21 posts tagged with MST3K.
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Christmas Video Marathon #11

Well, we're doing it again. Starting early morning on Dec 23 and going through to the end of Dec 25, in our video share room, MST Club presents our 11th annual Christmas Marathon. Look inside for details! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 22, 2024 - 15 comments

Turkey Day 2024

Once again, we at MST Club, that tiny subset of the site that gathers to watch riffing and other things on Thursday nights (and still other things on Sunday and Tuesday) are piping in the official Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day stream off of Youtube to watch in our video share room throughout Thanksgiving Day. Or, if you want to watch it on their page instead, it should be available here, although I'll say their chat scroll rate will be much worse. More info inside-- [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 28, 2024 - 8 comments

10th Annual MST Club Xmas Marathon!

This year we are holding our tenth annual (yikes) Christmas Video Marathon, at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub. The enormity of that number is not lost of us. From the noon (Eastern time) of December 22nd, and all through December 23, 24 and 25, that's 84 straight hours of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials, along with other fun things, all produced with the intent of giving you something to unwind to during stressful times. More information inside.... [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 22, 2023 - 46 comments

9th Annual MST Club Xmas Video Marathon

Going from the early morning on December 23rd (going by US Eastern time) and going to midnight December 25th and usually a bit beyond, three solid days of riffing, weird movies and Christmas specials! It all takes place in MST Club's video share room. See inside for details! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 22, 2022 - 17 comments

Turkey Day in the MST Club room!

It is Thanksgiving Day, and as is our wanton wont, we are watching the official 2022 Turkey Day marathon (via their YouTube stream) of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes in the MST Club room all day long! It started at 7 AM and should be going for quite a while, they have a lot of episodes this year, and they've been "surgically enhanced," meaning they're uprezed and restored! Come join us for a while if that sounds fun!
posted by JHarris on Nov 24, 2022 - 1 comment

MST Club Election Day Show

Mystery Science Theater Club, that odd tiny little corner of MeFi that shows bad and weird movies Thursdays every week, is doing a day-long show on Tuesday for US Election Day, in our video share room. Most of what we'll be showing is riffed material this time, with the expectation that we'll need something cheerful. It is no excuse for not voting if you're in the US, but other than that come on by! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 7, 2022 - 7 comments

8th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon Social Distancing II

Here we go again! It's our eighth year sending out a constant stream of riffing, Christmas specials, video weirdness and strange movies, from midnight the morning on December 23, all through the 24th, and all through Christmas Day, and slightly beyond. This is where it'll all go down. We're here if you need us, or want us, whether to use for fun background, to fill odd moments, to see really really strange things late at night, to escape from family, or to obsessively watch over long periods (as those of us running it tend to do). With Omicron running rampant and many families choosing to distance again this year, we hope to lighten what may be a second sad year apart. More info inside! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 21, 2021 - 28 comments

MST3K: Turkey Day 2021

The folks who provide the show Mystery Science Theater 3000 stream a day-long series of episodes for folk to watch over Thanksgiving Day, and at that time we in MST Club "traditionally" put the YouTube embed of the stream in our cytube page, in place of our usual weekly show, as a shelter from the official feed chat's overwhelming scroll rate. The show is currently producing a 13th season right now, and it's known they're producing new material for between-episode interstitials this year, and going to announce the episodes for the new season. Assuming nothing goes wrong (it might), all of this takes place at the above link, starting at 9 AM Eastern Time. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 24, 2021 - 48 comments

MST Club Halloween Show 2021

We're going to have a show of MST episodes and assorted other things and movies in the MST Club room at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub this Halloween, beginning "officially" at 6 PM Eastern. It's kind of a preview of Turkey Day (which we traditionally try to get the stream in the room for us to watch together) and our annual Christmas Marathon. You can help us pick which episodes to watch with this Google Forms poll. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 28, 2021 - 9 comments

Turkey Day 2020

As has been usual for the past several years, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is running an internet-streamed collection of episodes for US Thanksgiving, which they call Turkey Day. It will be showing in many places. And as usual, MST Club (if it turns out we can embed the stream in our video room), will be watching along, and everyone is invited to watch too, in our little chat room environment isolated from the general internet hubbub. Everything starts at 9 AM Eastern time and runs all day long. It might be a nice thing to watch, especially if you are having a light Thanksgiving this year. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 25, 2020 - 22 comments

Election Day video destress party!

