79 posts tagged with new.
Displaying 51 through 79 of 79. Subscribe:

"New" count not accurate

AskMe tells me, "There have been no new questions and 146 comments posted since your last visit." But there have actually been four new questions since my last visit.
posted by PrinceValium on Jul 12, 2004 - 3 comments

"new" replies in a post are always incorrect

Whenver I log in, the "new" replies in a post are always incorrect when you are at the main page. You know, (42 posts 2 new). Is this something common? If it is, can it be easily fixed?
posted by Keyser Soze on Jul 11, 2004 - 1 comment

No unread threads? Unpossible!

Something is rotten in the state of ask.metafilter.com. For about a day now, each time I've visited AskMe just after visiting MetaTalk, it has told me that I have no unread threads, but dozens (or hundreds) of unread messages. I imagine that somehow the threads are being marked as read when I visit MetaTalk. Eerie!
posted by UKnowForKids on Jun 15, 2004 - 5 comments

the only words left to add are irrelevant

Do we really have to have a post every time the OED adds a couple of flash-in-the-pan words? [Glasgow kiss inside]
posted by me3dia on Jun 10, 2004 - 33 comments

Be Nice to the N00bs.

I'd like to remind everyone that we have some new users, and we really ought to encourage them as much as possible. While I agree entirely with the Q-man's sentiment, name-calling is counterproductive to the site, especially when it's a user's first FPP.

This isn't so much a call-out on quonsar, but a reminder that discouraging the new users is detrimental to the health of the site.
posted by jpoulos on Apr 29, 2004 - 93 comments

Anyone else getting their new link/comment counter reset to zero on the first (main page) reload?

Anyone else getting their new link/comment counter reset to zero on the first (main page) reload? Since yesterday or so, any time I click through to a thread and then go back to the front, every thread is reporting all comments as read. Seems to be happening on the grey and green too.
posted by billsaysthis on Jan 21, 2004 - 3 comments

Help with new user signups wanted

¡Finalmente! I'm finally going to turn on new user signups, and I'm shooting for doing it on Monday. But I could use some help [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Nov 26, 2003 - 201 comments

My name is demo, for we are many

please oh please would someone enable new users on mefi again. the shame and humiliation of posting as "demo" is monumentally soul-destroying. Won't anyone think of the children?
posted by demo on Jun 10, 2003 - 133 comments

Every comment in every thread is new

I've been on metafilter all day, and every comment in every thread from March 2 9:29pm is marked as new. I logged in this morning at or about 12:52 PM, and it is 3:23 as I write these words.
posted by rebeccablood on Mar 5, 2002 - 3 comments

New comments indicators more indicative

I fixed the long standing new comments bug on MetaTalk, so the new comments indicators should be more reliable and not "disappear" on you when you refresh the main page.
posted by mathowie on Feb 6, 2002 - 14 comments

"New comments" link together on one page

How about an option for the front page that would allow you to click the number of new comments and be taken to a page which contains those comments, threaded according to the corresponding post?
posted by Hildago on Nov 28, 2001 - 3 comments

My new-messages-in-threads count has not worked for some time now

My new-messages-in-threads count has not worked for some time now. Is it me or is it MeFi?
posted by rushmc on Sep 30, 2001 - 1 comment

Notification of new threads and comments.

Would it be possible to add a "There have been X new threads and Y new comments on MetaTalk since your last visit" to the MetaFilter page?
posted by skwm on Sep 30, 2001 - 5 comments

All your base are belong to us

The new AYBABTU?
posted by holloway on Sep 17, 2001 - 11 comments

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics, July 2001

Thread/Comment and User Growth statistics are up for July. This is the first month that threads and comments actually dropped slightly, largely because new user signups are still disabled. Also, we broke 10,000 user IDs yesterday. Congratulations, Ricci.
posted by waxpancake on Aug 2, 2001 - 26 comments

New link indicator on front page; pony!

I'd find it very useful if there were marks next to links on the front page so that I could see straight away which links are new since my last view. If I check the front page and there are 20-odd new links, I can't remember which I've seen before. Something like this would be nice.
posted by smaugy on Jun 29, 2001 - 2 comments

Sometimes I stash a topic href in my bookmarks for a few days

Sometimes I stash a topic href in my bookmarks for a few days, so I don't forget about it as it rolls further and further off the front page. It Would Be Neat if topic pages declared how many new messages they contained, preempting a bit of thought as to whether it's worth scrolling down and finding my place again.
posted by bumppo on Mar 22, 2001 - 1 comment

New Metatalk thread indicator

Could you please have a new MetaTalk thread indicator on the main page?

