saved drafts of posts for the blue - crazy idea?
How about a filter that limits posts from having words over a certain length? Usually it's pasted URLs, and they always break the tables and require a manual cleanup. For instance.
Time for video.metafilter.com?
Time for video.metafilter.com?
I'd love to change the (Metafilter) world, but I don't know what to do-ooooooo......
StylesheetPonyFilter: I wander the MeFi universe in the Plain Text theme, thus The Blue is white, The Green is white and The Grey is also white. Wouldn't It Be Nice If hyperlinks in the white version of the Blue were blue (which they are), those in the white version of the Green were green and those in the white version of the Grey were grey?
Connect MeTa threads directly to the original threads that inspired them?
It would be extremely beneficial to be able to connect MeTa threads directly to the original threads that inspired them.
When someone posts an innappropriate/poorly formatted/whatever thread, calling it out in thread gets it sidetracked, but they are unlikely to ever see the MeTa thread, and flagging for deletion isn't always the best solution. This way you could simply create a 'linked' MeTa thread, a link would popup in the initial thread (directly under headline on inside?) and discussion ABOUT the thread could take place there. Similar to the way wikipedia treats neutrality disputes, etc.
When someone posts an innappropriate/poorly formatted/whatever thread, calling it out in thread gets it sidetracked, but they are unlikely to ever see the MeTa thread, and flagging for deletion isn't always the best solution. This way you could simply create a 'linked' MeTa thread, a link would popup in the initial thread (directly under headline on inside?) and discussion ABOUT the thread could take place there. Similar to the way wikipedia treats neutrality disputes, etc.
You are ineligible to post
Idea: what if the "New Post" and "New Question" links vanish-or change to say "You are ineligible to post"-when you aren't eligible? That would eliminate a lot of the "Oh lemme ax metafilter about that." ...*click*... "Sweet Lady Marmalade! I can't yet!"
Then when you're allowed again they change back to normal.
Then when you're allowed again they change back to normal.
Is it possible to gift someone a membership?
Is it possible to gift someone a membership? I have a friend sorely in need of a MeFi lifestyle awakening, but haven't seen a way to make this happen.
Discussion area in MeFi Music?
How about a discussion area in MeFi Music for members to set up collaborations? There's a lot of talent among the members, and I think it would be pretty cool to have the opportunity to collaborate with people across the world.
Sharing Nintendo DS Friend Codes
Hey Matt! You own a Nintendo DS, just like I do. Infact, Metafilter has several DS owners, as this question of mine revealed. The thing is, we're not playing each other online as we damn well should be. So how about adding a field or two on our preferences pages to allow us to prominently advertise our Friend Codes? It's been talked about before. Let's make it happen.
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions
AskMeFi should consider making a separate section for travel/location questions. Unless I'm going to be in London (Istanbul, Des Moines), I don't have an interest in the question or the answer.
one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only
Feature request: onsite search is back, and one enhancement I'd like to see is the ability to search through my comments only. [more]
High turnover on AskMe
I've noticed that AskMefi has a high turnover rate these days, and some questions don't get answered because they age too quickly.
Suggestion: how bout we have two columns of questions instead of one? So that older questions show up next to the newest one - and have a longer life?
Suggestion: how bout we have two columns of questions instead of one? So that older questions show up next to the newest one - and have a longer life?
Could we get a spoiler tag?
Could we get a <spoiler> tag?
Feedback system for flagging so I can see that it has some result
Feedback System for Flagging: Everytime someone posts a callaout to MeTa, the usual response is "flag it and move on", which is great in theory, but there's absolutely no feedback by doing that. A page that lists everything we've flagged and the respective follow-up. (Please note, these responses could be automatically generated based on the current status of the post/comment) Examples:
Comemnt #129382 - Flagged as: Offensive - Result: Flag noted by admin but ignored.
Post #129834 - Flagged as: Duplicate - Result: Post Deleted
Post #149493 - Flagged as: Excellent - Result: Added to sidebar
I think if users could see that flagging actually has some effect, they might be less liable to whine about it in MeTa Callouts.
Comemnt #129382 - Flagged as: Offensive - Result: Flag noted by admin but ignored.
