137 posts tagged with guidelines.
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Is linking to self-mirrored content self-linking?
Does the self linking ban apply if you move a clip from someone's page onto your youtube to save their bandwidth?
The video in question isn't theirs, it's simply someone hosting a clip from a tv show.
The video in question isn't theirs, it's simply someone hosting a clip from a tv show.
Hypothetical question
Am I stupid? Re: My very first deleted post. Yes, I've read the FAQ and some of the related discussions, and yes, I realize that hypotheticals are generally a no-no, but I thought this particular question could not be framed in any manner that was not hypothetical, if you catch my drift. Please berate me appropriately.
AskMe Guidelines
After seeing posts like little Miss Professor's object de amour, I don't think AskMeFi should be closed to scorn. Many people that ask questions are only looking for approval, not answers.
YouTube Etiquette
Why the need to type (YouTube) next to the link in a post that goes to YouTube? I don't care if your post links to YouTube, and since you posted it, neither should you. Following that logic, wouldn't we need to put (Txt File) next to links that go to pages of text, for example? YouTube seems to be a fully accepted internet format and as such does it need special deliniation? (say, unlike 'Flash")
I really like this thread (and, in fact, participated in it, but isn't it pretty much the definition of chatfilter?
Re-Post with Pictures?
I'm somewhat new to Ask MetaFilter, is it ok (scratch that), is it proper to re-post or a make a new post now that pictures are supplied? A few weeks ago I posted a question about the value of a Coke bottle with pork rib bones inside. At the time I had no pictures to go along with the original post, but a few days later I was able to post some, by that time the post was history - no response.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you for your consideration.
Music Guidelines
Question regarding the new Music section: Current guidelines run along the lines of "Music you have written and/or recorded". I have an album which I helped produce, but did not write/record. I was very much involved in the creation of this album and would like to post an example or two. [MI]
Illegal Advice on AskMe
Seems to me that this question on AskMe is asking for advice on how to break the law, specifically how to break immigration law restricting the scope of the poster's employment. In order to get around the immigration laws, the income couldn't be reported to IRS, so he's asking how to break tax laws too.
I don't really care, but it seems to me that if "How can I break this law," violates the askme guidelines, then this post needs to be yanked.
I don't really care, but it seems to me that if "How can I break this law," violates the askme guidelines, then this post needs to be yanked.
YouTube Guidelines
Could we get a moratorium on YouTube links?
Chatfilter Guidelines
Why was this deleted as "chatfilter" while countless indistinguishable threads weren't? [more inside]
This is new, right? I don't like it.
note: Help maintain a healthy, respectful discussion by focusing comments on the
issues, topics, and facts at hand -- not at other members of the site.
This is new, right? I don't like it.
issues, topics, and facts at hand -- not at other members of the site.
This is new, right? I don't like it.
Askme etiquette on using first line of question as title
I've noticed that when posting questions to AskMeFi people will often just copy verbatim the first sentence of their question text into the title field.
Bad Answers on AskMe
Q: "I'm unhappy about my wage system as a waiter." A: "stop being a whiner". I also don't think "move to Australia" is a very helpfull answer either.
Obit Guidelines
The Kirby Puckett obit thread has attracted some rather distasteful snark about the propriety of discussing "minor celeb deaths." Are obit threads inevitable? Should they be?
Link new question page to wiki?
On the ask.mefi "post a new question page," can we get a link to the What makes a good question wiki page?
Anonymous AskMe
When one submits an AskMeFi question anonymously, how long does it typically take to get posted? And if Matt rejects it, how would one know?
US-centric MeFi bias
I just know I'm going to get beaten up for this comment, but a lot of FPPs seem to assume that the audience is entirely American, or at least North American. The level of unthinking parochialism seems to have increased recently (or maybe it's just me). The Guidelines are silent as far as I can tell on whether MeFi has a particular cultural focus or bias, is there or should there be a policy on this?
Can anyone please tell me what the requirements are for posting on MetaFilter?
Can anyone please tell me what the requirements are for posting on MetaFilter?
I mean, it looks random but I am not sure.
I mean, it looks random but I am not sure.
Deleted AskMe
I'm pissed and slightly baffled. My first post to Ask MeFi was deleted. Apparently I should have posted it here in MetaTalk instead? No one has bothered to explain why, but I'm assuming it's because it was a question about MeFi. (Why do I keep having to log in every time I return to MeFi on my iBook, but not on my PC?)