You could either have a MetaTalk (new) indicator in the menu on top, where the "new" doesn't need to be a link, or perhaps near the "There have been X links and Y comments posted since your last visit" you could display a new MetaTalk thread(s) indicator.

This feature is not important, but it would be nice, as I am sure there are others out there like me who forget to check MetaTalk a few times. :)
posted by riffola on Mar 4, 2001 - 5 comments


Wierdness. I'm logged in and all, but comments are always staying "new." I've tried logging in, then out, then back in again, trying refreshing the home page, closing broswer, nothing. My cookie settings are all on "accept." I'll read a discussion, go back to the home page, and all the topics still stay the same number of "new" comments. Anyone else having this problem? I'm using IE 5.0, Win98.
posted by gramcracker on Feb 18, 2001 - 1 comment

Like the new comments, don't like the >>

Like the ability to click on (2 new ») etc to get to new comments. Don't think the » is necessary. That is all.
posted by lbergstr on Feb 17, 2001 - 20 comments

can we start reading from the new comments?

Is it possible in the customization to enter each thread where the new comments begin? I have mentioned before that I'm not a programmer, so that's my excuse if this is a stupid question.
posted by norm on Feb 15, 2001 - 24 comments

Sorting options

Since I like links over drop-down menus, I'd like to see links in the "There have been 2 links and 21 comments posted since your last visit" sentence. For example, if I visit MeFi and my default sort is by most comments, I could click on "2 links" and have it sort by date. Or, I could click on "21 comments" and have it sort by recent comments.
posted by gluechunk on Feb 11, 2001 - 2 comments

Would it be feasible to let us munge our cookie/user data?

Would it be feasible to let us munge our cookie/user data? Specifically, the last date/time visited? It'd be something of a work-around for when the front page refreshes during topical views, and there's no indication of what threads contain new data.

I tried editing the cookie directly, but all those percentages confused me. :-)
posted by cCranium on Nov 17, 2000 - 7 comments

New user message appears in error

I've been a user for many months and posted many links and comments (54 and 75, to be exact). However, when I try to post a new link, I get the new user message that I can't post main page links yet. What's up with that?
posted by veruca on Nov 9, 2000 - 4 comments

Where I stopped reading indicator wanted

It's great that MetaFilter shows how many comments for each posting are new for you on the main page. It would be even greater if, on the comments page itself, there was some kind of indication of which were new. A simple
tag at the boundary would do...
posted by kindall on Nov 5, 2000 - 5 comments

New Comments Only

I tread warily here, but... Matt, you've been working on customisation and filtering, have you considered a preference that would display only new items? I've looked at the current Prefs page and don't see it, nor do I think it's come up in these threads discussing the filtering feature set (obvious apologies if I'm walking back over old, tired ground...).

A simple boolean should be enough to get started with this:

[ ] Show me only thread that have new comments

I'm assuming that you either consider a new thread to automatically be a new comment as well in the back end, or that you can relatively easily do so. Since the db already "knows" what we've read, you'd be screening us from any threads that have had no activity. The benefit would be to allow setting the "show number of days" up higher to track discussions you are interested in, without having to wade through the many, many threads that have their day or two in the MeFi sun and then go the way of all things.
posted by m.polo on Jul 9, 2000 - 0 comments

"New post" indicators gone

Maybe more of a feature request. Anyway, I find that Metafilter resets all too easily .. like if I hit back too many times, and realize I've gone offsite, and come back, I've lost all the "new post" indicators. Argh!
posted by dhartung on May 18, 2000 - 1 comment

new posts, new comments

It Would Be Nice If, from the Meta topic page, you could see the "new posts, new comments" numbers for the individual topic pages (especially if that included a flag for any place you'd been followed up).

Sometimes I'm just keeping up with my own patch, sometimes, I have *time* to be looking for new stuff.
posted by baylink on May 10, 2000 - 0 comments

how about having the word "new" link to an anchor

After each post, where it says "x comments (x new)," how about having the word "new" link to an anchor of the first new comment on that link's comments page?
posted by Nikolai on May 7, 2000 - 1 comment

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