Post #129834 - Flagged as: Duplicate - Result: Post Deleted
Post #149493 - Flagged as: Excellent - Result: Added to sidebar
I think if users could see that flagging actually has some effect, they might be less liable to whine about it in MeTa Callouts.
Feature Request: Handheld stylesheets.
Feature Request: Handheld stylesheets.
Can the checkmark for best answer be a link?
Can we make this a link:
? Cuz I always try to click on it whenever I see it, and it's driving me a little nuts. And it would be super convenient and save me a little scrolling when I just want to see the Best Answer. Yeah. Ponies!

Would it be worthwhile to incorporate a tag search?
Would it be worthwhile to incorporate a tag search as part of the post new thread process? I'm picturing it comparing the tags chosen for a new post to previously tagged threads, and displaying a list of threads with two or more tags in common.
Can we have the italics, bold and link buttons on the customize page, please?
Small pony please Santa. How about the 'i, B, link' buttons on the 'Customize' page? I'm not a(n) HTML samurai so that would really help someone like me when doing a mega-lazy/basic user-page layout.
Metafilter users closest to this user
Pony: at the end of the new "MetaFilter users near this user" query slap an "order by miles ascending". Not a big deal. I just want to stalk people in order, s'all. (That's a pretty damned sweet feature, btw).
Can we add a platform option for computer questions in AskMe?
Since many computer questions hit AskMe, can a notice be added to remind the poster to mark which platform he or she is using, or perhaps a pull-down menu? This will help people provide better answers.
Pony: alternate payment methods
Can we get another way to pay for accounts then paypal? I'd rather pay $20 for an account through another service then use them. There are several, relatively cheap credit card transaction services out there.
Pony request for live spell check
PonyRequestFilter: does anybody else (other than amberglow) perceive a rise in spelling errors since the deployment of live preview? Is a live spell check viable?
Live preview fixes some things but they still want more....
The live preview window seems to have fixed the old character entity problem... kinda. As long as you use hexadecimal character codes, things turn out fine. The annoying days of "????" "Oops, I meant ????" "Shit, make that ????" are almost over.
Since we're already so close, could we get one of the following?
1) Put a note under the text box reminding new users to use hex codes only.
2) Fix it so character names and decimal character codes work too.
Since we're already so close, could we get one of the following?
1) Put a note under the text box reminding new users to use hex codes only.
2) Fix it so character names and decimal character codes work too.
Could we have comments on the flag page?
This post about readings for a wedding has great responses, and links to other threads with great responses (disclaimer: I responded to one of them.) I flagged the link as Other, expecting to be able to comment, but sadly, there is no comment capability. Please administrator, consider granting this pony, "comments on the flag page," if it is not too large and cumbersome.
Is there a way to add words to the spell checker???
Does anyone besides me find it ironic that our spell checker doesn't know the word "MeFi"? and... scary that the suggestion for the correct spelling is "Mafia"
Is there a way to add words to the spell checker???
Is there a way to add words to the spell checker???
How do I work this Firefox-thingy again?
Could there be a customization option for Firefox users to have links open in a new tab?
We can haz Projects?
I've heard rumors around here about a potential .mefi section for 'fites to share projects they are working on with the community. Is this something that is in the works? If not, could it be considered?
Near-this-user outside the US, please?
Matt how hard would it be to add the near this user to people outside the USA? Assuming the code just uses a proximity match on zip code a similiar thing could be done with postal codes in Canada and I guess the UK.
All our non-US members, does your coutry have a similiar code?
All our non-US members, does your coutry have a similiar code?
Simultaneous callout and feature request
Could we have a post comment button on the comment page?
Could we have a post comment button on the comment page? Going through preview is unnecessary in a lot of cases, and in the cases where it is necessary people aren't going to let the extra step actually force them into previewing. Also, since it looks like preview for html character entities is going to remain broken for the time being, being able to hit preview and then going back and hitting post comment if all is well would be preferrable to having to preview and then fix up the entities again (or copying and pasting).
Categories on Metafilter and AskMe?
Why doesn't the green or the blue have categories like the grey?
I'm wondering if anyone's considered a sort of "MeFi Resources Pool".