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
Well, excuu-uuse me!
I paid $5 for the privilege of posting one question a week, which is then deleted? That's just rude.
Anonymous Posting
Roughly how long does it take for a question to be posted after someone submits an Anonymous post to Ask Metafilter?
Obituary Threads
MeFi obituary posts: Good, Bad and Ugly. Resolved: If you can't be bothered to find anything interesting about the person beyond a syndicated news story announcing their death or a slim encyclopedia-esque entry, you should let someone who does care post the obit to the front page.
Year-End Lists
One Line One Link Posts
When is a one-line FPP with no (or little) description appropriate for MeFi?
Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
Oh really? Is that so? Well, is this a good example then [MI]?
Guidelines for Katrina Posts
It's definitely the most horrible tragedy (and biggest news event, too) to hit the US since 9/11, no question about that. I'm just curious: will the Katrina posts ever end, in the near future? what's Matt's policy in this case? In short: what's the difference between a Katrina post that stays up and one that gets deleted? I don't mind Katrina being a large part of the front page, these days, of course. I'm just wondering. Frankly, most of the Katrina front page posts I see could have been just posted as comments in other threads, no disrespect intended.
Links to Copyrighted Material
As it's alright now to start posting links to copyrighted material, I wondered if anyone could FPP details on where to find the latest movies, albums and software.
Deleted AskMe
http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/22288. Deleted. Boo.
I want to know why. This was by far one of the Best Ask questions I've ever seen (over pet peeves.) I even flagged it as such. It was insightful, illuminating, and gave me great insight on others, as a writer, as a human being. Did it have a single answer? No. Was it a valuable question? Hell yes. Look at how many responses in such as short period of time.
Makes me want not to come here anymore. Close it instead. Deleting it robbed me of the perspectives of others. At least in closing it (Rather than deleting it) I'd have a chance to archive what I wrote (which is my copyright, isn't it?) and what others wrote.
I want to know why. This was by far one of the Best Ask questions I've ever seen (over pet peeves.) I even flagged it as such. It was insightful, illuminating, and gave me great insight on others, as a writer, as a human being. Did it have a single answer? No. Was it a valuable question? Hell yes. Look at how many responses in such as short period of time.
Makes me want not to come here anymore. Close it instead. Deleting it robbed me of the perspectives of others. At least in closing it (Rather than deleting it) I'd have a chance to archive what I wrote (which is my copyright, isn't it?) and what others wrote.
Op-Ed Deletion
This post was deleted for the following reason: single link to an op-ed?
Is it policy now to delete op-ed posts, or is this just done on a whim? I guess you could call it a "troll," but then, about half the FPPs I see could be construed as trolls.
Is it policy now to delete op-ed posts, or is this just done on a whim? I guess you could call it a "troll," but then, about half the FPPs I see could be construed as trolls.
Is This a Self-Link?
I am thinking of posting this to metafilter. It's my brother's warblog.
I wasn't involved in the creation of this site (other than installing his blog software), but he is my brother. His deployment began today, and he started blogging.... So I thought "hey, a chance for people to start following from day 1, that's the best of the web, right?" Anyone have any thoughts?
I wasn't involved in the creation of this site (other than installing his blog software), but he is my brother. His deployment began today, and he started blogging.... So I thought "hey, a chance for people to start following from day 1, that's the best of the web, right?" Anyone have any thoughts?
Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe
Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
Following the posting guidelines
How long do I have to comment in order to post?
How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man? I tried to post a link to the front page but was told that I haven't commented enough to earn that right yet -- but nowhere can I find stated how many comments I have to make first. I did a MeTa search but either I was unable to refine my search terms properly or the question has never been posed. Does anyone know, or do I have to take this upstairs? It's a damn fine link, too.
Not Quite a Self-Link
There are some interesting goings-on at my university that I'd like to post about. However, they regard a service which is currently under my jurisdiction on student council. My name might appear in some of the links, but none of them are BY me. I also don't intend to specify who exactly I am. Would that be considered a self-link?
AskMe Flag?
"Didn't check google before posting"
Can this be added as a reason to flag an AskMe post? Or is this already covered by "it breaks the guidelines"?
