34 posts tagged with MeFite.
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“I have no idea how all these MeFites got wedged into Bluesky, or why"

Guardian: 'Bluesky adds 700,000 new members as users flee X after the US election.' Bluesky no longer needs an invite code to join. A directory of starter packs (of users), a directory of feeds, and some other tools and clients. Also, @madamjujujive.bsky.social‬ maintains a list of some MeFites, including a librarian in Vermont. Post title by @jeffleyser.com‬.
posted by Wordshore on Nov 15, 2024 - 86 comments

What is the MeFite meeting signal?

I'm going to meet a(nother) MeFite for the first time in a few days, and there's a possibility I'll meet a few more in the near future. Is there a special signal, hand gesture, code word, performative mime, or some other mechanism used by MeFites when they meet each other, either for the first time or on subsequent occasions? (And if not, should there be one?)
posted by Wordshore on Sep 2, 2020 - 99 comments

U.S. Gulf Coast Hurricane Check-in

Thinking of those MeFites and their loved ones in Louisiana, Texas, and elsewhere along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Please let us know how you’re faring!
posted by Songdog on Aug 27, 2020 - 7 comments

Most eponysterical post or comment

After seeing this post appear just now, are there other good recent examples of eponysterical posts or comments? The definition in the Mefi Wiki and Urban Dictionary, a 2007 Meta on the origin of the term which is a fun read, a 2005 Meta on such posts and comments and the old list compiled by scarabic.

posted by Wordshore on Aug 27, 2019 - 31 comments

Farewell pjern.

I am saddened to report that longtime member pjern has died today. He loved this website and all of you. As he travelled the country, he never missed an opportunity to go to a meetup. He was kind and generous and beloved. [more inside]
posted by ColdChef on Mar 6, 2019 - 266 comments

How many towels do MeFites own?

Because of this and similar towel counting, I suddenly have towel-ownership issues. How many do you own, or think you should own? How does it break down e.g. beach towel, bath towel, hand towel, toilet towel, face towel? And are there mitigating (and not private) factors that affect this number e.g. large family, pets, run a hotel, your job requires lots of towels? (note that if this is a security question for any account you should of course not answer)
posted by Wordshore on Feb 18, 2019 - 161 comments

Rest in Peace, MovableBookLady

Hi everyone. I'm here with a heavy heart to let you know that our beloved MovableBookLady has passed away. I heard the sad news from her best friend, Amy, who took the time to send me a thoughtful reply during this difficult time. From Amy: "She very much enjoyed her relationship with all of you! You were a source of laughter and joy to her! Thank you so much for being part of her life!" [more inside]
posted by rangefinder 1.4 on Jan 21, 2019 - 276 comments

rtha in hospice

I wanted to let folks know that long-time MeFite rtha, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer earlier this year, has ceased chemotherapy treatment and moved to in-home hospice care to focus on comfort and quality of life, and to ask you to come share well-wishes with her and her spouse gingerbeer. [Addendum: rtha passed away on the 10th. —c] [more inside]
posted by cortex on Nov 8, 2018 - 573 comments

Mefi's own headspace debuts at #1!

Our very own headspace has a new book out that was #1 in the Teen & Young Adult Gay & Lesbian Fiction category on Amazon. [more inside]
posted by pjern on Feb 27, 2018 - 30 comments

The Mighty, Mighty Mastodon Thread

Over on the #WomenBoycottTwitter thread, folks are discovering, rediscovering, and, more importantly, signing up for Mastodon, the open source social network. [more inside]
posted by Major Matt Mason Dixon on Oct 14, 2017 - 224 comments

Our very own headspace is in Time Magazine

Mefi's very own headspace is featured in Time for kids online at http://www.timeforkids.com/news/women-warriors/567936. Congrats!

Full disclosure: I'm her stepfather.
posted by pjern on Mar 2, 2017 - 18 comments

Blue turning red

I think it might be worth nothing here as well as in Rhaomi's amazing post that we now have mefi's own baggymp aka Tom Watson as Deputy Leader of the UK's Labour Party. I don't think anyone else has reached as high a political office?
posted by fearfulsymmetry on Sep 12, 2015 - 51 comments

A news-savvy community of over 60,000 users

User #1 describes MetaFilter in a piece "Even if it’s fake, it’s real" for the Nieman Journalism Lab. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Dec 27, 2013 - 2 comments

Which MeFite will be on Jeopardy! today?

Pitrified (aka Theresa Warner). Cheer her on as she makes her hometown of Alton, MO proud. Check your local listings. Sorry for the late notice!
posted by anaphoric on Oct 9, 2013 - 27 comments

Birds do it, bees do it, even couples on AskMe do it...

Good evening. I am considering the purchase of an account on MetaFilter for my fiancee. She may find it of use for work (academic librarianship, cataloging), domestic (cats, pies) and leisure; I've sent her pointers to FPPs on here which she has found of interest, and she may be able to contribute questions and comments to AskMe. But... [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on May 10, 2013 - 124 comments

Sometimes the universe is just creepy.

