53 posts tagged with christmas.
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Happy Holidays! What are you doing?
Hi y'all!
With the major holidays reaching their peak this week, how are you spending them this year, what are you up to? Any special travel plans, or particular dishes you’re making this time around? What are you most looking forward to doing?
With the major holidays reaching their peak this week, how are you spending them this year, what are you up to? Any special travel plans, or particular dishes you’re making this time around? What are you most looking forward to doing?
Christmas Video Marathon #11
Well, we're doing it again. Starting early morning on Dec 23 and going through to the end of Dec 25, in our video share room, MST Club presents our 11th annual Christmas Marathon. Look inside for details! [more inside]
10th Annual MST Club Xmas Marathon!
This year we are holding our tenth annual (yikes) Christmas Video Marathon, at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub. The enormity of that number is not lost of us. From the noon (Eastern time) of December 22nd, and all through December 23, 24 and 25, that's 84 straight hours of irreverent Christmas comedy and specials, along with other fun things, all produced with the intent of giving you something to unwind to during stressful times. More information inside.... [more inside]
Did I mis-remember or does this Mefi post exist? [holiday gift list]
I remember at least two MeFI posts about an annual gift/list and/or catalogue that was full of ridiculously expensive and very niche holiday gifts and the author of the link to the article(s) was just delightfully sassy and salty about the entire list and the associated prices. [more inside]
What are your today traditions?
Even for people who do not celebrate Christmas, December 25th can be a bit of an odd day because a lot of places are closed, there's a sameness to the social media shares, and the internet gets ever so slightly quieter. Whether you celebrate or not, what are some things that you traditionally do today? Or just what are you up to?
9th Annual MST Club Xmas Video Marathon
Going from the early morning on December 23rd (going by US Eastern time) and going to midnight December 25th and usually a bit beyond, three solid days of riffing, weird movies and Christmas specials! It all takes place in MST Club's video share room. See inside for details! [more inside]
8th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon Social Distancing II
Here we go again! It's our eighth year sending out a constant stream of riffing, Christmas specials, video weirdness and strange movies, from midnight the morning on December 23, all through the 24th, and all through Christmas Day, and slightly beyond. This is where it'll all go down. We're here if you need us, or want us, whether to use for fun background, to fill odd moments, to see really really strange things late at night, to escape from family, or to obsessively watch over long periods (as those of us running it tend to do). With Omicron running rampant and many families choosing to distance again this year, we hope to lighten what may be a second sad year apart. More info inside! [more inside]
7th Annual MST Club Holiday Video Marathon Social Distancing Edition
It's time again for that weird thing we do, which is program 72 hours of specials, bad Christmas movies, MST3K episodes and other things. It's MST Club's 2020 Holiday Video Marathon! We usually put this in for intermittent yuletide jollies and destress, to help people relax at an often frustrating time of year. This year, with so many people sensibly staying home for the holidays, it promises both to be less and more stressful than usual. Anyone can come by and watch weird stuff with us, members or not! Our show runs from December 23 through to midnight December 25. Details inside! [more inside]
Help Pick the Winning Door
At the childcare center I work at, we are having a Christmas door decorating contest. Please help pick a winner.
The pictures and a link to the ballot are here. There are no prizes, just bragging rights until next year.
6th Annual MST Club Christmas Marathon
Hey all! The Christmas Marathon for this year is up and running! We have MST episodes, other riffing, specials and other bits of weirdness! Over 48 hours of stuff awaits you, for as long, where and when as you can stand it, at our cytu.be room at https://cytu.be/r/Metafilter_MST3KClub. We'll be showing things through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and we've even got some weird movies set up for the rest of today, so come on out if you want or need it! More details inside.... [more inside]
Random Acts of Kindness
End of another long week, let's carve out a space to talk about something other than politics for those that need that space. Let's talk about random acts of kindness. I just read this news story about a woman who let a stranger ahead of her in line while shopping, the stranger repaid this act of kindness by purchasing some of her items as a thank you. What are some random acts of kindness that you have experienced yourself? Maybe someone bought you a cup of coffee. Or passed on a parking ticket that still had time left on it. It could be the dinner that was paid for without your knowledge. Whatever it is, in keeping with the holiday spirit, let's talk about those random acts of kindness that surprised you. Don't forget that this includes being kind to yourself. Cheers.
The Great Mefi Cookie Swap 2019
Lovely mefities, Cookie Swapping Season is nigh! Sign up by December 1 to get in on all of this deliciousness. [more inside]
'Tis the Season
Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Saturnalia! Happy Kwanza! Glad Yul! Happy just another day of work or rest! Whether you celebrate the Christian religious holiday Christmas, or not. I wanted to have a place for us to share some happy with each other. Stay safe and warm. Hug your loved ones and know that you matter. Cheers!
MST Club Christmas Video Marathon 2018!