Can this be added as a reason to flag an AskMe post? Or is this already covered by "it breaks the guidelines"?
Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts?
Is there etiquette on commenting in your own posts (FPPs?)? I'm exercising restraint - don't want to end up on Noobs Gone Wild. Looser in the green than the blue?
Bad Grammar
Just let me know when your in town
Because your playing in the playground of the internets
Dude your going WAY out of your way to insult me personally
So I think your going over the top here
Jonmc your joking, right?
only you can prevent "your" abuse. for fuck's sake, please. [mo' inside]
Because your playing in the playground of the internets
Dude your going WAY out of your way to insult me personally
So I think your going over the top here
Jonmc your joking, right?
only you can prevent "your" abuse. for fuck's sake, please. [mo' inside]
Deleted comment cipher?
In this post a number of comments that (at least in my opinion) were legitimately funny but a little tasteless were removed without notice. Two questions - (1) would it make sense to have a "comment deleted" notice so that meta-comments make a little more sense, and (2) why were they deleted if none of the guidelines were violated?
Update guidelines page
Phil Greenspun has, sadly, closed Loquacious due to spam, and BlogVoices appears to have gone bye-bye too, but we're still pointing people to them on the guidelines page.
Single-Link FPPs
Are one link posts on Metafilter taboo these days? I often see it listed in complaints for bad FPPs. I couldn't find anything in the posting guidelines. Just curious.
Askers are asking multiple questions in AskMe threads
Stop cheating.
Adding a question mark doesn't make a legit AskMe
I don't care if it is phrased in the form of a question. Using AskMe to get in a second post because you "already shot [your] wad today with a different MeFi front page post and thought this merited a posting" is just not on.
A Word of Advice for New Users, From Your Uncle y6y6y6
A few words to our new users, from someone hardly qualified to give them. [more inside]
Guidelines for FPP
I have at least five more recent journal entries from soldiers in Iraq that I wanted to share, but I can't link people directly to these entries, as some of the posts are locked. Even though I provided a screenshot last time I shared a letter, showing the original post but censoring names, pictures, and possible OpSec issues, I still heard from people saying that it doesn't sound real and another person who supposedly wanted to send it to Snopes. So, my question is this... how best should I present this kind of material, and how can I / who can I trust to take a look at my sources and vouch for their authenticity, while still respecting these soldier's confidentiality?
Why Was I Deleted?
What happened to my thread about the November 9, 2004 Christopher Hitchens article on Slate.com? I know it was not DP (I searched), so that's not the answer. What exactly are the guidelines for deleting a thread? In light of the fact that I though my thread was relevant, appropriate and interesting I think the guidelines should be posted somewhere or e-mailed to MIFI uses.
AskMe Legality Guideline
Should Ask MetaFilter be used to help someone find software that is not suppose to be distributed?
"Thanks" is not a question
ThanksAskMe: Can we just assume we're all thankful for the bounties of AskMe, without posting there to that effect?
AnonyMe Guidelines
AnonyMe is up. Posts ensue! Yay! A pony! I personally think the Paxil query is exactly what AnonyMe should be for, and the good-lookin' cheaters question would have been better asked in the light of disclosure. What do you think? What's a good reason for anoymous posting, and what's a bad one? Let the guidelines scrimmage begin!
(Thanks Matt and thanks Seanyboy!)
(Thanks Matt and thanks Seanyboy!)
Watching Threads
How much flak will I catch if I start using "." to mark threads that I want to track on my "My Comments" page? I ask because there are several interesting threads that I want to monitor but in which I don't necessarily wish to post a message.
More Inside
[more inside] [mi], and all the variations thereof: is this not superfluous? If further initial content is needed from the poster (in order to avoid a long FPP), isn't simply adding the first comment sufficient? Looks like about 75% of posts in the green have that final embellishment.
There was a post in MeTa about dropping the [mi] habit I think within the last year, but over 2,000 results showed up when I searched. Stav possibly posted it?
There was a post in MeTa about dropping the [mi] habit I think within the last year, but over 2,000 results showed up when I searched. Stav possibly posted it?
AskMe Standards
Some AskMetafilter standards? Debated posting this because conformity is like, so something the MAN wants you to do. But when I was looking through the AskMetafilter archives I noticed a few things, like "more inside" and [filter][/filter] stuff that breaks the formatting.