I'm wondering if anyone's considered a sort of "MeFi Resources Pool". By that I mean a site where members can go and list things that they have access to and then when another member needs something they can check the pool to see if anyone else can help. For example, if someone needed a new X and someone else worked in an X store then person A could get X for a good deal and person B helps out another member. And, it just so happens that person A owns a book store, etc etc. Is this just a ridiculous idea because the person who owns the electronics store is gonna have 50 people asking for a good deal on a television or is this something that may be useful and if so, what's the best way for something like this to work?
Sarcasm within.
Could there be a feature that automatically posts the nude picture of the poster when a disparaging comment about anyone's physical appearance is made?
Navigation links to top?
Having the « Older... | ...Newer » links at the top of a thread [to the left of the date] as well as the bottom would be handy..?
Time Frame for Search Option
Would it be possible when performing a MeFi search to have a time option for more than a month, but less than a year? Maybe 6 months? Wouldn't this decrease "timing out"? Thanks!
A feature like "Recent Activity" would be great o track new comments
A recent comments feature for MetaTalk would be nice. Everyday there are a few comments that are posted to threads older than thirty days, and therefore don't show up even in the category pages (default view). At least untill the older threads are statically archived.
Can we sort by most visited/most clicked?
Has consideration been given previously for a Metafilter sort by most visited/most clicked on front page posts? Thanks.
Limit front page posts to once per day instead of 24 hours?
minor feature request: limit front page posts to once per day instead of 24 hours?
Pull-down box for comments selections?
How about a recent comments/my comments/most comments pull down box for MeTa?
Can we have years, please?
Threads are identified with a day and month, but not a year. Now that there are a couple years' worth of archive, it happens that people link to an older thread from a previous year, and when one goes to that page, all we see is something like "March 30." In many cases, placing the thread in its proper timeframe is extremely relevant. Is there any way to mark these with the year so that we know if we are dealing with March 30, 2001, March 30, 2000, March 30, 1999? This will only become more of a problem as the years go by.
Killfile request
I don't know if this has been mentioned or suggested before; but, regarding all the talk of 'stupid posts' and 'useless comments' --- what if matt built in an "ignore this user" feature? Then all posts from that user would never appear on your screen, all the comments would be blanked out with " *** this comment ignored ***"; or you could have your choice -- ignore posts but not comments. And then you could have a user admin screen that lets you see everyone you're ignoring. that way, you could periodically check and see if they've gotten better and you don't care to ignore them anymore.
again, i don't know if this has already been discussed. i searched for it but couldn't find anything. just a thought.
again, i don't know if this has already been discussed. i searched for it but couldn't find anything. just a thought.
RSS feeds for Metafilter and Metatalk (Oct. 2001)
If there were MetaFilter and MetaTalk RSS feeds that contained all of the information the front pages normally do, and we had permission to mirror them, it could take some server load off the site.
Would it be possible to implement a "watch thread" feature?
Matt: Would it be possible to implement a "watch thread" feature? With so many posts now there are some I really don't care to follow while others I'd like to check back on often and have them at the top when I log in or switch views. The sort by most or recent comments doesn't quite do the job in this instance.
Use the MeFi sidebar to draw attention to recent MeTa threads?
I posted this in another thread, but since you can't see new posts on MetaTalk, I decided to post it here. Would it be a good idea to list recent MetaTalk threads in a section of the right sidebar?
Also: would dates be better than days for right sidebar posts (7/27/01 instead of Friday)? Kind of like filepile. It's hard to tell how stale the news is with just days...
Also: would dates be better than days for right sidebar posts (7/27/01 instead of Friday)? Kind of like filepile. It's hard to tell how stale the news is with just days...
When you reload the page, can the "new" comments be updated?
i have this tendancy to sit on mefi's home page and just reload every now and then for new comments. (am i alone?) anyway, i notice that when you leave the site and revisit, you get a different tally of what comments are "new", but when you stay and reload, what was new last time is still considered a "new" comment (with newer ones added onto what was there previously).
my idea is to change the code such that when you reload the page, the "new" comments for a user are updated as when you leave and revisit the site. i don't know the algorithm you're using matt, so i don't know if this even feasible or not, or if anyone else would want the behavior to change.
my idea is to change the code such that when you reload the page, the "new" comments for a user are updated as when you leave and revisit the site. i don't know the algorithm you're using matt, so i don't know if this even feasible or not, or if anyone else would want the behavior to change.
Pony request request
How about a Requested feature list?