"That's a number five!" As in, this is the FIFTH YEAR MST Club's been doing this! I guess the secret's out that we show far more than just MST episodes there, we have a huge collection of old and new, good and bad specials, movies and Very Special Episodes, in addition to other videos and riffing of multiple flavors. This year we're doing it for THREE DAYS, staring Midnight (Eastern time) in the morning of December 23rd and going through to the end of Christmas Day. It's all taking place here. [more inside]
Were you the secret quonsar (2009) who gave me this ornament?
I received this lovely ornament for my Christmas tree from my Secret Quonsar. I believe it may have been 2009 or thereabouts. I'm making an album of my ornaments and there origins, and I'd like to give credit where credit is due. Did you send me this? I believe it was just signed Secret Quonsar at the time but I'd love to know who it was.
Barking Jingle Bells
Hi, Mefites! I have a need to see your pets in their holiday finery - sweaters, headgear, what-have-you. Have a picture of your cat in the tree? Need to see that too.
Metatalktail Hour: Open Holiday Thread!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm feeling Christmassy now that (American) Thanksgiving is in the books, and Hannukah is like ALMOST UPON US (so early this year!), so it's a holiday open thread! [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Holiday HoliYAY!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, an open thread for the holidays, and I hope you're having lovely ones! Tell us something holiday-y that's up with you.
MST Club Video Marathon 2017: Christmas In SPAAAACE
This is MST Club announcing our 4th annual "No Stress" Christmas Video Marathon! No Stress means it's pretty laid back as far as marathons go: feel free to have it going on in the background to cooking, sleeping, football or whatever, or exchange jokes with us in the chat window. The primary site of this thing is the MST Club Cytube page, with our Rabb.it room as a possible alternate if things go awry. The time is throughout December 24 and 25, from 6 AM Eastern/ 3 AM Pacific through to Midnight on the 25th. Come by with or without your favorite nog if you like! More details are in the extended description. [more inside]
Metatalktail Hour: Pre-Holiday Chatter
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! Now that Halloween is over, I am ready to GET HYPE for the winter holidays, and with the SUPER-INTENSE SNOWSTORM we had on Friday that made it impossible to drive, but only for an hour, I think the universe is telling me it's time to talk turkey. (And trees and menorahs and festivus poles and kinaras and champagne and red envelopes and logs and orbital mechanics and any other holiday accoutrements that may be common to your culture, family, or religion!) So what is up for the next couple months, what are you looking forward to, what are you making cunning plans to avoid, tell us everything holiday.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and for the rest of us I'm sure we'll enjoy Festivus. Share your plans/best present/whatever AND your single best Dec/Jan holiday recipe but YOU MUST PICK ONLY ONE. (It's like Highlander, but for recipes.)
2016 MST3K Club No-Stress Christmas Video Marathon
For the third year running, those of us in MST Club are planning a holiday marathon of video festialities. (Jonathan Harris voice: "That's not a word!") On the menu: MST3K Christmas movies, a few other riffing delicacies, a wide assortment of Christmas specials and episodes both good and bad, and some other short oddments thrown in. Once again, the purpose is to be the good-natured background radiation to your Christmas rituals, taking the edge off the hard moments and adding extra cheer to the soft ones. Come by whenever and however long you want. Official times: 6 AM Eastern Christmas Eve through to 6 AM December 26. As usual, the site of this madness is the MST Club cytube page. [more inside]
The thread with people opening their homes for Thanksgiving warmed my heart. Let's not forget there are those among us with nowhere to go for Christmas/other winter holidays. [more inside]
A MetaFilter Kindness
I'd like to call out raccoon409 who, in response to my AskMe, sent me some bourbon balls. [more inside]
Finding an AskMe re kids' post-holiday blues
I seem to remember reading an AskMe two or three years ago (though the question may have been older) where the asker described their child (daughter?) acting sort of ungrateful after Christmas, complaining that there weren't enough gifts, etc. One of the answers suggested that the child didn't really want more gifts, but was just feeling some post-holiday letdown, and offered some suggestions for dealing with that. [more inside]
A Patrick Swayze Christmas: all day Mystery Science Theater 3000 stream
Every week I put up a post about an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 over on FanFare. In conjunction with that, we've been having group watchings of the episodes online Thursday evenings through a stream syncing site. This year however, Thursday falls on Christmas Day. So instead, we're going to have an all-day marathon stream of MST-related Christmas artifacts. [more inside]
Is there an official Metafilter Charity we can donate to for Christmas?
I was just wondering is there an official (or at least majority agreed) charity that Mefite's can give to in Metafilters name ?
I know some people like to give to specific charities during this time of year. [more inside]
A fun little number and you should hear it
Listen, MetaFilter, 'tis the season and all that, so get yourself over to MetaFilter Music (you know, that subsite you never go to) and check out the absolutely wonderful little Hawaiian Christmas ditty that your fellow Mefier chococat posted, OK? It's called Mele Kalikimaka and it's big fun and just all kindsa damn good and full of holiday cheer and slippery guitars.