As the previous Secret Quonsar threads have been closed, I thought I'd share the weird coincidence our giftenating hath wrought. (Anyone else have odd MetaFilter connections to share?) [more inside]
posted by Madamina on Feb 22, 2013 - 42 comments

Our friend, WolfDaddy

It's with great sadness and an unbearably heavy heart that I share the news that MeFite WolfDaddy (and most recently, PapaLobo) has died. [more inside]
posted by ColdChef on Feb 19, 2013 - 376 comments

More about Dancing on John Wayne's Head, from p.a

Welcome to Pat Andrade (p.a) to MetaFilter, the producer of Dancing on John Wayne's Head, who joined to add some history to the making of the album.
posted by filthy light thief on Dec 30, 2012 - 22 comments

in a jam

Herein is pretty much the best (necessary) thread hijack ever. [more inside]
posted by threeants on Dec 28, 2012 - 84 comments

MeFites in Real Life: Acknowledge or No?

If I meet someone whose unusual real name I recognize from their profile, is it creepy to say "hey, I think I know you from Metafilter"? Or is it Not to Be Mentioned, like meeting one's therapist on the street?
posted by Wordwoman on Jul 23, 2012 - 121 comments

Find that Zoom & Enhance MeFite

There's a MeFite with amazing abilities for the computerized "zoom and enhance" trick who demonstrated those skills in an AskMeFi post a few months ago. If we can find that MeFite, s/he might be able to use those skills to help ID the hit-and-run car that struck down a DC Comics artist last weekend. [more inside]
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese on Jun 28, 2012 - 17 comments


Time to revisit the mefi Airbnb group! [more inside]
posted by Iteki on Apr 3, 2012 - 44 comments

MeFite authors meet their critics

Two articles by MeFites have been scrutinized rather closely in Metafilter threads in the last few days, and the authors of the pieces have participated in the threads: Maias's "The Link Between Adult Obesity and Childhood Trauma" and YoungAmerican's "Make Your Thing". [more inside]
posted by jayder on Feb 29, 2012 - 43 comments

Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops?

Longtime MeFite GaelFC's compendium of '70s and '80s childhood nostalgia, Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops? was released this week to much fanfare. [more inside]
posted by cirocco on Jun 9, 2011 - 27 comments


Strange question. Have two mefites ever kicked the crap out of each other? [more inside]
posted by tehloki on Jun 8, 2011 - 198 comments

The Mefite Library: Books By Mefites

The Mefite Library: Some of you might know that I'm a book editor. I was very excited to see so many books in the holiday shop, but I was also a little sad that mefites who have a hand in creating books in other ways aren't represented. So, I'm starting a page (on the wiki for now) to collect links to books that mefites have written, edited, been anthologized in, or otherwise created. (Have a book of your photography or art? Did all of the research for a book? Art directed or illustrated a book? Please include!) [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on Dec 14, 2010 - 43 comments

Help a friend and fellow mefite in need!

Calling all mefites! Please help scalefree! [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea on Nov 30, 2010 - 84 comments

Take My Wife -- $20, SAIT

...and, and what about those--those... "MeFite comedians," anyway? Yooouu know the ones I'm talking about: stand-ups, sketch comedians, "kooky performance artists"--I mean, come on, who *are* these people and are there any links to their stuff? Really!
posted by not_on_display on May 12, 2010 - 53 comments

MetaFilter Poll & Research Discussion Thread

Hi MeFites! This is the discussion thread for the MetaFilter Poll, appearing on the front page of MetaFilter, available for 5 days to logged-in site users. If you would like to take the poll, I would ask that you please do so BEFORE you read or participate in the discussion here. This is to help ensure that your responses to the poll questions are entirely your own decisions and are not influenced by the opinions of those participating in this thread. If you have already taken the poll or are not interested in taking the poll but would like to discuss it, please do so here. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Mar 24, 2010 - 455 comments

Follow up on J. R. Salzman aka Logboy

Follow up on J. R. Salzman aka Logboy in the New York Times today regarding his 7th win in the Lumberjack World Championships last weekend. A long time Mefite, he lost his right arm in Iraq in 2006, discussed previously here and here.
posted by Argyle on Jul 28, 2009 - 87 comments

-you overthink witty headlines.

You know you're a mefite if...
posted by Christ, what an asshole on May 4, 2009 - 352 comments


Congratulations to Mefite Eric Gjerde, whose website was the subject of a previous FFP, on the publication of his new book.
posted by Tube on Nov 9, 2008 - 8 comments

Mitheral rules!

Mitheral rules!
posted by ObscureReferenceMan on Jul 21, 2006 - 22 comments

Notable MeFites

Notable MeFites - who are they? I know everyone's special in their own little way, but which MeFites are really special - popularly famous or notable in their field. I've always wondered this...

Obvious examples excluded.
posted by bjork24 on Jul 3, 2006 - 117 comments

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