MST Club is planning a marathon of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, shorts and other fun things on November 3 that I'm calling... ELECTRON DAY! It will be in our usual video share room for MeFi members and anyone else to watch! AND Halloween we're doing an impromptu selection of spoo[k|p]y things in that same room! Click through for the deets-- [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Oct 30, 2020 - 15 comments

Turkey Day 2019

Word is that Joel Hodgson is doing another Turkey Day stream of classic MST3K episodes on Thanksgiving this year, starting at noon Eastern time, both through YouTube and their new 24 hour Twitch stream! The stream already shows MST3K all the time, but watching it for Thanksgiving is like a tradition, a tradition that we in MST Club believe strongly, so we watch the whole marathon in our video room each year, as kind of a preliminary for the big Christmas Marathon. Come join us!
posted by JHarris on Nov 24, 2019 - 21 comments

MST3K Turkey Day 2018

What we've done the past couple of years is set up the MST Club video sharing room (at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub) and embed Shout Factory's official stream of the event there, so we can watch it with other MeFi members and our own chatroom instead of the rapidly-scrolling chat of Twitch/Youtube MSTies. We plan on doing that this year too, BUT NOTE, the official event is this Sunday, November 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day like years past! AND it looks like it's going to consist of ALL OF NEW SEASON 12! For more, look inside.... [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 15, 2018 - 19 comments

MST Club Video Marathon 2017: Christmas In SPAAAACE

This is MST Club announcing our 4th annual "No Stress" Christmas Video Marathon! No Stress means it's pretty laid back as far as marathons go: feel free to have it going on in the background to cooking, sleeping, football or whatever, or exchange jokes with us in the chat window. The primary site of this thing is the MST Club Cytube page, with our Rabb.it room as a possible alternate if things go awry. The time is throughout December 24 and 25, from 6 AM Eastern/ 3 AM Pacific through to Midnight on the 25th. Come by with or without your favorite nog if you like! More details are in the extended description. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 23, 2017 - 16 comments

Turkey Day 2017 with MST Club

Last year we discovered that our cytu.be video sharing room worked well with the official Shout Factory YouTube stream of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 Turkey Day marathon. So, presuming that it works so well again, some of us will be getting together to watch bad movies all day long, official style, and without having to compete with a horde of wanna-be-witty YouPotatoes in their chat. No, we can be wanna-be-witty all by ourselves, and starch-free, thank you! It'll be happening in the cytu.be room for MST Club starting Noon Eastern time and going for probably 12 hours. Drop by for the whole thing, or for just as long as you want, like when Uncle Noxious starts talking politics and you just need somewhere to GO. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone in the US, happy Just Another Day everyone else! [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 22, 2017 - 28 comments

2016 MST3K Club No-Stress Christmas Video Marathon

For the third year running, those of us in MST Club are planning a holiday marathon of video festialities. (Jonathan Harris voice: "That's not a word!") On the menu: MST3K Christmas movies, a few other riffing delicacies, a wide assortment of Christmas specials and episodes both good and bad, and some other short oddments thrown in. Once again, the purpose is to be the good-natured background radiation to your Christmas rituals, taking the edge off the hard moments and adding extra cheer to the soft ones. Come by whenever and however long you want. Official times: 6 AM Eastern Christmas Eve through to 6 AM December 26. As usual, the site of this madness is the MST Club cytube page. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 21, 2016 - 18 comments

Election Destress Video Marathon

Over in MST Club, oneswellfoop had the idea to show MST3K (especially Pod People, the one with Trumpy, a much less dangerous version of the one that currently afflicts our nation) in an election day marathon over on the MST3K Club video page, running all day November 8. Sounds good to me! Details below. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 7, 2016 - 19 comments

2nd Annual MeFi MST3K Club Holiday Stream

Last year, instead of our usual MST3K Club showing around that time of week, we instead ran a holiday video marathon, a multi-day stream of MST3K and related content. The idea was to have a lot of things running continuously, so people who just wanted to hang out and watch some yuletide nonsense at odd moments could drop by, hang out for a bit, get in some laughs, then return to family/booze/bed, no matter the hour. A low maintenance, no guilt kind of marathon. We are trying it again this year, in the usual MST3K Club sync-video room. For more details, click through.... [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Dec 21, 2015 - 17 comments

Second Annual MST3K Turkey Marathon Chat?

I thoroughly enjoyed this event last year. I was working and so got out of family obligations which was nice. It was made doubly enjoyable by having an actually-fun Thanksgiving activity. MST3K is streaming their marathon this year as well: "Tune in right here on Thanksgiving day at 12 noon ET / 9 am PT for six classic episodes of MST3K, complete with brand new introductions by Joel Hodgson." Shall we meet again? MST3K Turkey Day Marathon 2014 chat.metafilter.com
posted by Beti on Nov 13, 2014 - 47 comments

This Thursday, A.D.

The time: Thursday at noon US Eastern time, 9 AM US Pacific, for approximately nine hours (maybe more, if special features are planned).
The place: Joel Hodgson's website, www.mst3kturkeyday.com.
The other place: our own chat server, chat.metafilter.com.
The reason: to watch a guy in space and his two wisecracking robots mock terrible movies. [more inside]
posted by JHarris on Nov 27, 2013 - 68 comments

You know you want to meet up, baby!

Boston area MST-up, Feb. 21. [more inside]
posted by Horace Rumpole on Feb 2, 2009 - 112 comments

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