87: Dungeons and Dragons
Episode 87 of the podcast was recorded on December 9th and runs about 1hr 40min long as we recap our favorite posts from the past five weeks. [more inside]
Ugly Cat Cookies
Since the Metafilter cookie swap thread is now over 30 days old and closed to new comments, I have come here today to bring you, by popular request, the 7th sign of the impending Catpocalypse! Inside: the ugliest sugar cookies you have ever seen. [more inside]
Secret Quonsar Recieved
Yay for secretquonsar! Got my gift today! Hoping mine wings its way on time.
Secret Quonsar thank-you thread!
Secret Quonsar thank-you thread! [more inside]
Secret quonsor wtf?
So, in the Secret Quonsar swap I seem to have drawn someone who turns out to have done their PhD (last year) in my husband's department. Is there something in the algorithm that makes that more likely than the absolutely bizarre unlikelihood I would have thought it had?
Secret Quonsar 2012: Let's Talk About It
It's getting to be time for Secret Quonsar (a gift swap that happens in December among a subset of Mefites. Anyone can join if he or she wants to) again. I'm willing to do it again, having learned a lot from last year's events. If people would rather I not do it, send me an memail (or call me out here!) and if I get a critical mass, I'll step down. I want to talk about the two big issues we had last year. [more inside]
Thanks MeFites
Wherein, Its is written henceforth, we agree said submitter has only been a asshat half the time, we therefore allow him to say
Merry Christmas Metafilter,
without prejudice, and with a little extra love and barbeque sauce on the side. It's been a bad year, and you have always been in my corner. I thank about 115,000 people for that. Peace. ts
Merry Christmas Metafilter,
without prejudice, and with a little extra love and barbeque sauce on the side. It's been a bad year, and you have always been in my corner. I thank about 115,000 people for that. Peace. ts
And I don't mean spirit like vodka, because I've already got it.
Christmas spirit... I really didn't think I'd get any this year. [more inside]
5M: Stick This In Your Sleigh And Ride It
Episode 5 of the Metafilter Music Podcast is the second, naughtier half of the two-part holiday series that started last week. It's about 46 minutes long and features 19 songs by 17 different metafilter musicians. [more inside]
4M: A Socially Acceptable Christmas
This is the (long overdue) 4th episode of the Metafilter Music Podcast, and part one of two in a series of holiday-themed collections. This one is Nice, the next, in a few days, will be Naughty. This episode run just over 41 minutes and features songs by fourteen different mefite musicians. [more inside]
So come on, what did you get?
Ho ho ho
Happy Christmas Metafilter!
That is all.
Merry Christmas, MeFi!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all who celebrate it, and Happy Holidays to everyone. Best wishes for the New Year, and wherever you are, please enjoy the season with your family and friends.
God Bless Ye Merry GentleMefites
Lots of people seemed interested in my Christmas music question. With your help, I've finished the job. Thanks so much everyone!
Taking the Denver Meetup North.
Denver/Boulder/Longmont Mefites: Christmas Meetup? [more inside]
MeFi Mall...who's with me?
Tis the season...to shop Mefi? In this post, MadamJuJuJive posits an idea for us to have a Shop Mefi page for the holidays. I like the idea a lot, and not just because she pimped out my soap company. I would love to buy some of the art, music, photography and other goodies that fellow Mefites are making. So, how hard would it be to make a MeFi Mall?
Mefi Musicians... up for a challenge?
This is too weak for the blue (and many will say for the grey as well), and I'm too close to him for it not to be a "self-link," but I thought that some MeMu users may be interested in Sufjan Stevens' Xmas Song Swap. [more inside]
Too many gift questions in askme
At the risk of being a scrooge, is there any way at all to curtail xmas gift askme? I know everyone needs special unique gifts for all the special unique snowflakes in their lives, none of whom resemble in any way the recipients other people need to buy gifts for, but it doesn't add a great deal of value to the site as a whole and we've got another month or so of questions like this ahead of us...
Merry Christmas
At the risk of offending a number of people:
Merry Christmas.
Hope things are going well where you are at.
Merry Christmas.
Hope things are going well where you are at.
SantaCon Meetup Request
Any MeFite Santa Rampages in sight? (link inside)
Jingle Rock Bell
AskMefiFollowup: I like to sing Jingle Bell Rock, but using only the words "bell", "rock", and "jingle":
bell rock jingle rock
Bell jingle rock
Rock jingle rock
Bell jingle bell
Rock bell
Rock rock bell
Jingle rock, jingle rock
Bell bell bell
Drives my wife nuts. I'd record an MP3 of me doing it if someone could find me a karaoke track.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 10:25 AM PST on December 22
P. S. Tail, Esq, has followed through just in time for Christmas: May I present you with Jingle Rock Bell
bell rock jingle rock
Bell jingle rock
Rock jingle rock
Bell jingle bell
Rock bell
Rock rock bell
Jingle rock, jingle rock
Bell bell bell
Drives my wife nuts. I'd record an MP3 of me doing it if someone could find me a karaoke track.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 10:25 AM PST on December 22
P. S. Tail, Esq, has followed through just in time for Christmas: May I present you with Jingle Rock Bell
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